BlogIIT-JEEDimensions of Specific Heat Capacity

Dimensions of Specific Heat Capacity


Knowing the molar or specific heat capacity of a pure substance, we can calculate the amount of heat required to raise/lower the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. Specific heat capacity can be defined as the amount of heat that a unit mass of a substance absorbs or releases to change its temperature by one unit.

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    In particular, both the heat capacity and the specific heat capacity are related to the temperature change of the substance, while the state of the substance (solid, liquid and gaseous) does not change. The specific heat capacity of a substance is the energy required to change the temperature of 1 unit of 1 kg of substance. Specific heat capacity (c) is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by 1 degree. Specific heat capacity is a measure of the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius.

    Important points:

    A specific temperature is the amount of heat required to increase the temperature per unit of weight.
    Generally, Joule’s temperatures are required to increase the temperature by 1 gram of sample 1 Kelvin or 1 degree Celsius.
    Water has a very high-temperature content, which makes it ideal for temperature control.

    Latent specific heat capacity:

    It is a measure of the heat energy (Q) released/absorbed per unit mass (m) during a phase/state change. Q = Heat absorbed or released depending on the direction of transformation. Heat flow depends on temperature difference I T = Hot T to Cold T I T = Hot T to Cold T.

    Heat is a source of energy that is transferred from the system to the environment due to the difference in their temperatures. It takes 4186 J of thermal energy to raise the water temperature by 1 K of water. Consequently, it is able to remove a significant amount of heat from the environment due to a single change in its temperature. A substance with a low heat capacity requires relatively less thermal energy to raise or lower its temperature, and therefore absorbs or releases less heat into and out of its environment per unit temperature change.

    “Heat must be added to cause an equivalent temperature change of twice the mass.”

    When the temperatures are equal, there is no net heat transfer because the heat transferred from one object to another is equal to the heat returned. Heat transfer also occurs due to heat conduction in the room, but much more slowly. When two objects come into contact, a large number of particle collisions occur, causing net heat to flow from the hot object to the colder object.

    The rate of radiating heat transfer depends primarily on the colour of the object. The amount of heat transferred depends on temperature change, system mass, and matter phase.

    “Heat transfer in gases can be achieved by maintaining a constant pressure or volume of the gas”

    This leads to two types of molar specific heats of gases. If the amount of a substance is expressed in moles ({eq} \ mu {/eq}) rather than mass ({eq} kg {/eq}), we define molar specific heat as the heat capacity per mole of a substance.

    As a basic quantity, mass is written in capital meters, where M is the unit of length. See Linear expansion coefficient, alpha, and gas constant are units that can be expressed as dimensions.

    “ There are two derived quantities that define heat capacity as an intense (i.e., independent of sample size) property of a substance.”

    We define this property as the amount of heat applied to a given mass of material to create a unit change in temperature. If the temperature at the sample location is known, the data can also be plotted as heat transfer versus temperature.

    Often only the heat flow rate obtained from the measurement of one sample is presented. Normalization of the heat release curve using scan rate and sample mass can result in pseudo measurements that can be used to determine temperature-dependent crystallinity and other quantities as shown in reference 8. If the flux calibration factor K(T) is temperature dependent, the resulting heat of fusion and other such parameters may not be correct.

    The specific heat capacity of water is five times greater than that of glass, which means that five times more heat is required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water than to raise the temperature of 1 kg of glass by the same number, degrees. In this analogy, the water poured into these buckets can be thought of as thermal energy added to two different materials. Delta Q = is the amount of heat that needs to be added to the object’s mass M” to increase its temperature delta T. Answer Since the number of moles is equal and we know that the molar heat capacities of the two gases are equal, the temperature is halfway between the initial temperatures, 300 K: We would like to generalize our results to ideal gases with more than one atom per molecule.


    The theoretical temperature range for large and large atoms with high temperatures at high temperatures, also approaches the Dulong-Petit 3R limit, as long as this counts each atomic mole, not molecules. The reason is that gases have very large molecules, in theory, they have almost the same high temperatures as solid, which lacks only (small) heat dissipation heat from potential energy that can be stored between different gas molecules.

    Relation between heat capacities:

    Measuring a certain temperature range with a constant volume can be extremely difficult for liquids and solids. That is, small temperature changes usually require large pressures to keep the liquid or solids at a constant volume, which means that the vessel containing it must be relatively strong or at least very strong. Instead, it is easy to measure the temperature in constant pressure and to adjust the temperature in a constant volume using mathematical relationships based on basic thermodynamic rules.


    How is specific heat capacity calculated?

    The formula is Cv = Q / (ΔT ⨉ m).

    Which units express heat capacity?

    The unit of Cp is J/kg/K.

    Which statement best describes why specific heat capacity?

    Specific heat capacity is an intensive property and does not depend on sample size.

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