BlogIIT-JEEDimension of Energy Density

Dimension of Energy Density

Dimension of Energy Density: The total quantity of energy of the system per unit volume is associated with energy density. The number of calories per gram of food, for example. Low-energy-density foods deliver less energy per gram of food, allowing you to eat more of them because there are fewer calories.

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    The specific energy of a fuel is defined as its energy density per unit mass. Inefficient processes and thermodynamic factors, an engine employing that fuel will produce less kinetic energy in general.

    A Brief Outline

    Energy density is the amount of energy stored per unit volume in a system or region of space. Both magnetoelectric fields apply equally to the energy density of electromagnetic waves. As a reason, the energy density of electric and magnetic fields is equal to the total of their energies.

    Important Concepts

    Energy densities differ from conversion efficiency (net output per input) and embodied energy is not the same thing. Large-scale, intense energy consumption affects and is influenced by climate, proper waste, and its effect on the environment. The energy required to push a compressed gas some more can be computed by multiplying the distinction between compressed gas and the external forces by the change in volume

    Dimensional Formula of Energy Density

    The dimensional formula of energy density is:

    [M1 L-1 T-2]

    M = Mass, L = Length, T = Time


    Energy Density = Energy × [Volume]-1 – 1

    Meanwhile Energy = Force × d = m × a × d

    Therefore, the dimensions of energy = [M1 L2 T-2] – 2

    And, the dimensional formula of volume = [M0 L3 T0] – 3

    On replacing equations (2) and (3) in equation (1)

    Energy Density = Energy × [Volume]-1

    = [M1 L2 T-2] × [M0 L3 T0]-1 = [M1 L-1 T-2].

    So, the energy density is dimensionally signified as [M1 L-1 T-2].

    Dimension of Energy Density

    Also Read: Dimensions Of Coefficient Of Viscosity

    Significance of dimension of energy density in IIT JEE exam

    It is critical to take a holistic approach to every facet of a subject’s chapter. It will not only adequately prepare you for the exam, but will also clarify your understanding of each topic. It will help you pass the JEE exam’s conceptual problems. The number of questions from the chapter unit and dimensions would be one or two, with a weightage of roughly four marks.


    What are the uses of dimensional formulas?

    It's being used to confirm the reliability of an equation. The dimensional formula can be used to connect different physical quantities.

    Why would the energy density formula include the sum of electric and magnetic field energy densities?

    The total amount of energy stored in a system per unit volume is known as energy density. Magnetic fields and electric fields are the primary sources of energy or energy density.

    What is the formula for calculating Energy Density?

    Electromagnetic waves carry energy into any system via the electric and magnetic fields. Because these fields impose forces on the system, the charges can move because work is done on them.

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