EnglishUnseen Passage for Class 3 English

Unseen Passage for Class 3 English

Unseen Passage for Class 3 in English

Unseen passages are an essential part of the English curriculum for Class 3, designed to enhance students’ reading comprehension skills. These unseen passage for class 3 with answers typically consist of short stories or informative texts that students have not encountered before. The goal is to help them develop the ability to understand, analyze, and interpret written material.

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    In an unseen passage for Class 3, students will read a text followed by a series of questions that may include multiple-choice options, short answer questions, or worksheets with answers. For example, a grade 3 unseen passage might narrate an adventure involving young characters, prompting students to answer questions about the story’s events, characters, and main ideas.

    Practicing with unseen passages not only aids in improving vocabulary but also prepares students for examinations by familiarizing them with the format of questions they may encounter.

    Also Check: Unseen Passage for Class 2 in English

    Unseen Passage for Class 3 English with Answers

    Passage 1:

    The Busy Little Ant

    Once upon a time, in a sunny garden, there lived a busy little ant named Annie. Annie was not like the other ants; she loved to explore! Every day, she would leave her anthill and search for food and new places to visit.
    One day, while wandering near a big flower, Annie found a delicious crumb of bread. “Yummy!” she exclaimed. She quickly picked it up and started to carry it back home. On her way, she met her friend Benny the Beetle.
    “Where are you going, Annie?” asked Benny.
    “I found some food! Would you like to help me carry it?” Annie replied.
    Benny smiled and said, “Of course! Let’s work together!”
    Together, they carried the crumb back to the anthill. When they arrived, all the other ants cheered for Annie and Benny. “Hooray for teamwork!” they shouted.
    From that day on, Annie and Benny became the best of friends and always helped each other in their adventures.

    Unseen Passage Questions

    1. What is the name of the busy little ant?
      a) Benny
      b) Annie
      c) Charlie
    2. What did Annie find near the big flower?
      a) A leaf
      b) A crumb of bread
      c) A shiny rock
    3. Who did Annie meet on her way back?
      a) A butterfly
      b) Benny the Beetle
      c) A spider
    4. What did Annie and Benny do together?
      a) They played games.
      b) They carried the crumb back to the anthill.
      c) They went to sleep.
    5. What did the other ants cheer for?
      a) Annie’s singing
      b) Benny’s flying
      c) Teamwork

    Unseen Passage Answers

    1. b) Annie
    2. b) A crumb of bread
    3. b) Benny the Beetle
    4. b) They carried the crumb back to the anthill.
    5. c) Teamwork

    Unseen Passage for Class 3 English with Answers

    Here is the unseen passage for class 3 with multiple choice questions and answers:

    Passage 2:

    Once upon a time, in a beautiful garden, there lived a little rabbit named Benny. Benny was a curious rabbit who loved to explore new places. One sunny day, Benny found a shiny red apple under a big tree. The apple looked so delicious that Benny decided to take it home.

    On his way home, Benny met his friend, a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy saw the apple and asked, “Benny, can I have a bite of your apple?” Benny smiled and said, “Of course, Sammy! We can share it together.”

    Benny and Sammy sat under the big tree and ate the apple together. They were very happy and promised to share everything from now on.


    1. What was the name of the little rabbit in the story?
      • a) Tommy
      • b) Benny
      • c) Sammy
    2. What did Benny find under the big tree?
      • a) A banana
      • b) A carrot
      • c) A red apple
    3. Who did Benny meet on his way home?
      • a) A squirrel named Sammy
      • b) A bird named Tweety
      • c) A frog named Freddy
    4. What did Benny and Sammy do with the apple?
      • a) They gave it to a bird
      • b) They ate it together
      • c) They threw it away
    5. What did Benny and Sammy promise to do from now on?
      • a) Run fast
      • b) Share everything
      • c) Find more apples


    1. b) Benny
    2. c) A red apple
    3. a) A squirrel named Sammy
    4. b) They ate it together
    5. b) Share everything

    Unseen Passage for Class 3 English with Answers

    Passage 3:

    Lily was a little girl who loved flowers. She had a small garden in front of her house where she grew many colorful flowers. Every morning, Lily would water her flowers and talk to them. She believed that talking to flowers made them happy and helped them grow.

    One day, while watering her garden, Lily noticed a tiny seed on the ground. She picked it up and planted it in her garden. Every day, she took special care of the seed, watering it and giving it plenty of sunshine.

    After a few weeks, the seed grew into a beautiful sunflower. Lily was so excited! The sunflower was tall and bright, and it made her garden look even more beautiful.


    1. What did Lily love?
      • a) Animals
      • b) Flowers
      • c) Trees
    2. Where did Lily have her garden?
      • a) In front of her house
      • b) In her backyard
      • c) On the roof
    3. What did Lily find on the ground one day?
      • a) A flower
      • b) A leaf
      • c) A tiny seed
    4. What did Lily do with the seed?
      • a) She threw it away
      • b) She planted it in her garden
      • c) She gave it to her friend
    5. What did the seed grow into?
      • a) A rose
      • b) A sunflower
      • c) A tulip


    1. b) Flowers
    2. a) In front of her house
    3. c) A tiny seed
    4. b) She planted it in her garden
    5. b) A sunflower

    Unseen Passage for Class 3 Worksheet with Answers

    Passage 3:

    Maya was a little girl who loved to visit her grandmother’s house. Her grandmother lived in a small cottage at the edge of a forest. Every weekend, Maya would go to the cottage and spend time with her grandmother.

    One day, while walking in the forest with her grandmother, Maya saw a beautiful butterfly. The butterfly had bright blue wings with tiny yellow spots. Maya followed the butterfly as it fluttered from flower to flower. Her grandmother told her that the butterfly was called a Blue Morpho.

    Maya was fascinated by the butterfly and spent the whole afternoon watching it. When it was time to go home, Maya waved goodbye to the butterfly, promising to visit again soon.


    1. Fill in the Blanks:
      • Maya loved to visit her ______________’s house.
      • The butterfly had bright ______________ wings.
      • The butterfly was called a ______________.
    2. True or False:
      • Maya’s grandmother lived in a big city. (True/False)
      • The butterfly had red wings with black spots. (True/False)
      • Maya followed the butterfly from flower to flower. (True/False)
    3. Answer in One Word:
      • Where did Maya’s grandmother live? ______________
      • What did Maya see in the forest? ______________
      • What color were the butterfly’s wings? ______________


    1. Fill in the Blanks:
      • Maya loved to visit her grandmother’s house.
      • The butterfly had bright blue wings.
      • The butterfly was called a Blue Morpho.
    2. True or False:
      • Maya’s grandmother lived in a big city. False
      • The butterfly had red wings with black spots. False
      • Maya followed the butterfly from flower to flower. True
    3. Answer in One Word:
      • Where did Maya’s grandmother live? Cottage
      • What did Maya see in the forest? Butterfly
      • What color were the butterfly’s wings? Blue
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