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Complete the following sentence with commonly used familiar nouns:
He is so adamant that at times it is like talking to a __________ wall.

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Correct option is B

  • The above statement is a locution. An idiom or locution is an expression, word, or phrase that features a figurative meaning. The meaning is kind of different from the literal meaning. For example, after we say it's raining cats and dogs, it means it's raining heavily.
  • Option A: STONE is inaccurate because it doesn't form the specified meaning within the sentence.
  • Option B: BRICK is the correct answer. The entire idiom is – he's so adamant that now and then, it's like rebuking a brick wall. This set phrase is employed for somebody who refuses to concentrate on you.
  • Option C: WOODEN is inaccurate because it doesn't form the desired meaning within the sentence.
  • Option D: ROCK is wrong because it doesn't form the specified meaning within the sentence.

Hence,  option C is the correct answer.

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