Table of Contents
Drug Addiction Essay: Drug addiction is not a disease as it may seem to many people. It is a psychological disorder that leads a person to use drugs excessively. Even though the person may know that the drugs are harming his body, he cannot control his urge to consume more and more drugs. The addiction may start with a small quantity but gradually it increases with time. The person becomes a slave of drugs and cannot live without them. He may start stealing money to buy drugs. In some cases, he may even sell his body to buy drugs.
A drug is any substance that changes how a person feels or acts, whether it’s physically, mentally, emotionally, or behaviorally. Drug addiction, also called substance use disorder, happens when someone loses control over using drugs or medications, whether legal or not. Drugs like alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine fall into this category. When someone is addicted, they might keep using the drug even if it harms them.

Long and Short Drug Addiction Essay in English
Here are long and short essay on Drug Addiction of various lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. These Drug Addiction essay have been written using very simple and easy language to convey the facts on Drug Addiction among people.
After going through these essays you would be able to know what Drug Addiction is, how Drug Addiction is harmful to health, what are ways to overcome Drug Addiction, impact of Drug Addiction on human behaviour, etc.
Essay on Drug Addiction in 200 words – Essay 1
Drug addiction is a common problem these days. Vast number of people around the world suffers from this problem. Drugs offer an instant pleasure and relief from stress. Many people begin taking drugs as an escape from their painful reality. Others take drugs just to experience how it feels.
Yet others take it just to give company to their friends so that they don’t get left out. Whatever be the reason, before a person knows, he gets addicted to drugs and it is hard to get rid of this addiction. Short-term pleasure caused by the use of drugs can lead to serious long term problems. It can cause severe health issues and behavioural changes.
Some of the symptoms of drug addiction include loss of appetite, impaired coordination, and restlessness, loss of interest in work, financial issues, and change of social circle, secretive behaviour, frequent mood swings and anxious behaviour.
Many people argue that overcoming addiction just requires will power and determination. However, this is not it. It requires much more. Drug addiction alters the brain and causes powerful cravings. Will power alone cannot help overcome this strong urge. It is essential to seek professional help and take proper medication in order to get rid of drug addiction. It can take years to overcome this addiction and the chances of a relapse cannot be ruled out completely.
Essay on Drug Addiction in 300 words – Essay 2
Drug addiction weakens a person’s immune system. It causes various mental and physical illnesses. The problems can be both short term and long term. The kind of drug a person consumes, how he consumes it, how much he consumes it and the period of time for which he takes it form the basis of different health problems.
Drug Addiction: Impact on Physical Health
Drug addiction can take a toll on a person’s physical health. It harms various parts of the body including brain, throat, lungs, stomach, pancreas, liver, heart and the nervous system. It can cause health problems such as nausea, heart problem, damaged liver, stroke, lung disease, weight loss and even cancer.
Drug addicts also stand a high risk of contracting AIDS. This is because they usually share needles to inject drugs. Driving or even walking on the road while you are under the influence of drugs can be risky. Such a person has a high chance of meeting with accident.
Drug Addiction: Impact on Mental Health
Drug addiction has severe impact on a person’s brain. Drugs interfere with decision making and impact a person’s psychomotor skills. They can cause mental health issues such as depression, Alzheimer, insomnia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, conduct problems and psychosocial dysfunctions. Drug addicts have suicidal thoughts and often attempt suicide.
Drug Addiction: Effect on Unborn Babies
Addiction can put the unborn babies in high risk. Pregnant women addicted to drugs can harm the fetus. Unborn babies are likely to develop birth defects and both mental and physical abnormalities. Drug addiction can also result in premature birth. Some babies even display behavioural issues later in life. It is highly recommended to get rid of drug addiction before planning a baby.
Essay on Drug Addiction in 400 words – Essay 3
People belonging to different age groups and varied walks of life fall prey to drug addiction. While some are able to overcome this addiction with some difficulty, others get thrown in the dark world of drugs forever. One needs to be truly willing to get rid of drug addiction and put as much effort to overcome this abuse.
Essay on Drug Addiction
While anyone can develop drug addiction some people have a greater chance of developing this. Here is a look at people who are at high risk of developing drug addiction:
- Those who have suffered some heart wrenching/ traumatic experiences in life.
- who have a family history of drug addiction.
- Those who have suffered mental or physical abuse or neglect.
- Those suffering from depression and anxiety.
Ways to Overcome Drug Addiction
Here are some of the ways to overcome drug addiction:
List the Reasons to Quit
As you decide to quit drug addiction, make a list of the problems you are facing due to your addiction. This can include problems at work front, problems with your spouse, kids and parents, physical and mental health issues and more. Read this list everyday as you embark on your journey to quit this hazardous habit. This will motivate you to leave it.
Enroll at a Rehabilitation Centre
This is one of the main steps to overcome drug addiction. Good rehabilitation centres have qualified and experienced professionals who know just how to deal with the addicts and help them get rid of their drug addiction. Meeting other drug addicts and seeing how hard they are trying to leave this addiction to get back to normal life can also be encouraging.
Seek Support from Friends and Family
Love and support from our near and dear ones can play an important part when it comes to getting rid of drug addiction. It can help the drug addict stay determined and motivated to leave this detestable habit. So, do not hesitate to discuss this problem with them. They will be more than willing to help you get rid of the addiction.
As you stop the consumption of drugs, you may suffer from withdrawal symptoms. Medication is required to deal with these symptoms. Medication also helps in preventing relapse. Health issues that may have been caused due to drug addiction also need to be cured. Medicines will help cure them.
Drug addiction can be extremely hard to leave. However, it is not impossible to do so. Strong determination and support from friends and family can help in getting rid of drug addiction.
Essay on Drug Addiction – Impact of Drug Addiction on Human Behavioral (500 words) – Essay 5
Drug Addiction impacts the physical health badly. It puts the addict at the risk of incurring health problems such as cardiac arrest, stroke and abdominal pain. It also causes mental health issues such as depression, insomnia and bipolar disorder to name a few. In addition to impacting a person’s health, drug addiction also impacts the human behavioral. All kinds of drugs including cocaine, marijuana and weed, impact the brain instinct and cause mood swings that result in behavioral issues.
Common Behavioral Issues Faced by Drug Addicts
Drug addiction messes with a person’s brain function. It interferes with the way a person behaves and the kind of choices he makes.
A person who is under the influence of drugs can get highly aggressive. Drug addicts often get enraged on the smallest of things. This behaviour is not just seen when they are experiencing a high. Continual use of drugs somehow embeds aggressiveness in their personality. It is difficult to get along with such people. You need to be highly cautious around them as they can throw frequent bouts of anger and aggression.
Impaired Judgement
Drug addiction bars a person’s ability to think rationally. Drug addicts are unable to take proper decisions. Their judgement is impaired. They can no longer distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.
Drug addicts also display impulsive behaviour. They act and react without thinking much. This behaviour is usually displayed when they are feeling a high. However, they may even display impulsive behaviour when they return to their normal state. Drug addicts mostly take decisions that they regret later.
Loss of Self Control
Drug addiction takes over the addict’s brain and they lose self control. They cannot control their actions even if they wish to. Grow strong craving for drugs and it is hard to resist even though they wish to. They also cannot control their reaction to things. Drugs overpower their decisions, actions, reactions and behaviour.
Low Performance at Work
A person who grows addicted to drugs experiences a drop in performance at work/ school. He is unable to concentrate on his work and continually thinks about taking drugs. He feels lethargic and low on energy when he doesn’t get his supply. All this is a big hindrance to work.
It has been noted that those under the influence of drugs often hallucinate. They see things and hear noises that do not really exist. The drugs that are particularly known for causing hallucinations include Salvia, Mescaline, LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms and Ketamine.
In an attempt to hide their drug addiction from family and friends drug addicts often grow secretive. They usually avoid spending time with their parents/ kids/ spouse. They often socialize with other drug addicts and stop hanging out with other friends. This often makes them socially awkward.
Drug addiction can cause behavioural issues that can impact a person’s personal as well as professional life negatively. It is an addiction that one must get rid of as soon as possible. A person may struggle to make positive changes in his behaviour long after he has left drug addiction.
Long Essay on Drug Addiction: The Worst Addiction (600 words) – Essay 5
Drug intake releases large amount of dopamine that puts a person in an ecstatic state. People love experiencing this happy state and wish to get here time and again which is one of the main reasons of drug addiction. Initially most people take drugs voluntarily however it soon turns out to be an addiction. Drug addiction is the worst kind of addiction. It is hard to leave and the negative repercussions it has may last even after a person gets rid of this addiction.
Types of Drugs
Drugs have broadly been categorized into three types. These are depressant, stimulants and hallucinogens. Here is a look at the impact each one of them causes on a human mind and body:
- Depressants: Depressants include cannabis, opiates, benzodiazepines and alcohol. They are known to slow down the speed of the messages going to and from the brain and thus lower the ability to take charge of a situation. When taken in small amount, depressants can make a person feel relaxed. However, when taken in large quantity, these can cause nausea, vomiting and unconsciousness.
- Stimulants: Stimulants, on the other hand, speed up the messages going to and from the brain. They have the power to boost a person’s confidence level instantly. On the downside, they can cause high blood pressure, increase heart rate and cause restlessness, agitation and insomnia. Continual use of such drugs causes panic attacks, anxiety and paranoia. Stimulants include nicotine, caffeine, cocaine and amphetamines.
- Hallucinogens: Hallucinogens include LSF, PCP, cannabis, mescaline and psilocybin. These drugs cause hallucination and distort a person’s sense of reality. When taken continually, these drugs can cause high blood pressure, nausea, paranoia and numbness.
Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction
A person who grows addicted to drugs is likely to show the following signs and symptoms:
- Change in appetite
- Unexpected weight gain or weight loss
- Change in sleep pattern
- Slurred speech
- Change in friend circle
- Sudden bouts of anger
- Bloodshot eyes
- Loss of interest in work
- Low performance at work/school
- Secretive behaviour
- Being lethargic, distant and disinterested
- Frequent mood swings
- Lack of motivation
- Anxious behaviour
Drug Addiction Hampers Professional Life
Drug addiction has an adverse impact on a person’s brain. People lose their self control. They become so addicted to drugs that all they can think about is consuming them. This is the only thing that interests them. They are unable to concentrate on work and lose interest in it. Even if they try to work they feel lethargic and withdrawn.
Drugs have an impact on their cognitive skills, analytical skills and decision making power. This impacts their professional life adversely. Drug addicts also display irrational behaviour. They grow aggressive, develop impaired judgement and become impulsive. Such behaviour is unacceptable in an office setting. It puts them in a bad light and bars the chances of professional growth.
Drug Addiction Ruins Personal Relationships
A person addicted to drugs loves the company of those who take drugs and tries to spend most of his time with them. He is no longer interested in his family and friends. Often distances himself from them. He becomes irritable and aggressive. This leads to frequent arguments and quarrels which disturb his family life as well as his equation with his friends. A person addicted to drugs does not only spoil his own life but also of those around him.
Drug Addiction Essay FAQs
How do you write a drug essay?
To write a drug essay, start with an introduction about the topic's importance, include information about various types of drugs, their effects, and the consequences of drug abuse. Discuss prevention, treatment, and societal impact. Conclude with your thoughts or recommendations.
What is drug addiction in one sentence?
Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.
What is drug addiction class 9?
In a class 9 context, drug addiction is typically introduced as the harmful and unhealthy dependence on substances like drugs or alcohol, which can lead to physical, mental, and social problems.