BiologyCellCell – Introduction Class 8 Biology Cell Structure and Functions

Cell – Introduction Class 8 Biology Cell Structure and Functions

Cell – Introduction

Table of Contents

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    • Cells
    • Summary
    • Did You Know?
    • What’s Next?

    In this segment of the chapter on ‘Cell Structure and Functions’, let us get ourselves introduced to the basic unit of life, the Cell.

    What are Cells?

    The building blocks of all living organisms are called Cells. Our body is made up of millions of such cells together. Thus, it is said to be life’s basic, structural, and functional unit.

    Cell Introduction

    Cells come in different numbers to form our body or any living organism’s body. Depending on

    the number of cells present in the organisms, they are classified into two types:

    • Unicellular Organisms – They are made up of only a single cell. For example, bacteria, protozoa, etc.
    • Multicellular Organisms – They are made up of many cells.

    For example, humans, dogs, etc.

    Cell – Introduction

    All the cells in the body are not uniform and look very different.

    Also Read: Facts About Animal cell – Introduction and 20 Facts About Animal Cells

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