Factors of a term

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    • Factors of a Term
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    In the previous segment, we learnt about factors. In this segment, we will learn about Factors of a term.

    What are Factors of a term?

    The numbers and/or variables that are multiplied to form a term are the Factors of the term,

    For example, consider the algebraic expression 2?2 − 3??

    The terms of this expression are: 2?2??? − 3??

    Let us now express each term as its factors.

    • 2?2 = 2 × ? × ?

    So we can say that 2, x and x are the factors of the term, 2?2

    • −3?? = −1 × ? × ?

    So we can say that -3, x and y are the factors of the term, -3xy


    Factors of a Term

    Numbers and/or variables that are multiplied to form a term

    What’s next?

    In the next segment of Class 8 Maths, we will learn about Factorisation of Polynomials.

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