MathsKnowing Our NumbersComparing NumbersKnowing our Numbers – Comparing Numbers | Class 6 Maths

Knowing our Numbers – Comparing Numbers | Class 6 Maths

Class 6 Maths Knowing our Numbers – Comparing Numbers

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    Table of Contents

    • General Rule of Comparing Numbers
    • Ascending Order – Definition
    • Descending Order – Definition
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we looked at the topics that will be covered in the lesson Knowing our Numbers. In this segment, we shall learn how to compare numbers and about Ascending and Descending order.

    What is the general rule of comparing numbers?

    While comparing numbers, we may come across 2 kinds of situations.

    Case 1: Numbers having different number of digits

    In this case, the numbers can be compared just by their number of digits. The number with a higher number of digits is the greater number.

    For example, between the numbers 202 and 93, 202 is definitely greater than 93. This is because 202 has 3 digits while 93 has only 2 digits

    Here is another set of numbers: 349, 29245, 4716, 11

    In this case, 29245 is greater than the rest. This is again because it has more digits than the remaining numbers in the given set.

    Case 2: Numbers having same number of digits

    To find the greater number when the number of digits in the given numbers is the same, the digits of the numbers are compared starting from the left.

    For example, to find the greater number between 7915 & 7823 follow these steps:

    – Start with the first digit; in this case, it is 7 for both numbers.

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