BlogCBSE10 Easy To Make Science Projects For CBSE Class 7 and Class 8 Students

10 Easy To Make Science Projects For CBSE Class 7 and Class 8 Students

Science projects are a fun and engaging way for students to explore scientific concepts and develop critical thinking skills. Whether you’re in Class 7 or Class 8, there are plenty of exciting project ideas to choose from. Explore this information 10 easy and creative science project ideas specifically designed for students in these classes.

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    10 Easy To Make Science Projects For Class 7 Students

    1. Homemade pH Indicator

    Items Required: Red cabbage leaves, hot water, strainer, small bowls, lemon juice, baking soda, vinegar, soap solution, eyedropper or small spoon.

    Steps to Perform:

    • Boil red cabbage leaves in hot water for about 10-15 minutes to extract the pigment.
    • Strain the cabbage juice into small bowls and let it cool.
    • Test different household substances (lemon juice, baking soda, vinegar, soap solution) by adding a few drops of each to separate bowls of cabbage juice.
    • Observe and record any color changes in the cabbage juice, which indicate the pH level of each substance.

    2. DIY Cartesian Diver

    Items Required: Plastic bottle with cap, drinking straw, modeling clay or plasticine, water.

    Steps to Perform:

    • Fill the plastic bottle with water almost to the top.
    • Mold a small piece of modeling clay or plasticine into a small diver shape.
    • Insert the diver into the bottle and secure the cap tightly.
    • Squeeze the sides of the bottle to increase pressure and observe the diver sinking. Release the pressure to make the diver rise.
    • Experiment with different sizes and shapes of divers to see how they affect buoyancy.

    3. Homemade Compass

    Items Required: Small magnet, sewing needle, cork or small piece of Styrofoam, shallow dish of water.

    Steps to Perform:

    • Magnetize the sewing needle by rubbing it against the magnet in one direction multiple times.
    • Push the needle through the cork or Styrofoam so that it can float freely on the surface of the water.
    • Place the cork or Styrofoam in the shallow dish of water and observe as the needle aligns itself with the Earth’s magnetic field, pointing north-south.

    4. DIY Electroscope

    Items Required: Jar with lid, aluminum foil strips, wire, metal rod or ruler, small piece of tissue paper, glue.

    Steps to Perform

    • Glue aluminum foil strips to the inside of the jar lid, leaving some space between them.
    • Attach a wire to the center of the lid, extending it through the lid and outside the jar.
    • Attach a metal rod or ruler to the end of the wire inside the jar, making sure it doesn’t touch the foil strips.
    • Place a small piece of tissue paper on top of the metal rod inside the jar.
    • When the electroscope is charged (e.g., by rubbing a balloon against a wool cloth), the tissue paper will be repelled, indicating the presence of static electricity.

    5. DIY Cloud in a Bottle

    Items Required: Clear plastic bottle with cap, matches or lighter, warm water, ice cubes.

    Steps to Perform:

    • Fill the plastic bottle with warm water and let it sit for a few minutes to warm up.
    • Light a match or lighter and hold it near the mouth of the bottle to introduce smoke into the bottle.
    • Quickly cap the bottle and squeeze the sides firmly to increase the pressure inside.
    • Release the pressure suddenly by loosening the cap slightly or tapping the bottle, causing the warm, moist air inside to cool rapidly and form a cloud.

    6. Homemade Lava Lamp

    Items Required: Clear plastic bottle, vegetable oil, water, food coloring, effervescent tablets (such as Alka-Seltzer).

    Steps to Perform:

    • Fill the plastic bottle with about three-quarters of vegetable oil.
    • Fill the remaining quarter with water, leaving some space at the top.
    • Add a few drops of food coloring to the bottle.
    • Break an effervescent tablet into smaller pieces and drop them into the bottle.
    • Observe as the tablet reacts with the water, creating bubbles that move through the oil, resembling a lava lamp.

    7. Invisible Ink

    Items Required: Lemon juice, white paper, cotton swab, heat source (such as a light bulb or iron).

    Steps to Perform:

    • Dip the cotton swab into lemon juice and use it to write a message on the white paper.
    • Allow the lemon juice to dry completely.
    • To reveal the hidden message, gently heat the paper using a light bulb or iron set to a low temperature. The lemon juice will oxidize and turn brown, making the message visible.

    8. DIY Electromagnetic Train

    Items Required: Battery, copper wire, neodymium magnets, foam board, electrical tape.

    Steps to Perform:

    • Cut two strips of copper wire, each about 6 inches long.
    • Coil each strip into a tight spiral, leaving a small gap between each loop.
    • Tape one end of each wire to the ends of the battery, creating a closed circuit.
    • Place the neodymium magnets on the foam board, with one magnet’s north pole facing up and the other’s south pole facing up.
    • Place the battery with the coiled wires on the foam board, positioning the coils directly above the magnets.
    • When the battery is connected, the coils will create an electromagnetic field that interacts with the magnets, causing the train to move along the track.

    9. DIY Weather Station

    Items Required: Thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, anemometer (or homemade wind vane), rain gauge, notebook.

    Steps to Perform:

    • Set up the various instruments in a suitable outdoor location, away from direct sunlight and obstructions.
    • Record daily readings of temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind speed, and rainfall in the notebook.
    • Use the data collected over time to analyze weather patterns and make predictions about future conditions.

    10. Potato Battery

    Items Required: Potatoes, copper and zinc electrodes (such as nails or wires), alligator clips, LED bulb or small electronic device with wires.

    Steps to Perform:

    • Insert a copper electrode and a zinc electrode into each potato, making sure they don’t touch each other.
    • Connect the copper electrode from one potato to the zinc electrode of another potato using alligator clips and wires.
    • Connect the remaining copper and zinc electrodes to the terminals of the LED bulb or electronic device.
    • The chemical reaction between the electrodes and the potato creates a small amount of electricity, enough to power the LED bulb or electronic device.


    These 10 science project ideas offer exciting opportunities for Class 7 and Class 8 students to explore various scientific concepts in a hands-on and interactive manner. Whether it’s building models, conducting experiments, or creating chemical reactions, these projects are sure to spark curiosity and foster a love for science. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your materials, and embark on a journey of discovery with these fun and easy science projects!

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