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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 – Nutrition in Animals

Subject specialists have designed NCERT solutions for Science Class 7 Chapter 2 which includes thorough solutions for reference. These  NCERT solutions are updated according to the latest CBSE syllabus for 2024-25 and are provided in easy language for understanding. Tips and tricks are also provided.

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    Also Check: CBSE Syllabus for class 7 Science

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      Access NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals Question Answer

      Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Question Answer of Textbook Exercise

      Exercise Questions

      1. Fill in the blanks :

      1. The main steps of nutrition in humans are_________,_________, _________, _________, and _____________.
      2. The largest gland in the human body is_____________.
      3. The stomach releases hydrochloric acid and_____________juices which act on food.
      4. The inner wall of the small intestine has many finger-like outgrowths called_____________.
      5. Amoeba digests its food in the_____________.


      1. ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion
      2. liver
      3. digestive
      4. villi
      5. food vacuole

      2. Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false:

      1. Digestion of starch starts in the stomach. ( F )
      2. The tongue helps in mixing food with saliva. ( T )
      3. The gall bladder temporarily stores bile. ( T )
      4. The ruminants bring back swallowed grass into their mouth and chew it for sometime. ( T )

      3. Tick () mark the correct answer in each of the following:

      a. Fat is completely digested in the :

      1. stomach
      2. mouth
      3. small intestine (√)
      4. large intestine

      b. Water from the undigested food is absorbed mainly in the :

      1. stomach
      2. food pipe
      3. small intestine
      4. large intestine (√)

      4. Match the items of Column I with those given in Column II:

      Column- I Column- II
      Food components Product(s) of digestion
      Carbohydrates Fatty acids and glycerol
      Proteins Sugar
      Fats Amino acids


      Column- I Column- II
      Food components Product(s) of digestion
      Carbohydrates Sugar
      Proteins Amino acids
      Fats Fatty acids and glycerol

      5. What are villi ?Write their location and function.


      1. Tiny finger-like projections originating from the walls of the small intestine are called villi.
      2. Villi are located on the inner walls of small intestine.
      3. They increase the surface area for absorption of the digested food.
      4. The blood vessels present inside the villi absorbs the nutrients from the digested

      6. Where is the bileproduced ?Which component of the food does it help to digest ?


      1. Bile is produced in the liver.
      2. It plays an important role in the digestion of fats.

      7. Name the type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans. Give the reason also.


      1. Cellulose is a type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants and not by humans.
      2. Ruminants have a large sac-like structure called caecum in their digestive system where the food containing cellulose is digested by the action of certain bacteria.
      3. Humans cannot digest cellulose, as the cellulose digesting enzymes are absent in them.

      8. Why do we get instant energy from glucose ?

      A. Glucose is a simple sugar and can be easily absorbed into the blood to produce energy.

      Hence, glucose acts as an instant source of energy.

      9. Which part of the digestive canal is involvedin :

      1. absorption of food
      2. chewing of food
      3. killing of bacteria
      4. complete digestion of food
      5. formation of faeces


      1. small intestine
      2. buccal cavity
      3. stomach
      4. small intestine
      5. large intestine

      10. Write one similarity and one difference between the nutrition in Amoeba and human beings.


      The mode of nutrition in both Amoeba and human beings is Heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

      Differences between nutrition in Amoeba and human beings:

      1. Digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats starts in separate regions in human
      2. In Amoeba all the food components are digested in the food vacuole.

      11. Match the items of Column I with suitable items in Column II

      Column I Column II

      1) Salivary gland ( ) A) Bile juice secretion

      2) Stomach ( ) B) Storage of undigested food

      3) Liver ( ) C) Saliva secretion

      4) Rectum ( ) D) Acid release

      5) Small intestine ( ) E) Digestion is completed

      6) Large intestine ( ) F) Absorption of water

      G) Release of faeces


      1) C 2) D 3) A 4) B 5) E 6) F

      12. Label the following figure of the digestive system.


      13. Can we survive only on raw, leafy vegetables /grass ?Discuss.


      1. No, humans cannot survive only on raw, leafy vegetables or grass.
      2. It is because these are rich in cellulose, which cannot be digested due to the absence of cellulose digesting enzymes in our digestive system.

      Important Topics covered in Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

      1. Different ways of taking food
      2. Digestion in humans
      3. Digestion in grass-eating animals
      4. Feeding and digestion in amoeba

      Class 7 Science NCERT Solutions Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

      These NCERT Solutions are designed in such a way that students learn and practice questions related to animal nutrition. After that, this chapter cover important topics like nutrition and digestion in humans and animals as well as in simple organisms, the process of nutrition, digestive system, etc. The NCERT Solutions of this chapter also includes different examples and solved exercises that students must go through and use to prepare for exams.

      About Infinite Learn Solutions

      Infinite Learn mission is to create world-class learning content for students. We are focussed on raising the students learning abilities. These Solutions have been structured very carefully to give several benefits to the students that utilize these study materials. That is why, these are crafted by subject matter experts to focus on concept and its explanation.

      For any type of support related to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 given here, students can approach our support team who will help clear all their doubts. Students can also check out Infinite Learn for a more efficient learning experience.

      FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

      What is animal nutrition for class 7th?

      Animal nutrition for Class 7th covers how different animals obtain and process their food to extract necessary nutrients needed for growth, energy, and health.

      What is the name of Chapter 2 of Class 7 science?

      Chapter 2 of Class 7 Science is typically called Nutrition in Animals. It explores how various animals, including humans, digest and use different types of food.

      What are the nutrients of animals?

      The nutrients of animals include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. These essential nutrients support various bodily functions and maintain overall health.

      What are the 5 processes of nutrition in animals?

      The five processes of nutrition in animals are ingestion (taking in food), digestion (breaking down food), absorption (nutrients being absorbed by the body), assimilation (utilizing nutrients), and egestion (expelling waste).

      Which type of nutrition is found in animals?

      Animals exhibit heterotrophic nutrition, meaning they rely on consuming other organisms—plants or animals—to obtain their nutrients, unlike plants that produce their own food through photosynthesis.

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