EnglishSolved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English – Paper 3

Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English – Paper 3

Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English – Paper 3

(For Annual Board Examinations to be held in and after March 2018 and onwards)
Based on the latest syllabus and design of the Question Paper released by the C.B.S.E., New Delhi…

Strictly based on the Remodelled Scheme of Assessment, the Latest Syllabus and Design of the Question Paper released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi effective from academic year 2017-18.

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    SAMPLE PAPER 3 (Solved)


    Question 1:
    Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [8]
    Beautiful Maldives is situated in the heart of the Indian Ocean, ornamenting it like a diamond necklace. The breathtaking view comprises 1190 islands within the archipelago of 26 atoll formations spread over 90,000 sq. km. Among the 199 islands that are inhabited, 74 have been set aside for tourist resort developments.
    When you set foot on the palm fringed beaches you will be struck by their sparkling whiteness and the turquoise lagoons surrounding them. Called one of the wonders of the world, Maldives supports over 200 coral species.
    The entire 823 km of Maldives enjoys a warm tropical climate all through the year. The nearest neighbours are Sri Lanka and India and the people of Maldives are linked both linguistically and racially to both nations.
    The Maldives enjoys the status of a free independent country except for 15 and a half years when the Portuguese invaded the country in the 16th century. Although fishing is the main occupation, tourism is a thriving industry. It houses over 70 Island Resorts.
    The grand Friday Mosque, Masjid ul Sultan Mohamad Thakurufaanu-al-Azim, with its dominant golden dome decorates the facade of Male. The old Friday Mosque with its unique minaret and the tombs of national heroes and members of the royalty resulting in the quietness of its compound, gives the visitor a glimpse of the past. The art in the mosque and the royal burial grounds are unique. Other important sights in Male include the tombs of legendary saints, Mulleeaage, the Presidential Palace and National Museum in Sultan Park that show the glories of a different era. All these are within a 10 minute stroll.
    The fruit and vegetable market and the firewood market are busy and colourful places. The fish market is immaculately clean, and cutting and cleaning of fish has been developed into an art. The reefs around the islands are excellent for diving and snorkeling. Activities such as water skiing and wind surfing may seem strenuous but exciting. Water sports equipment and facilities are available on all the resort islands. The beaches are peaceful and never crowded. Every Island Resort is a Robinson Crusoe s island but equipped with modern amenities subtly hidden away. Maldives is one of the few places in the world where tremendous pleasure can be derived doing nothing.
    (a) Where is Maldives situated? [1] (b) What strikes you when you set foot on the palm fringed beaches? [1] (c) What kind of climate does Maldives have? [1] (d) What are the two main occupations? [1] (e) What is special about the Masjid ul Sultan Mohammad Thakurufaanu-al-Azim? [1] (f) How would you describe the markets here? [1] (g) What are the reefs excellent for? [1] (h) How would you sum up Maldives? [1] Answer:
    (a) Maldives is situated in the heart of the Indian Ocean.
    (b)You are struck by the sparkling whiteness of the beaches and the turquoise lagoons surrounding them.
    (c)Maldives enjoys a warm tropical climate.
    (d) Fishing and tourism are the two main occupations.
    (e) It gives the visitor a glimpse of the past.
    (f) The markets are busy, clean and colourful.
    (g) The reefs are excellent for diving and snorkeling.
    (h) Maldives is one of the few places in the world where tremendous pleasure can be derived doing nothing.

    Question 2:
    Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12] In these trying times, when buying ordinary foodstuff can burn a hole in our pockets, comes the news that can actually help us save some hard cash when we go out to shop the next time. According to a Stanford University study, a first of its kind in the world, there is no evidence to suggest that there are more nutritional benefits from expensive organic food than those grown by conventional methods. The researchers add that there is no difference in protein and fat content between organic and conventional milk and the vitamin count is similar in both types. The only benefit is that organic foods are not contaminated with pesticides but then before you chew on that plate of organic okra with rod made from organic wheat, they are not 100% pesticide free either. In India, organic food has been growing at 20-22% and the export market is valued at ? 1000 crore. Obviously, the study is not good news for that sector and for people who are big on organic food.

    In India, eating organic food is more of a style statement than due to health worries because the stuff is expensive. But people who can, do indulge in not only organic vegetables but even organic eggs laid by ‘happy hens ’who are allowed to roam around freely whereas ‘unhappy hens’ are kept in coops. Then there are companies that have installed music channels in their cowsheds and the milk from those sheds is sold at a marked-up price since it has more nutritional value because the animals are happy thanks to lilting 24 x 7 music. We don’t know yet of any farmer using music to improve his crop quality, but then you never know: plants are known to respond to music.

    Why such pickiness about food? These days, the huge number of TV shows and articles that we see and read on food provide bread and butter for the specialists. But instead of decoding food, its sources and what has gone into growing it, isn’t it much better to enjoy what’s on the plate?

    —The Hindustan Times

    (a) Why does the writer call the present as “trying times”? [2]
    (b) What have the researchers discovered about organic food and food grown by conventional methods? [2]
    (c) Give a reason to show that the discovery by researchers is not good news for organic sector. [2]
    (d) How is organic food regarded in India? [2]
    (e) Why are hens classified as ‘happy hens’ or ‘unhappy hens’? [1]
    (f) Which method has been adopted by some organic food growers to keep animals happy? [1]
    (g) Which word in the passage means ‘customary or normal’? [1]
    (h) Give the opposite of ‘difference’. [1] Answer:
    (a) Trying times means difficult times. Everything has become extremely costly in present times and ordinary people have to spend a lot even for foodstuffs and vegetables, it bums a hole in people’s pockets.
    (b) The researchers have found out that organic food has more nutritive value than food grown conventionally. Protein, fat contents and vitamin count are similar in both. The only benefit of organic food is that it is free of pesticides.
    (c) It is not good news for organic food growers because it is costlier than conventionally grown foods. So, many people will not be interested in buying more expensive foodstuff.
    (d) In India eating organic food is a style statement. Only the well-to-do or the rich can grow or eat it as it is very costly. ‘Style’ means way of living or standard of living.
    (e) “Happy hens” are those hens who roam around freely and go anywhere. “Unhappy hens” are those who are kept in coops. Happy hens give more eggs per week than unhappy hens!
    (f) Some organic food growers have installed music channels in their cowsheds to make cows happy and they sell their milk at a higher price. The animals are ‘happy’ due to Tilting 24 x 7 music’.
    (g) Conventional.
    (h) Similarity.


    Question 3:
    Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, expressing your opinion on the topic, “Can computers think”? Include all the necessary details. You can take the help of the following clues. (120 words). [8]

    • Define computers • Advantages • How do they score over man?

    9-C, Parivar Apts, Green Park
    New Delhi – 12
    25 November, 20XX
    The Editor,
    The Times of India,
    M.G. Road, New Delhi.


    Subject: Views regarding the capability of a computer

    With reference to the article published regarding the manifold uses of computer on 10th August, I wish to add my views.
    Initially the computers could only do rapid computation but no creative activity. They were also called “high-speed idiots”, to protect human vanity. We always assume that it is only the human beings who can think, speculate deeply. Many higher animals—dogs, cats, dolphins, apes—have some basic thoughts. Moreover, enough research has been done to show that many animal species are also capable of some thought.
    It is already established that many life forms have some mental abilities. A mechanical computer is definitely more clever than plants and some animals. The world’s greatest chess players play with computers for practice. A computer can design, draw sketches, make crosswords to solve, which tickle all the grey-cells of an individual. So some kind of intellect can be attributed to the computer, which has become a wizard in itself.
    I hope my views will find favour with the masses.
    Yours truly,
    Abha Khurana

    Question 4:
    Write a story in about 200-250 words based on the input given below :
    [10] — Old lady alone — maid left — two robbers in early 20s — robbery — woman stabbed — in hospital — assailants expected to be caught
    All the daily newspapers put the story on the front page with headlines screaming, “Senior Citizen Assaulted by Two Unknown Youths in a well known DDA Colony.” The channels showed the footage of the crime in every news bulletin. In fact the crime was of the worst kind. An elderly lady of Kalkaji Colony was assaulted by two unknown young men. Both men were in early 20s. They robbed her of cash and jewellery worth thousands. Not satisfied with the loot, they first bound the old lady who was alone at that time, but later decided to kill her. They were afraid that she would identify them if left alive. The poor lady was stabbed twice before the culprits left. They ran away from there without confirming whether the lady was dead or alive. Fortunately, her grandson arrived from college and noticing the open door alerted all the neighbours. The old lady was taken to the nearest hospital where her condition is said to be critical. CCTV cameras have clearly revealed the faces of the culprits and the police is confident of apprehending the assailants in a short while. Meanwhile panic and fear has spread through the so far peaceful colony.

    Question 5:
    The box given below contains some instructions. Read them carefully and use them to complete the paragraph. Write the correct answers in the space provided, choosing from the given options. [½ x 8 = 4]
    Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English - Paper 3-5
    It is through a party that one can achieve three things together — fun, goodwill and business. To organise a party a proper occasion (a)_____________________ . Venue should be (b)____________ . Budget is the lifeline of all parties, it should be (c)__________________ at the earliest. List of guests (d)_______________ . Invitations (e)_____________________ well in time. Catering, decorations, games and seats should be (f)_____________ according to the (g)______________ of the guests and the space (h)_______________ .
    (a) should be chosen (b) fixed (c) checked (d) should be prepared
    (e) should be sent (f) arranged (g) taste (h) available

    Question 6:
    One word is missing in each of the lines given below. Put a / where the word is missing and then write the correct word in the space provided. [½ x 8 = 4]
    Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English - Paper 3-6
    Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English - Paper 3-6s

    Question 7:
    Read the jumbled words given below carefully and make meaningful sentences. [1×4 = 4] (a) surest / in / life / to / success / way / is / the / honesty / achieve
    (b) may / a / dishonest / man / succeed / temporarily
    (c) in / the / lose / all / he / will / long / run
    (d) a / day / great / works / achieved / in / cannot be
    (a) Honesty is the surest way to achieve success in life.
    (b) A dishonest man may succeed temporarily.
    (c) He will lose all in the long run.
    (d) Great works cannot be achieved in a day.


    Question 8:
    Read one of the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow : [1×4 = 4] “Won’t you go in? ” The nurse murmured. “Lucia will be pleased to see you. ”
    (a) Who is the speaker of these lines?
    (b) What relation does Lucia have with the boys?
    (c) Why would Lucia have welcomed the boys?
    (d) What kind of relationship did they have?


    “Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men? ”

    (a) Why does Brutus make the above speech?
    (b) What are the reasons given by Brutus for killing Caesar?
    (c) What does the above statement reflect about Brutus’ character?
    (d) Do you agree with Brutus’ explanation?
    (a) Lucia’s nurse.
    (b) She was their sister.
    (c) Being confined to bed she would have been pleased to see them.
    (d) The two boys and their sister had a warm affectionate relationship.


    (a) Brutus wants to offer his justification to the Romans for killing Caesar. He is aware that the Romans love Caesar, so they need to be pacified with proper reasons.
    (b) According to Brutus, Caesar was too ambitious, he was too intoxicated with power and one day he would become a Roman Emperor and a dictator and make all Romans his slaves.
    (c) Brutus is an idealist, he is not practical. He has the interests of Romans, but is too gullible and can be easily misguided.
    (d) Though Brutus was convinced it was a noble gesture but it was a grave failure of judgement. Caesar had not become a dictator.

    Question 9:
    Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words : [2×4 = 8] (a) How is Mark Antony’s conception of ‘ambition’ different from that of Brutus?
    (b) Why is the ‘cross’ removed from the neck of the Ancient Mariner? What does it indicate?
    (c) What was Loona’s adventure? How did Mrs Packletide react to it?
    (d) What were the qualities that made Ali a good shikari?
    (a) Antony cleverly contradicted the charges of Brutus by saying that Caesar was ambitious for the welfare of Rome. He had filled the coffers of Rome, refused the crown thrice and wept for all Romans Brutus criticised Caesar for being too ambitious and that he was trying to enslave the Romans.
    (b) The sailors removed the cross and hung the Albatross around the Ancient Mariner’s neck as a punishment. Removal of the cross is symbolic of the denial of the mercy and blessings of God, which desert the Mariner in the time to come.
    (c) Loona Bimberton had been carried eleven miles in an aeroplane by an Algerian aviator. Mrs Packletide became highly jealous and wanted to outshine Loona by personally procuring a tiger skin by hunting a tiger. She wanted press photographers to publish the tiger skin occupying the front position in her house and in all her conversation.
    (d) Ali was clever and a famous shikari. When Ali sighted the earth-brown partridge, invisible to most hunters, it was in his bag in no time. He could spot a hare crouching in the yellow brown scrub even when the dogs failed to spot it.

    Question 10:
    Answer one of the following questions in about 100-120 words : [8] “Dad’s nutty about computers. He has got a Pentium 150 MHz processor, with 256 of RAM, a 1.2 GB hard disk drive and 16 speed CD-ROM, complete with speakers, printer, modem and scanner. It can do anything. Paint, play music, create displays, even when my homework is rubbish, it looks fantastic.”

    The remark from Michael brings to light the life of today’s growing children, who are living in a world of gadgets and gizmos, in a world of fantasy which is far from reality. Prepare a speech for the Morning Assembly discussing how the virtual world has taken the children far from reality and how it is causing harm to their psyche, health and personality development.


    How tender and delicate are the bonds that bind us to our children. How a fond parent suffers pangs of torments at being separated from his only child? What message does Ali’s story convey to us?
    Good morning, Respected Teachers and my dear friends.
    We all know how we are impressed and obsessed with the latest gizmos and gadgets available today. This ‘Virtual World’ of computers, laptops, I-pods, e-books have left us with no time for friends, parents or what is happening around us. Dear friends, have you thought of what it does to our health? Instead of healthy outdoor life, we sit in a comer playing with our gadgets. Instead of mixing up with friends, learning how to converse or show concern for the family, we selfishly cut off ourselves from them. Wake up, dear friends. Allot your gadgets a fixed time, before they permanently damage your health, personality and values. Learn from nature, friends and discover things yourself.

    Thank you.


    Most parents are devoted to their children but few children realise it and the world at large doesn’t appreciate it or sympathises with a grieving father but can only derive pleasure in making fun of him. This story brings out another truth before us—tragic and tormenting—that some of our unfeeling and cruel actions can never be rectified, because the person whom we have wronged leaves us forever, leaves us with a multitude of regrets for the rest of our lives. Let us resolve that we won’t repeat the same mistake of which the postmaster was guilty of and will never be unresponsive to a loving parent as Miriam was to Ali. If we do so we may not get a chance to undo the wrong we would be doing.

    Question 11:
    Answer one of the following questions in about 200-250 words : [10]

    Even in her darkest moments Anne never lost hope, or her vision of a happy bright future. Discuss.


    The adults are not portrayed in a sympathetic manner by Anne. Why does she criticise them?


    What did the study of languages mean to Helen? How did the study of French and Latin add to her personality?


    “The thought of going to college had become deep-rooted and transformed into an earnest desire.” Discuss Helen Keller’s experience of going to the Radcliffe College.
    Confined to a Secret Annexe for two years, with fear, hunger, boredom and a constant threat of discovery and death as constant companions, the bravest of the people would have given in to despair and grief. But Anne’s diary is an amazing proof of a sensitive courageous girl, only thirteen in the beginning. Her true spirit always appeared at every crisis. The war, the atrocities against her people, her own miserable state, did not dampen her hopes and belief in goodness of people. At every step, she pulled herself up and never gave up her goals, her ambition to live and be known as a writer. At thirteen she thought the Annexe was “beautiful”. Her annexe was a ‘paradise’ compared to how the Jews, who were not in hiding, must be living. She saw the eight of them in the Annexe as if they were in a little piece of ‘Blue Heaven’ surrounded by heavy black rain clouds. Her work, her hopes, her love and courage, all these things helped her to keep her head above water, kept her away from complaining. Like any normal person she longed for freedom and fresh air but she believed there were enough compensations for their sufferings. She found happiness in nature, health and inner happiness. She thought that as long as one knew that one was pure within one could find happiness. She firmly believed that if you are happy, you will make others happy too. “He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery!” After the worst scare of their life, when the police knocked at the bookcase, she thanked God and felt he never deserted them she wanted all of them to be brave like soldiers, she wanted to achieve her goal, if God let her live, she wanted to achieve more than her mother, not remain insignificant but work in the world for mankind. She hoped that the hatred for the Jews would pass away and the good people will rule the world. On June 6,1944, when the invasion of Holland by the Allies was at its height, she felt that “friends were approaching” and she and her sister might go to school in September and October. It is said that she died peacefully, feeling that nothing bad was happening to her.


    Anne gets slapped by her mother for her rudeness and then her father is also cold to her for not working hard. Mrs. van Daan is jealous that her son confides more in Anne than her. Mrs. Frank feels Peter is in love with Anne as he is always looking at her. Anne writes that she is in a difficult position as she is against her mother and her mother is against her, and her father turns a blind eye to the silent struggle between mother and daughter. Anne feels that she no longer loves her mother. Anne feels alienated from both her father and mother. Initially they had spoilt her with their love but now Anne feels neglected. She feels her father failed her whenever she needed him. She feels his approach to her problems is at fault. He treated her as a child whereas her problems were those of an adolescent. This alienated Anne. She didn’t want lectures and criticisms from adults. She also doesn’t get along with Dussel. He gave her long sermons on manners and branded her as the worst behaved of the three young people. All these things make Anne portray adults in an unsympathetic manner in her diary.


    Helen writes, “There is nothing more beautiful than the evanescent fleeting images and sentiments presented by a language one is becoming familiar with.”

    At first she was unwilling to study Latin grammar. But as she got deeper into the subject, she became more interested and the beauty of the language delighted her. She often amused herself by reading Latin passages, picking up words she understood and tried to make sense. She never ceased to enjoy this pastime. Helen realised that there was great pleasure in reading languages enjoying ideas and sentiments. She loved reading aloud from her favourite poets. She loved reading La Fontaine’s Fables, Le Medecin Malgre Lui and passages from Athalie. She was well drilled in English. She made good progress in German. She enjoyed Macaulay’s Life of Samuel Johnson. Her instructor Mr Townsend Copeland brought literature in all its original freshness. Reading and learning new words added to Helen’s personality as the beauty of a new language never ceased to enthral her, but only helped her in understanding various cultures and concepts better.


    When Helen had been a little girl, she had surprised her friends by saying that she would go to Harvard College. Later this desire became a fixed purpose which forced Helen to enter into competition for a degree with seeing and hearing girls. In October, 1896, Helen joined the Cambridge School for young ladies, to be prepared for Radcliffe.

    Helen successfully completed her first year at Gilman School but in the second year, Helen had to be pulled out of school due to some differences between Mr. Gilman and Miss Sullivan. Helen studied under a private tutor, Mr. Keith, and passed the examination, despite difficulties. Eventually in 1900 Helen managed to join Radcliffe College.

    Helen had looked forward to this time, where she could touch hands with girls who were thinking, loving and struggling like her. But college proved to be an illusion, for Helen realised that one went to college to learn and not to think. Her subjects were French, German, History, English Composition and English literature. Helen felt practically alone in the classroom, the professor appeared remote and the lectures were spelled into her hand with great speed. She had to write down exercises, daily themes, criticism and hour-tests, the mid-year and final examination on her typewriter so that the professors could read them out. Helen had no time to herself. Many books required were not embossed so it would take Helen greater time than other girls to prepare. Helen’s last year at Radcliffe was better and she felt the lectures were also interesting and witty. However, later she rationalised that colleges were more for traditions than for the actual knowledge that is needed for inner satisfaction. Despite the obstacles, Helen graduated with honours from Radcliffe College.


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