BlogGeneralHow Many Neighbouring Countries of India

How Many Neighbouring Countries of India

India shares its land borders with seven neighbouring countries, making it a diverse and geographically significant nation. With a vast land frontier stretching over approximately 15,200 kilometres, India’s neighbours include Bangladesh to the east, Myanmar to the Far East, China to the north, Bhutan and Nepal to the north, and Pakistan and Afghanistan to the northwest. In addition to these land borders, India also enjoys maritime connections with two countries. To the southwest, it shares sea borders with the picturesque Maldives, and to the southeast, it is connected by sea to the enchanting island nation of Sri Lanka. It’s worth noting that among these neighbouring nations, Bhutan stands out as the smallest in terms of land borders, adding to the rich tapestry of India’s international relationships. These unique geographical features contribute to India’s cultural diversity and global significance.

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    Afghanistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a vast country of about 652,000 square kilometres with Kabul as its capital and the Afghan Afghani as its currency. It’s divided into 34 provinces and shares a 106-kilometre border with Pakistan along the Durand Line. The economy primarily relies on agriculture, textile manufacturing, carpets, and handicrafts. Afghanistan also shares a border with the region of Jammu & Kashmir, highlighting its diverse geography, culture, and regional significance.

    Key Points:

    • known as The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
    • Spans an extensive area of approximately 652,000 square kilometres.
    • Capital city is Kabul.
    • Currency in use is the Afghan Afghani.
    • Comprises 34 provinces.
    • Shares a border with Pakistan through the Durand Line, with a border length of 106 kilometres.
    • Major economic sectors include agriculture, textile manufacturing, cotton production, woollens, carpets, and handicrafts.
    • It shares a border with the region of Jammu & Kashmir, specifically Pakistan-administered Kashmir (P.O.K.).


    Pakistan, west of India, has a stunning coastline along the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. It covers about 796,095 square kilometres. After independence, it split into East and West Pakistan, leading to a civil war in 1971 and the creation of Bangladesh. West Pakistan remained as Pakistan with Islamabad as its capital and the Pakistani rupee as its currency. It’s divided into four provinces and has Urdu and English as official languages. It shares borders with Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Gujarat, and Rajasthan, totaling approximately 3,323 kilometres. These facts highlight Pakistan’s unique geography and history.

    Key Points:

    • Pakistan, to the west of India, boasts a coastline along the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea.
    • It covers a vast land area of approximately 796,095 square kilometres.
    • After independence, Pakistan was initially divided into East and West Pakistan, leading to a civil war in 1971 and the creation of Bangladesh.
    • Islamabad is the capital, and the currency used is the Pakistani rupee.
    • The country is divided into four provinces and has Urdu and English as official languages.
    • Pakistan shares its borders with Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Gujarat, and Rajasthan, with a total border length of about 3,323 kilometres.


    Bangladesh, officially known as The People’s Republic of Bangladesh, is a vibrant South Asian nation with a rich history. It’s the eighth-most populous country, located east of India. Formerly East Pakistan, it gained independence in 1971. Dhaka is the capital, and the Bangladeshi Taka is the currency. The country has 8 provinces, Bengali as its official language, and shares a significant border with Indian states. Bangladesh offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty for travellers to explore and enjoy.

    Key Points:

    • Capital: Dhaka
    • Currency: Bangladeshi Taka
    • Provinces: 8
    • Official Language: Bengali
    • Border Length: 4096.7 km
    • Bordering States: West Bengal, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Assam


    Bhutan, officially known as the Kingdom of Bhutan, is a charming landlocked country nestled in the northern region of India. Despite its modest size, covering approximately 38,394 square kilometres, Bhutan boasts a unique identity among its neighbouring states. It operates as a constitutional monarchy and thrives on several key economic pillars, including agriculture, forestry, tourism, and hydropower.

    Key Points:

    • Capital: Thimphu
    • Currency: Ngultrum (BTN)
    • States/Provinces: Comprising 20 states.
    • Official Language: Dzongkha
    • Borderline: Stretching over 699 kilometres.
    • Bordering States: Bhutan shares its borders with Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Sikkim, and West Bengal.


    Myanmar, also known as Burma, is a prominent nation in East Asia officially referred to as The Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Spanning an expansive area of approximately 676,578 square kilometres, it proudly holds the title of being the largest among the mainland Southeast Asian states. A noteworthy recent development in Myanmar is the assumption of power by the military, which has declared a state of emergency, raising questions about the status of democracy in the region.

    Key Points:

    • Capital: Naypyidaw
    • Currency: Burmese Kyat
    • Official Language: Burmese
    • Borderline: Myanmar shares its borders with neighbouring countries spanning a total of 1,643 kilometres, including regions of India such as Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, and Manipur.


    China, located in East Asia, stands as the most populous nation globally and ranks as the fourth largest in terms of land area. When it comes to India’s neighbouring countries with rapidly growing economies, China takes the lead. Notably, the President of China serves as the head of the state, a key facet of its governance. Moreover, it’s intriguing to explore how many of India’s neighbouring nations, apart from China, share historical connections through the exchange of Buddhism or the ancient Silk Route.

    Key Points:

    • China, the most populous country in the world, is also the fourth largest by land area.
    • China is India’s neighbouring country with one of the fastest-growing economies.
    • The head of state in China is held by the President.
    • Several neighbouring countries of India have historical ties through Buddhism or the Silk Route.


    Nepal, officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a captivating landlocked nation nestled to the north of India. With a landmass spanning 147,181 square kilometres, it ranks as the 93rd largest country globally. What truly sets Nepal apart is its remarkable claim to fame – it boasts eight of the world’s ten tallest mountains, including the awe-inspiring Mt. Everest, Earth’s loftiest point. The backbone of Nepal’s economy is undeniably tourism, attracting adventurers and explorers from around the globe.

    Key Points:

    • Capital: Kathmandu
    • Currency: Nepalese rupee
    • Official languages: Nepali
    • Administrative Divisions: 7 Provinces
    • Border Length: 1,751 kilometres
    • Bordering Indian States: West Bengal, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh


    The Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives, is a captivating island nation in the Indian Ocean near India. It has over a thousand picturesque islands in its small land area of 298 sq km. It’s a presidential republic with Male as the capital, using the Maldivian Rufiyaa as its currency and Dhivehi as the primary language. It shares its waters with India’s Lakshadweep Islands, making it unique. Whether you love beaches, marine life, or culture, the Maldives is a gem in the Indian Ocean.

    Key Points:

    • Location: Situated southwest of India in the Indian Ocean.
    • Geography: Comprises over a thousand islands in a relatively small land area of about 298 sq. km.
    • Government: Operates as a presidential republic with the president as the head of state.
    • Capital: The capital city is Male.
    • Currency: Maldivian Rufiyaa is the official currency.
    • Language: Dhivehi is the primary language spoken.
    • Unique Border: Shares its sea borders with India’s Lakshadweep Island, creating a special maritime connection.

    Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka, officially the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, is a stunning island nation in the Indian Ocean, near southern India. It shares sea borders with India and the Maldives. The president holds dual roles as chief of state and head of government in this tropical paradise.

    Key Points:

    • Capital: Colombo (Commercial capital) and Jayewardenepura Kotte (Legislative capital).
    • Currency: Sri Lankan rupee (LKR).
    • Official Languages: Tamil and Sinhala.
    • Administrative Divisions: Sri Lanka is divided into 9 states or provinces.
    • Borderline: Sri Lanka shares sea borders with India, specifically the Gulf of Mannar.


    To conclude it can be rightly said India has the most sensitive borders in the world ranging from issues like infiltration to severe climatic conditions. Additionally, it has the third-largest border in the world next to Russia and China. While it ranks as the world’s second-most populous nation following China, it also holds the seventh position in terms of land area. With a land border of 15,106.7 km and a coastline of 7,516.6 km including island territories.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    How many neighbouring countries does India have?

    India shares its land borders with seven neighbouring countries.

    Can you name India's neighbouring countries?

    India's neighbouring countries are Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. It also has maritime connections with the Maldives and Sri Lanka.

    Which neighbouring country of India has the longest land border?

    Bangladesh shares the longest land border with India, approximately 4,096.7 kilometres.

    Which neighbouring country of India is the most populous?

    China is the most populous neighbouring country of India and is the most populous country in the world.

    What is the currency used in Bhutan?

    Bhutan uses the Ngultrum (BTN) as its official currency.

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