PhysicsGravitationThrust and Pressure

Thrust and Pressure

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    • Thrust – Definition
    • Pressure – Definition
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt to calculate the weight of an object on the moon. In this segment, we will learn about the concepts of thrust and pressure.

    What is Thrust?

    The force exerted by an object perpendicular to the surface is called thrust. It is the total force acting perpendicular to the surface.

    SI unit of Thrust: Its SI unit is Newton

    Examples of applying thrust include activities in our daily lives, such as pushing a box or hammering a big nail into the ground. These are examples of forces acting perpendicular to the surface.

    What is Pressure?

    Pressure is defined as the Force or Thrust acting per unit area.

    Pressure is inversely proportional to the area on which the thrust is applied. It means that if the thrust is constant and the area is more, the pressure will be lesser. And if the area is less, the pressure will be more.


    Thrust and pressure are two fundamental concepts in physics that are related to each other. Thrust is a force that acts on a body, while pressure is the amount of force that a body exerts on a surface per unit area. Thrust is the force that causes a body to move forward, while pressure is the force that holds an object in place or resists its motion. Pressure can be generated by a variety of sources, including gravity, air resistance, and even water. Thrust can also be generated by a variety of sources, including engines, propellers, and turbines. Thrust and pressure are important for understanding the behavior of objects in motion, as well as for developing efficient propulsion systems.

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