BlogGeneralHelping Students during Difficult Time of Pandemic

Helping Students during Difficult Time of Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on people’s lives, and children are particularly affected. While many youngsters will be excited to return to school, others will be nervous or scared. Here are some suggestions to assist your children to deal with some of the complex feelings that returning to school may bring up.

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    Families around the country are adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic’s developing alterations in daily life. None of this is simple, but staying focused on what is attainable helps to reinforce a degree of stability and reassure youngsters that they are fine and that things will improve.

    Parenting During Covid-19 Pandemic

    It’s critical to remember that youngsters seek adults for advice on how to cope with stressful situations. As we all work through adjusting daily schedules, getting creative about how we spend time, connecting and supporting friends and family members in new ways, balancing work and other activities, processing additional information from authorities, and, this is also a fantastic opportunity for adults to model problem-solving, flexibility, and compassion for children.

    Following are the ways that can help


    • Be a role model for others. Children will imitate and react to your activities. They pick up on your example.
    • Be careful how you discuss COVID-19. Your child’s fear of COVID-19 may be increased or decreased as a result of your discussion.
    • If this is the case, assure your child that your family is healthy and that you will do everything possible to keep loved ones safe and well.
    • Listen carefully, or have them draw or write out their thoughts and feelings, and react honestly and reassuringly.
    • Explain the concept of social distancing- Children are likely to be perplexed as to why their parents or guardians refuse to let them hang out with their pals. Tell your child that your family is adhering to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommendations- Social distancing is one of them. Staying apart from others until the risk of catching COVID-19 is reduced is known as social distance. The “flatten the curve” graphics will assist older students to understand the implications of social separation. Explain that although we don’t know how long it takes to “flatten the curve” and lower the number of people infected, we do understand that this is an important time and that we must do our part by following the recommendations of health experts.
    • Exhibit deep breathing. Deep breathing is an effective way to relax the neurological system. Practice breathing exercises with your kids.
    • Concentrate on the positive.
    • Enjoy having extra time to spend with your family.
    • Make it as entertaining as possible. Make projects with your family.
    • Organize your possessions and create masterpieces.
    • Sing, laugh, and, if possible, get some exercise while connecting with nature. Allow older children to communicate with their peers over the internet.
    • Create and stick to a daily regimen.
    • Maintaining a routine gives you a sense of control, predictability, tranquility, and well-being.
    • When children and other family members can connect with friends digitally, it also helps them respect others’ desire for quiet or uninterrupted time.
    • Identify projects that may be of assistance to others. Writing letters to neighbors or anyone who may be stuck at home alone, as well as healthcare staff, sending encouraging comments via social media, or reading a beloved children’s book on a social media platform for younger children to hear are all examples of this.
    • Give a lot of affection.


    Allow your children’s inquiries to lead you. Answer their queries honestly, but refrain from providing unneeded details or facts. Don’t hold back on providing them with the knowledge that experts say is critical to their well-being. Children and adolescents frequently do not express their concerns because they are confused or do not want to bother their loved ones. They pose questions, listen to the answers, play, and then repeat the process. When children have influence over some parts of their lives, they feel empowered. Fear is lessened when one feels in control.


    • Correct any misunderstandings. Because children often picture circumstances that are worse than they are, providing developmentally appropriate information might help to alleviate anxiety.
    • Simple safety precautions should be explained.
    • Tell your youngster that this condition is contagious.


    • Parents and guardians should keep an eye on their children’s and their own television, internet, and social media usage. Constantly watching COVID-19 updates may create worry and anxiety. Information that is developmentally incorrect or geared for adults can likewise induce worry or bewilderment in young children.
    • Debunk rumors and false information. Explain to your youngster that many internet stories concerning COVID-19 may contain misinformation and incorrect facts. Older children, in particular, maybe getting a lot of inaccurate information from peers and the internet. Talk to your youngster about the facts regarding diseases.
    • Alternatives should be provided. Instead, include your child in games or other stimulating activities.


    • Children in the early elementary grades. Provide concise, uncomplicated knowledge that balances COVID-19 realities with suitable affirmations that adults are available to help children stay healthy and care for them if kids become ill. Give easy instances of how people prevent germs and keep healthy on a daily basis, such as hand washing. “Adults are working hard to keep you safe,” for example.
    • Children in upper primary and early middle school. This age group is more likely to express concerns about whether or not they are secure and what will occur if COVID-19 spreads in their location. They may require aid in distinguishing fact from gossip and fiction. Discuss the efforts being made by national, state, and local governments to prevent


    • Locate educational resources. The ability of schools to provide virtual learning experiences varies widely, but most schools provide classes and learning activities for students to complete.
    • Take advantage of the various companies and internet platforms currently offering free learning possibilities.
    • Locate new sources of information. Find out whether your school or district offers extra resources like meals or technology like a laptop or tablet.
    • Maintain contact. Investigate how the school communicates with parents and kids. Make sure you read everything you get in the mail. Check with your children, especially the older ones, as they may be receiving material that you should be aware of.
    • Make contact with the school’s administration. Make contact with your child’s teacher and any necessary school personnel.

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    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

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