BiologyReproduction in AnimalsDevelopment of Embryo

Development of Embryo

Table of Contents

  • Embryo – Development
  • Summary
  • What’s Next?

In the previous segment of the chapter ‘Reproduction in Animals’, we learnt about the fertilisation process. In this segment, let us get acquainted with the development of the embryo.

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    How does the embryo develop?

    Development of Embryo

    Embryo development is a process that follows fertilisation. The embryo, before reaching the uterus, undergoes a series of divisions that help in its growth and development. This process of development of the embryo is called Embryogenesis which is as follows:

    • Fertilisation results in the formation of a zygote in the Fallopian tubes of the female reproductive system.
    • The fertilized egg cell will divide to form two cells, followed by four and so on. This results in the formation of a ball-like structure which contains many cells inside it.
    • When the cell number in the ball-like structure is sixteen, it is called Morula. The morula further divides to form a structure called Blastula which is a stage where the cells arrange themselves to form a hollow mass structure. The cells align themselves to the ends and leave a cavity within, which gets filled with fluid.
    • The next stage of development is called Blastocyst. It is a stage where the embryo will have cells that have got differentiated and will even differentiate further with the help of the process called Differentiation. In this process, one cell gets differentiated from the other cells in its vicinity. Thus, a whole new variety of cells are formed from these differentiated ones, after successive divisions.
    • The blastocyst is now a mass containing differentiated cells. As it grows further, the body of the embryo begins to develop. It then enters the next stage called Implantation. In this stage, the embryo attaches itself in the uterus at a fixed position for deriving nutrition,
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