BiologyNutrition in PlantsHeterotrophic Nutrition – Parasites

Heterotrophic Nutrition – Parasites

Table of Contents

  • Parasitic Nutrition
  • Summary
  • What’s Next?

In the previous segment of the chapter of ‘Nutrition in Plants’, we studied about the saprophytic nutrition. In this segment, let us learn about parasitic nutrition.

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    What are Parasites?

    • A class of organisms which derive nutrition directly from the body of living organisms are called Parasites.
    • They do not kill the organisms on which they thrive but harm the organism severely. The organism whose body acts as a source of nutrition is called the Host.

    Parasitic mode of nutrition

    • Parasitic nutrition is a mode of heterotrophic nutrition where a parasite lives on or inside the host.
    • Parasites are mainly animals but a few non-green plants also derive some or all nutrition from the host plant.
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