EnglishSolved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Set 3

Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Set 3

General Instructions
  • The Question paper is divided into three sections: Section A – Reading 20 marks Section B – Writing and Grammar 30 marks Section C – Literature Textbooks and Extended Reading Text 30 marks
  • AU questions are compulsory.
  • Marks are indicated against each question.


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    Question 1: Read the passage given below and answer the questions/complete the statement that follow: Health insecurity is at an all-time high. In a time when thousands of people lose their health insurance every day, when health care is becoming elusive to even well- to-do Americans, and when any person is just one pink slip away from becoming uninsured, it becomes clear that health care for all is not just important to achieve, but imperative. At its root, the lack of health care for all in America is fundamentally a moral issue. The United States is the only industrialized nation that does not have some form of universal health care (defined as a basic guarantee of health care to all of its citizens). While other countries have declared health care to be a basic right, the United States treats health care as a privilege, only available to those who can afford it. In this sense, health care in America is treated as an economic good like a TV or VCR, not as social or public good. Although it can be very complex and frustrating at times, it has come a long way from the health care organizations of yesterday. Previously, most health care facilities were a place where the sick were housed and cared for until death. Physicians rarely practised in hospitals and only those who were fortunate; could afford proper care at home or in private clinics. Today the level of health care has excelled tremendously: presently the goal of the health care is to have a continuum of care for the patient, one which is integrated at all levels. Many hospitals offer a referral service or discharge plan to patients who are being discharged. Plans for the patient are discussed with a discharge planner. The discharge planner is a person who is trained in assessing what the patient’s requirements for health care will be after discharge from the hospital. (a) Why do Americans feel insecure with regard to health care? (b) How is The United States different from other advanced countries in terms of health care as a basic right? (c) Why does America consider health care as a privilege? (d) What is the level of health care in America today? (e) What is presently the goal of health care in the USA? (f) What is a discharge plan? (g) Supply a suitable title for the passage. (h) The word ’assessing’ means. Answer: (a) rising cost of health care and insurance (b) The United States is different as it does not have some form of universal health care. (c) America considers health care as economic good like a TV or VCR, not as social good. (d) The health care level has improved tremendously in America (e) The goal of healthcare in the USA is to have a continuum care for the patient. (f) A plan for the patients who are being discharged-to assess the patient’s requirements for health care after discharge. (g) Health care in the U.S.A. (h) estimating/evaluating Question 2: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follows: Many are familiar with Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore’s literary works and songs. One may well ask: Is there a central theme in Tagore’s works? There is a central theme, and that is his love of freedom and non-conformity which is evident in his works. Apart from being a literary genius, have you ever wondered what else did he love? Have you ever thought of tasting the bard’s favourite dishes? Now Kolkata can boast of a cafeteria-cum-restaurant, ’Cafe The’, where people can get a taste of Tagore’s culinary indulgences-all under one roof. It was conceived by Ratikanta Basu, who undertook a lot of research to make it a reality. The restaurant is located on H Chi Min Sarani in South Kolkata and is the first cafe- cum-restaurant in India that is exclusively dedicated to Tagore cuisine. Tagore would encourage the ’thakurs’ (cooks) in his ancestral palace in the northern part of the city to introduce Variations in the platter, by including local versions of continental and Peshawari cuisine. Thus, the cross over culture ensconced silently in the Kitchens of ’Thakurbari’ was launched, much before the clamour for cross-cultural cuisine actually started. The poet’s innate wanderlust took him to places like Italy, Spain, England, Turkey, and he imbibed the food traditions of respective countries. Since he was exposed to both oriental and continental cuisine, a penchant to blend the two forms came naturally. There are not many documents to support that Tagore was a die-hard food lover. But he actually was one, and whenever he attended a lunch or dinner abroad, he used to collect and bring back the menu cards. A part of the menu card will be a facsimile of the menu laid out for the dinner party hosted by India society, London, in 1912 to felicitate Tagore on the occasion of the publication of ’Gitanjali’, a collection of his poems. Even the decor of the cafe in south Kolkata has been designed to suit the ambience with large portraits of Tagore at various lunch and dinner parties across the world, his framed write-ups on food, of course softly played Tagore songs. (a) What was the underlying theme of Tagore’s works? (b) How has Rathikant Basu paid tribute to Tagore? (c) What do you understand by “cross-cultural cuisine”? (d) What was the purpose of the dinner party hosted by India society? (e) What is meant by ’penchant’? (Para 5 ) (f) What is meant by ’innate ’? (Para 5) (g) Find the word opposite in meaning to ’disperse ’. (Para 6) (h) Find the word opposite in meaning to ’covered’. (Para 5) Answer: (a) According to the writer, the underlying theme of Tagore’s works can be termed as his love of freedom, and non-conformity. (b) Rathikant Basu has paid tribute to Tagore by opening a cafeteria- cum- restaurant, ’Cafe The’, where people can get a taste of Tagore’s culinary indulgences-all under one roof. (c) “cross cultural cuisine” means local versions of food or recipes being reinvented with a continental touch or vice versa. (d) The purpose of the dinner party hosted by Indian society was to felicitate Tagore on the occasion of the publication of ’Gitanjali’, a collection of his poems. (e) liking/fondness/desire (f) inborn/natural/intrinsic (g) collect (h) exposed


    Question 3: Write a Diary Entry in about 100-120 words describing experience of your visit to a Flower Exhibition. Answer: Monday 17th June 2014 8:00 p.m. Dear Diary, It is the start of the week. I am so excited. I am going to spend the entire week with my cousin Alok. Today we went to the Flower Exhibition. It was very interesting. Alok had suggested the idea of going to the exhibition. It was an annual exhibition for professionals in floriculture and landscape design. It was a comprehensive business platform covering all sectors of floriculture and flower business. The exhibition displayed a wide variety of exotic flowers. It also exhibited various flower species including hybrids. It was one of the country’s greatest flower show including events like Summer Garden Competition, Foliage Plants Show, Home Growing Competition, etc. The vibrant colours were totally out of this world. I look forward to attend more such exhibitions. Rajesh Question 4: Complete the story with the following beginning in about 200-250 words. Also give it a suitable title. Madhukar is Radhika’s constant companion. She met him in the train in a very unusual way when…. Answer:


    Madhukar is Radhika’s constant companion. She met him in the train in a very unusual way when she was facing physical pain in her body. It was July last year when she, a medical student, was going back to her college after the summer vacations. She was glad that after a long period, she would be able to see her friends and enjoy her hostel life, but all of a sudden, she felt a severe headache and she began to reel. There was no one to look after her. Then to her amazement, a youngster come to her and asked about her problem. With extreme difficulty, she briefed him. The youngster knew everything and brought out his medical kit and gave her some medicine. She was hesitant to have anything from some stranger, but he assured her that he was a doctor and this was his duty to give comfort to his co-passengers. She took the medicine and got relief after some time. Till now, they had become good friends. They exchanged their mobile numbers. Since then, their friendship has strengthened and still they are constant companions. Question 5: Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write your answers in the answer sheet against the correct blank number. Do not copy the entire passage. Los Angeles’ architect, Frank Gehry is well known (a) ………… his striking and inventive creations. For Bilbao, he had designed a truly iconic building that now (b) ………… the city on postcards (c) ………… photographs around the world. (a) (i) about (ii) on (iii) because (iv) for (b) (i) represents (ii) represent (iii) represented (iv) representing (c) (i) on (ii) and (iii) with (iv) from Answer: (a) (iv) for (b) (i) represents (c) (ii) and Question 6: There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answer sheet as given below: Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Paper 3 6 Answer: Incorrect Correct (a) start started (b) is was (c) puts put (d) contains contained Question 7: Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences. e.g. is / of stars, / a galaxy/a/huge/interstellar material/mass/nebulae and A galaxy is a huge mass of stars, nebulae and interstellar material. (a) or word/is in/as a/one of/the best/you can make/letter-writer/processor/a typewriter / investments (b) has/advantages/handwriting/great/over/typing/two (c) always/and presented/it/neatly/is/legible Answer: (a) One of the best investments you can make as a letter-writer is in a typewriter or word processor. (b) Typing has two great advantages over handwriting. (c) It is always legible and presented neatly.


    Question 8: Read one of the extracts and answer the questions that follow: His first trip abroad was to Afghanistan where King Zahir Shah was so taken in by the maestro that he gifted him priceless Persian carpets and other souvenirs. (i) Bismillah Khan’s first trip abroad was to which country? (ii) What did Zahir Shah present Bismillah Khan? (iii) Who was the king of Afghanistan? (iv) Find word from the passage which has the same meaning as “momento”. OR Every tinkle on the shingles’ Has an echo in the heart And a thousand recollections Weave their air threads into woof As I listen to the patter Of the rain upon the roof (i) How does the poet describe the falling rain? (ii) What does the mind of the poet fancy? (iii) Who is the poet? (iv) Trace a word from the extract that means “memories”. Answer: (i) Bismillah Khan’s first trip abroad was to Afghanistan. (ii) Zahir Shah presented Bismillah Khan priceless Persian carpets and souvenirs. (iii) Zahir Shah (iv) Souvenirs OR (i) The poet says that the falling rain creates immense pleasure in his heart. (ii) Old thoughts and memories are recollected by the poet. (iii) The poet is Coates Kinney. (iv) Recollections. Question 9: Answer the following questions is about 30-40 words each. (a) How did ’pungi’ transform into a Shehnai? (b) Why did Kezia stammer in front of her father? (c) Why will the choice between two roads that seem very much alike make such a difference many years later in the life of the poet? (d) How did the child react when there was no sign of his parents? Answer: (a) ‘Pungi’ a musical instrument was banned because of its shrill and unpleasant sound. But a nai modified and perfected it and played it for the first time in Shah’s chamber. Thus, it came to be known as ’Shehnai’ (b) Kezia’s father always scolded her and never spoke to her in a loving manner. So, Kezia stammered in front of her father because she was afraid of him and found it difficult to speak in front of him. (c) A choice between two roads that seem very much alike will make such a big difference many years later in the poet’s life’ since this particular decision, this path opened up many different opportunities for him in future. The decision that he now makes will influence him and his life and his rest of the decisions, since the two roads are same, they still have varied options in them. (d) The child was very innocent. He gets confused and panic-stricken on not seeing his parents. He felt lonely without his parents amidst so much of crowd. The man who tried to console the child also did not achieve any success as the boy only needed his parents and no monetary benefit. Question 10: Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-120 words. Albert Enstein’s mother thought of him as a freak. Explain in about 100-120 words as to why she thought so? OR What happens when the poet listens to the patter of the rain? Do you think that rain is a narrative tool in the poet’s life? Answer: Value points:

    • Lacked trust
    • Acceptance
    • Awareness and tolerance

    Detailed Answer: Albert Einstein could not speak for about two and half years. And when he learnt to speak, he uttered every word twice. Even his playmates called him Brother Boring. His head was of abnormally large size. So his mother thought of him as a freak. Everywhere among his playmates as well as at school, he was regarded stupid and good for nothing. He felt suffocated and tired in the school due to its strict regimentation. What to say of others, his mother lacked trust in his potentials. She should have accepted his son’s different nature. Later his qualities of tolerance and awareness of global issues made him a world fame personality which proved everyone wrong, including his mother who thought of him as a freak. OR The raindrops play music on the roof and create a sound of pitter-patter. To the poet this music is blissful. At the beginning of the poem there is certain tinge of sadness around, which starts to weep away with the coming of raindrops. Every raindrop on the tiles of the roof creates a rhythm with the poet’s heartbeat. The poet tries to focus on listening to the pitter-patter on the roof whereas, his mind weaves the recollections of fond memories of yesteryears. Rain bears a subtle link with all aspects of life. It serves as a powerful narrative tool in the poet’s life. It has added a layer of depth and fullness to the situation where the poet is concerned. It delivers an effective voice which communicates the apt moment of time and space as well as the emotions of the protagonist in a more poignant manner than mere words would do. Question 11: Answer any one of the following questions in about 150-200 words: What did Gulliver admire in the Laputans and why? OR In what ways can the Houyhnhnms become role models for human beings? OR Why does Harris express a desire to die in Datchet? Who happened to save his life and how? OR How were J and George fooled by Harris at breakfast by making scrambled eggs? Answer: Value Points:

    • The prince was well-known for his hospitality to strangers—he also sent a tutor to help Gulliver to learn their language—he was given new clothes to wear—the people of Laputa had great faith in their theoretical disciplines—they were expert in astronomy- extraordinary in making charts—precise in calculation—through their extraordinary telescopes, the astronomers had made unparallel discoveries in the heavenly bodies—made catalogue of ten thousand fixed stars—discovered two satellites revolving around Mars— observed ninety—three different comets and calculated their periods with great precision

    Detailed Answer: Gulliver arrived at his new adventure in dramatic style to Laputa. He admired the Laputans. When he meets the Prince, he found him well known for his hospitality to strangers. The Prince sent a tutor to help Gulliver to learn their language so that he could know more about them. Along with it, he was given new clothes to wear. The people of Laputa had a great faith in their theoretical disciplines. They were expert astronomers. They had extra ordinary skills in making charts, precise in calculation through their extra ordinary telescopes. The astronomers had made unparallel discoveries in the heavenly bodies and experimented with them. They had prepared a catalogue of ten thousand fixed stars, discovered two satellites revolving the Mars and observed ninety satellites too. They had discovered three different comets and calculated their periods with great precision. OR Value Points:

    • There are no words in Houyhnhnm language for any of the bad things we humans do,including lying, power, greed or jealousy.
    • The Houyhnhnms don’t need laws or a special class of lawyers because they are completely governed by reason. Breaking laws is not rational, so they don’t need to spell out their codes of behaviour.
    • They all agree about the rightness of what to do.
    • Houyhnhnms don’t have arguments or differences of opinion, they are equally friendly with all members of their tribe. They value “friendship and benevolence” above everything else.
    • In fact, this friendship thing is so important to Houyhnhnms that they treat all of their children as their own, and will educate all the kids in the same way.
    • They do not get sick.
    • They do not believe in overindulgence : too much food, drinking and luxury in general.
    • The Houyhnhnms eat a restricted, balanced diet which keeps them healthy until they are ready to die of old age.
    • They feel this readiness to die about ten days before they do so, which gives them time to say goodbye to everyone and then go off by themselves to pass away in privacy and. dignity.

    Detailed Answer: The Houyhnhnms did not understand the word ’opinion’ truly, because they were completely devoted to reason, and you can only have an opinion about something that you do not know absolutely. It doesn’t make sense to argue over something you can’t know, the Houyhnhnms believed that they should respect other people’s ideas without trying to dominate them with their own. The Houyhnhnms were equally good to their neighbours and strangers; they valued friendship above all else. When a female Houyhnhnms had a foal of each gender, a couple would stop producing children. This was done to keep the Houyhnhnm Land from becoming over-populated. The rule was slightly relaxed for servant class Houyhnhnms, who could have up to three kids of each gender. The Houyhnhnms did not believe in mixing races, so a Houyhnhnm would only marry another Houyhnhnm of the same colour. The Houyhnhnms applied their rules of reason even to marriage, which was always arranged for a couple by their parents. Houyhnhnm couples were always faithful. The Houyhnhnms believed in equality of education for the sexes, since it was not rational to leave half the species knowing nothing except how to bear children. Childrens were strictly disciplined, with a restricted grass diet and lots and lots of exercise. The Houyhnhnms had assemblies representing the whole nation every four years, where they checked into make sure that everyone had all the supplies that they needed. Trees plans to exterminate the Yahoos indicate that they were cold and could also be cruel at times. OR Value Points:

    • After being rejected accommodation in both inns at Datchet, friends were tired
    • Harris said lie would die of exhaustion
    • Suddenly a boy appeared on the scene and said he could offer accommodation
    • The friends in their excitement to thank him pounced upon him
    • They were taken home by the boy
    • The boy’s mother offered them food in abundance
    • They ate heartily
    • The night was not comfortable – slept in tiny beds V Harris’s legs were dangling out
    • But were thankful for the accommodation

    Detailed Answer: When the friends reached Datcher they were unable to find a place to stay. They tried every place and even agreed to share rooms but there was no availability. When they couldn’t get any place Harris became very dejected and depressed because of exhaustion. In such a mental state he thought he had reached a stage where he would die. Just then a young man came to them like an angel in disguise and took them to his house and gave them food to eat and a place to sleep. The night was not comfortable. There were two beds in the room; 2ft 6in. truckle bed, and they have to slept on that. Harris legs stocking out at the bottom and they have to hang the towels while bathing. Through all this, they still were thankful to the boy for the accommodation. OR Value Points:

    • Harris proposed making breakfast
    • He said he could cook eggs really well and was famous for them
    • Both J. and George were excited to taste the same
    • But Harris had problems in breaking the eggs and even in putting them in the frying pan
    • Eggs were all over his sleeves and trousers
    • After putting in the eggs he burnt himself, dropped things and danced around the stove
    • The other two thought that it was some Red Indian dish that required dances and incantations
    • Fat spluttered on Montmorency and he howled
    • J and George found it very exciting at first but later felt sorry
    • Finally they got two spoonful of burnt eggs

    Detailed Answer: Harris proposed to have scrambled eggs for breakfast. He said that he could be able to cook them. It seemed that he was very good and famous for this work. He boasted that all the people are extremely fond of this preparation and who had once tasted his eggs, never cared for any other food other than it. It made the friends’ mouth water and they handed him out the stove and frying-pan along with the eggs that had not broken. Harris was having difficulty in breaking the eggs but after much trouble, he fixed some half a dozen into the pan and then squatted down by the side of the stove and stirred them with a fork. After putting in the eggs, he burnt himself, dropping things and dance around the stove. George and the narrator thought it to be a necessary part of cooking. They thought that it was some Red Indian dish that required dances and incantations Montmorency put his nose over it once, but the fat burnt him so he also began dancing and hawling. The result was completely a failure. Six eggs had gone into the frying pan and all that give out was two teaspoonful of a burnt and horrible mess. Harris blamed the frying pan and they decided not to try the dish again until they had a fish kettle and a gas stove.

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