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Select the option with correct match of population interaction and example.

(a) Commensalism - Clown fish and sea anemone

(b) Competition – Prickly pear cactus and moth

(c) Predation – Sparrow and seeds

(d) Mutualism - Mango tree and Orchid 


An example of commensalism is the interaction between sea anemone that has stinging tentacles and the clown fish that lives among them. The fish gets protection from predators which stay away from the stinging tentacles. The anemone does not appear to derive any benefit by hosting the clown fish.

A sparrow eating any seed is predation.

Prickly pear cactus is fed by a cactus-feeding predator (a moth). It is predation.

In case of an orchid growing as an epiphyte on a mango branch, orchid gets sunlight while mango tree derives no benefit. It is an example for commensalism.

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