BiologyNutrition in PlantsHeterotrophic Nutrition – Holozoic

Heterotrophic Nutrition – Holozoic

Table of Contents

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    • Holozoic Nutrition
    • Carnivorous Plants

    – Digestion of Insects inside an Insectivorous Plant

    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment of the chapter of ‘Nutrition in Plants’, we studied about symbiotic nutrition. In this segment, let us learn about holozoic nutrition.

    What is Holozoic nutrition?

    • The ingestion and internal processing of gaseous, liquid, or solid food particles are called

    Holozoic nutrition.

    • In Holozoic nutrition, the energy building blocks such as proteins and carbohydrates are taken in by ingesting and then digested further to obtain energy.

    For example, protozoa, most of the free-living animals like humans, and some plants like carnivorous plants.

    Protozoa and Human

    What are Carnivorous plants?

    Carnivorous plants

    • Plants which feed on small animals for their food are called Carnivorous plants. They capture, kill, and digest small animals.
    • They are capable of photosynthesis but live in areas where the soil quality is poor.
    • Poor soil quality indicates the absence of a few nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus.
    • So, despite being capable of photosynthesis, they are not able to prepare all the nutrients that are needed by their body. Thus, they supplement themselves by digesting animals to obtain the necessary nutrients.

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