BlogIIT-JEEEquivalence Relations

Equivalence Relations

The relation in mathematics would be the relationship between two or more sets of values.

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    An equivalence relation is really a type of binary relation in mathematics that should be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. The “equal to (=)” relation is a very well example of an equivalence relation. That is, whenever two elements of the given set belong to the same equivalence class, they are equivalent.

    Such that if a binary relation ∼ on a set A is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive, it is said to be an equivalence relation.

    The examples given can help to explain equivalence relations:

    • On a set of numbers, the sign of ‘is equal to (=)’; for example, 1/3 = 3/9.
    • The relationship of ‘is similar to (~)’ and ‘is congruent to (≅)’ for a given set of triangles demonstrates equivalence.
    • The relation ‘congruence modulo n (≡)’ demonstrates equivalence for a given set of integers.
    • The image and domain are the same under a function, demonstrating the equivalence relation.
    • ‘has the same cosine’ for a set of all angles.
    • ‘has the same absolute value’ for a set of all real numbers.

    Equivalence Relation Proof

    Here’s an example of an equivalence relation to demonstrating the properties.

    Assume R is a relation on the set of ordered pairs of positive integers that ((a, b), (c, d)) ∈ R if and only if ad=bc. Can R be an equivalence relation?

    To demonstrate that R is an equivalence relation, we must demonstrate that it is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

    The following is the proof for the given condition:

    Reflexive Property

    As per the reflexive property, if (a, a) ∈ R, for every a∈A

    For every pair of positive integers,

    ((a, b),(a, b))∈ R.

    Easily, we can say

    ab = ab for all positive integers.

    Thus, the reflexive property is proved.

    Symmetric Property

    As per the symmetric property, if (a, b) ∈ R, then we can say (b, a) ∈ R

    According to a given condition,

    if ((a, b),(c, d)) ∈ R, then ((c, d),(a, b)) ∈ R.

    If ((a, b),(c, d))∈ R, then ad = bc and cb = da

    We know that multiplication is commutative.

    Thus, ((c, d),(a, b)) ∈ R

    Therefore, the symmetric property is proved.

    Transitive Property

    As per the transitive property, if (a, b) ∈ R and (b, c) ∈ R, then (a, c) also belongs to R

    We have the set of ordered pairs of positive integers,

    ((a, b), (c, d))∈ R and ((c, d), (e, f))∈ R,

    then ((a, b),(e, f) ∈ R.

    It can be assume that ((a, b), (c, d))∈ R and ((c, d), (e, f)) ∈ R.

    So, we get, ad = cb and cf = de.

    Such a relation implies that a/b = c/d and that c/d = e/f,

    Then, a/b = e/f we get af = be.

    Thus, ((a, b),(e, f))∈ R.

    Therefore, the transitive property is proved.


    Q. How do you determine equivalence relations?

    Ans: An equivalence relation can be defined as a relation R on a set A that is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. The equivalence relation is really a set relationship that is commonly represented by the symbol “∼”

    Q. What are the applications of equivalence relations in real life?

    Ans: Once we decide that two objects are “essentially the same” according to some criterion, we establish an equivalence relation. Colour is indeed a common example from everyday life: we say two objects are equivalent if they have the same colour.

    For more visit Equal and Equivalent Sets – Definition, Explanation, Examples and FAQs

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