
In the above sketch of the stomatal apparatus, label parts 1,2,3, and 4 correctly.
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I- Guard cell, II-Stoma, III-Starch granules, IV-Nucleus
I- Cytoplasm, II-Nucleus, III-Stoma, IV-Chloroplast
I- Guard cell, II-Starch, III-Nucleus, IV-Stoma
I- Cytoplasm, II-Chloroplast, III-Stoma, IV-Nucleus
answer is B.
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Concept: Stomata are minute pores commonly present on the leaf epidermis. Every stoma is lined by two specific green epidermal cells called guard cells, which are large kidney-formed, or bean-shaped. Like some other ordinary cells, they additionally have rich cytoplasm and a nucleus.
Chloroplasts are additionally present in them. Guard cells are additionally surrounded by particular epidermal cells called accessory cells.
Hence, the correct answer is option B.