BiologyCellStructure and Components of Cells – Part 1

Structure and Components of Cells – Part 1

Structure and Components of Cells – Part 1

Table of Contents

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    • Cells – Structure and Components
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment of the chapter ‘Cell Structure and Functions’, we studied The history of cell studies. In this segment, let us get acquainted with The structure and component of cells.

    How do Cells appear under a microscope?

    Cells form the basic units of life. These cells are observed and studied with the help of a microscope. The entire process of setting up the microscope along with the slide of any specimen is called Mounting.

    The materials needed for this are:

    • Microscope
    • A slide
    • Coverslip
    • Iodine solution
    • Water
    • Forceps
    • Specimen – onion peel

    Structure and Components of Cells - Part 1

    The experiment of observing the onion cells under the microscope is carried out in the following way:


    1. Take the onion peel and pull the thin lining away from the inner surface with the help of forceps.

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