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Identify the feminine noun(s) from the words given below:
Actress, spinster, duke, host, master, bee, goose

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actress, spinster, host, bee


actress, spinster, bee, goose


actress, host, bee, goose


actress, duke, host, bee

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Correct option is B

In the given question we are presented with a pair of nouns and that we must select the masculine and female from them.
Let’s take a glance at each of the given words. The words actress, spinster, bee and goose are feminine nouns.
Actress is employed to discuss with a female artist who acts in movies, plays or advertisements. Spinster is employed to check with an adult female who is middle aged or older. Bee though used generally may be a term that typically refers to a female. A male bee is known as drone. Goose is that the name used for the females from birds of waterflow species, the male of which is gander.
All the right words are mentioned only in Option B, actress, spinster, bee, goose and hence it's the proper answer.

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