BlogGeneralCompound Microscope Diagram

Compound Microscope Diagram

The microscope is a tool used to make things look bigger. People often use it in labs to study small things. Last time, we talked about different kinds of microscopes. Now, let’s dive into the compound microscope and learn more about it.

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    What is a Compound Microscope?

    A compound microscope is a type of microscope that has two sets of lenses, allowing it to produce a detailed image of the sample in two dimensions.

    The term “compound” indicates that it uses multiple lenses. There are two main types of microscopes: compound and simple. The key difference between them is that a simple microscope has just one lens, while a compound microscope has multiple lenses.

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    This compound microscope diagram for class 9, 10, 11 and 12.

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    Parts of Compound Microscope

    The compound microscope is mainly used for studying tiny details of cells, tissues, or parts of organs. It has two main parts:

    Non-optical parts:

    • Base: The bottom part that holds the whole microscope.
    • Pillar: The part connecting the base and the arm.
    • Arm: A metal handle supporting the stage and body tube.
    • Inclination Joint: Allows tilting the microscope for comfortable viewing.
    • Stage: A platform where slides with samples are placed.
    • Body Tube: Holds the lenses.
    • Draw Tube: Holds the eyepiece.
    • Rack and Pinion: Adjusts focus.
    • Adjustment Screws: Fine-tune focus.
    • Automatic Stop: Prevents damage to the lenses.

    Optical parts:

    • Diaphragm: Controls light.
    • Condenser: Focuses light.
    • Reflector: Directs light onto the sample.
    • Objective Lenses: Magnify the sample.
    • Ocular Lens: Eyepiece for viewing.

    There are different types of objective lenses for various levels of magnification and ocular lenses for different magnification strengths. Binocular head makes viewing easier with two eyepieces and special mirrors and prisms.

    Compound Microscope Diagram FAQs

    ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”What is the mechanism of a compound microscope?” answer-1=”The compound microscope uses two lenses to magnify objects by bending light.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What is the structure of the compound microscope?” answer-2=”It consists of an eyepiece, objective lenses, stage, and light source.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”What is the working Principle of a compound microscope?” answer-3=”It magnifies objects by using two lenses to focus light and form an enlarged image.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”Where is a compound microscope used?” answer-4=”It is used in laboratories, schools, and research facilities to see tiny objects.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h3″ question-5=”Which mirror is used in a compound microscope?” answer-5=”A concave mirror is used to focus light onto the specimen.” image-5=”” headline-6=”h3″ question-6=”How is the image formed by a compound microscope?” answer-6=”The objective lens forms a real inverted image that is magnified by the eyepiece.” image-6=”” headline-7=”h3″ question-7=”How many parts does a compound microscope have?” answer-7=”It has several parts including eyepiece, objective lenses, stage, and light source.” image-7=”” headline-8=”h3″ question-8=”How does a compound microscope work in physics?” answer-8=”It uses lenses to bend light and magnify objects for observation.” image-8=”” headline-9=”h3″ question-9=”What is the principle of working of a compound microscope?” answer-9=”It magnifies small objects by using two lenses to focus light and form an enlarged image.” image-9=”” headline-10=”h3″ question-10=”What is the structure of a compound microscope in physics?” answer-10=”It consists of lenses, a light source, and mechanical parts for support and adjustment.” image-10=”” count=”11″ html=”true” css_class=””]
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