BlogCBSECommon Mistakes made by students in Similarity of Triangles in CBSE CLASS 10

Common Mistakes made by students in Similarity of Triangles in CBSE CLASS 10

Are you preparing for the CBSE Class 10 exams or gearing up for the JEE Main 2024? Understanding the chapter “Similarity of Triangles” is crucial for success in these exams. However, many students often make common mistakes while solving problems related to this chapter. Let’s delve into what the chapter is about, its importance, common mistakes, and important points to remember.

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    Similarity of Triangles – CBSE Class 10

    The chapter “Similarity of Triangles” deals with the fundamental geometric concept of similarity between triangles. It explores the conditions under which two triangles can be considered similar, meaning they have the same shape but not necessarily the same size. Understanding this concept is crucial as it lays the groundwork for various geometric principles and applications.

    Common mistake made by students in Similarity of Triangles - CBSE Class 10

    In this chapter, students learn about different criteria for determining similarity between triangles, such as the Angle-Angle (AA) criterion, Side-Angle-Side (SAS) criterion, and Side-Side-Side (SSS) criterion. They also study the properties of similar triangles, including proportional relationships between corresponding sides and corresponding angles.

    The chapter “Similarity of Triangles” provides students with a solid foundation in geometry, enabling them to solve a wide range of problems involving similar triangles and apply these principles to various mathematical concepts and real-world situations.

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    Two triangles are considered similar if

    (i) their matching angles are the same, and

    (ii) their matching sides are in the same proportion. Remember, when the corresponding angles of two triangles are equal, we call them equiangular triangles.

    Similarity of Triangles – Why is the Chapter Important?

    Understanding the concept of similarity of triangles is essential because it forms the foundation for various geometric concepts and proofs. It is also crucial for solving problems related to trigonometry, mensuration, and geometry in higher classes and competitive exams like JEE Main.

    1. Foundation for Geometry: Understanding similarity of triangles lays the foundation for various geometric principles and concepts. It forms the basis for understanding more complex topics in geometry and trigonometry.
    2. Problem-solving Skills: Mastery of similarity of triangles enhances problem-solving skills. Students learn to analyze geometric figures, identify patterns, and apply geometric properties to solve problems.
    3. Applications in Real Life: Similarity of triangles has numerous applications in real-life situations. It is used in fields such as architecture, engineering, map-making, and surveying. Understanding this concept enables students to comprehend and solve practical problems in these areas.
    4. Preparation for Advanced Mathematics: For students aspiring to pursue higher education in mathematics, physics, engineering, or related fields, a strong understanding of similarity of triangles is essential. It provides a solid foundation for advanced topics like trigonometry, calculus, and analytical geometry.
    5. Competitive Examinations: In competitive examinations like JEE Main, understanding similarity of triangles is crucial. Questions related to this topic are frequently asked in such exams, and a thorough understanding of the concept can significantly improve one’s performance.

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    Similarity of Triangles – Common Mistakes Students Often Make:

    Students often encounter several common mistakes when solving problems related to the similarity of triangles:

    1. Incorrect Application of Criteria: One common mistake is incorrectly applying the criteria for similarity, such as the Angle-Angle (AA), Side-Angle-Side (SAS), or Side-Side-Side (SSS) criteria. Students may overlook the necessary conditions or misapply them, leading to incorrect conclusions about the similarity of triangles.
    2. Confusion between Congruence and Similarity: Students sometimes confuse congruent triangles (which have identical shapes and sizes) with similar triangles (which have the same shape but different sizes). This confusion can lead to errors in identifying similar triangles and applying similarity properties.
    3. Misinterpretation of Proportions: Students may misunderstand how to use proportions or ratios to establish similarity between triangles. They may incorrectly set up proportions or apply them inappropriately, resulting in incorrect solutions.
    4. Neglecting Corresponding Sides and Angles: Ignoring the importance of corresponding sides and angles when establishing similarity can lead to mistakes. Students may fail to identify corresponding elements accurately, leading to incorrect conclusions about the similarity of triangles.
    5. Skipping Diagram Analysis: Failing to analyze diagrams carefully and identify corresponding elements is another common mistake. Students may overlook important details in the diagram that are essential for establishing similarity between triangles.
    6. Calculation Errors: Simple calculation errors, such as arithmetic mistakes or errors in applying mathematical operations, can also lead to incorrect solutions when solving problems related to similarity of triangles.

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    By being aware of these common mistakes and practicing careful problem-solving techniques, students can improve their understanding of the similarity of triangles and avoid errors in their solutions.

    Similarity of Triangles – Important Points to Remember

    Here are some important points to remember when dealing with similarity of triangles:

    1. Many students forget to draw diagram, and that’s the first mistake they usually make.
    2. Criteria for Similarity: Understand the criteria for similarity, such as the Angle-Angle (AA), Side-Angle-Side (SAS), and Side-Side-Side (SSS) criteria. These conditions are essential for establishing similarity between triangles.
    3. Proportional Relationships: Recognize that corresponding sides of similar triangles are in proportion to each other. This means that the ratios of corresponding sides are equal.
    4. Corresponding Angles: Corresponding angles of similar triangles are congruent. Identifying and comparing corresponding angles is crucial when establishing similarity.
    5. Scale Factor: The scale factor between two similar triangles is the ratio of corresponding side lengths. Understanding the concept of scale factor helps in comparing the sizes of similar triangles.
    6. Applications: Be aware of the various applications of similarity of triangles in geometry, trigonometry, and real-life situations. This includes problems related to heights and distances, map scaling, and indirect measurement.
    7. Diagram Analysis: Carefully analyze diagrams and identify corresponding elements, such as sides and angles, when determining similarity between triangles. Pay attention to markings and labels in the diagram.
    8. Construction: Understand how to construct similar triangles using various methods, such as drawing parallel lines, angle bisectors, or proportional segments.
    9. Proofs: Practice writing and understanding proofs related to similarity of triangles. This helps in reinforcing the theoretical aspects of the concept.
    10. Practice: Regular practice is key to mastering similarity of triangles. Solve a variety of problems involving similarity criteria, proportions, and applications to strengthen your understanding.
    11. Check Solutions: After solving problems, double-check your solutions for accuracy. Verify that the conditions for similarity are satisfied and ensure that calculations are correct.

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    Similarity of Triangles – Solved Example

    Let’s consider the following problem to illustrate a common mistake often committed by students and its correction in solving problems related to similarity of triangles:

    Problem: In triangle ABC, angle A = 40°, angle B = 60°, and AB = 6 cm. Triangle DEF is similar to triangle ABC, and the length of DE is 9 cm. Find the length of side EF.

    Common Mistake: Incorrect application of the Angle-Angle (AA) criterion.

    Solution (Corrected): Given: Angle A = 40°, Angle B = 60°, AB = 6 cm, DE = 9 cm

    To find: Length of side EF

    Correction of Common Mistake: Many students mistakenly assume that since two angles of triangle DEF are corresponding to two angles of triangle ABC, the triangles are similar by the AA criterion. However, this is incorrect because the given information does not ensure that the third angle of triangle DEF is corresponding to the third angle of triangle ABC.

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    Correct Approach:

    1. Since angle A is 40° and angle B is 60° in triangle ABC, we can find angle C using the angle sum property of a triangle: Angle C = 180° – (Angle A + Angle B) = 180° – (40° + 60°) = 180° – 100° = 80°
    2. Now, we have all three angles of triangle ABC: Angle A = 40°, Angle B = 60°, Angle C = 80°.
    3. Since triangle DEF is similar to triangle ABC, the corresponding angles of both triangles are equal. Therefore, angle D in triangle DEF is equal to angle A in triangle ABC (40°), and angle E in triangle DEF is equal to angle B in triangle ABC (60°).
    4. To find angle F in triangle DEF, we use the angle sum property: Angle F = 180° – (Angle D + Angle E) = 180° – (40° + 60°) = 180° – 100° = 80°
    5. Now, we have all three angles of triangle DEF: Angle D = 40°, Angle E = 60°, Angle F = 80°.
    6. Since DE = 9 cm and EF is the corresponding side of triangle DEF, we can set up a proportion based on the similarity of triangles: DE/EF = AB/BCSubstituting the given values: 9/EF = 6/BCSince BC is the side opposite angle C in triangle ABC, we can use the sine rule to find BC: BC/sin(C) = AB/sin(B) BC/sin(80°) = 6/sin(60°) BC = (6 * sin(80°))/sin(60°)

      Now, substitute BC back into the proportion: 9/EF = 6/((6 * sin(80°))/sin(60°))

      Solving for EF: EF = 9 * (sin(60°)/(6 * sin(80°)))

      After calculating, EF ≈ 5.196 cm (approximately)

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    The correct approach involves carefully applying the angle and side ratio properties of similar triangles, rather than assuming similarity based solely on corresponding angles. This example illustrates the importance of thorough understanding and correct application of similarity criteria in solving problems related to similarity of triangles.


    By avoiding these common mistakes and remembering the important points, you can enhance your understanding of the chapter “Similarity of Triangles” and excel in your CBSE Class 10 exams and beyond. Keep practicing and stay focused!

    Similarity of Triangles in CBSE Class 10 FAQs

    What are similarities in triangles Class 10?

    Similar triangles in Class 10 have equal corresponding angles and proportional corresponding sides.

    What are the 4 rules for similar triangles?

    The four rules for similar triangles are: AAA (Angle-Angle-Angle), SAS (Side-Angle-Side), SSS (Side-Side-Side), and AA (Angle-Angle).

    What is similarity class 10 criteria?

    In Class 10, triangles are considered similar if their corresponding angles are equal, and their corresponding sides are proportional.

    What is the fundamental theorem of similarity Class 10?

    The fundamental theorem of similarity in Class 10 states that if two triangles have their corresponding angles equal, then their corresponding sides are proportional, and vice versa.

    How do you solve for similar triangles?

    To solve for similar triangles, compare corresponding angles and sides. If the angles are equal and the sides are proportional, the triangles are similar.

    What is the AAA criteria for similarity of triangles?

    The AAA criteria for similarity of triangles states that if all angles of one triangle are equal to all angles of another triangle, then the triangles are similar.

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