BlogGeneralLiving Above the Line: How Our Thinking Governs Our Experience

Living Above the Line: How Our Thinking Governs Our Experience

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    You can’t handle what occurs, however you can handle how you respond to it. You can pick how you answer. Sugars refer to it as “the line of choice” and you can decide to live “Over the Line” or “Beneath the Line.”


    Out of nowhere, you’re either living over the line or underneath the line.

    This is likewise alluded to as ’cause versus effect’ thought.

    The request to present yourself is, “Which side of the line am I living on?”

    Is it safe to say that you are living over the line, or at all? Or then again would you say you are living beneath the line, otherwise called living at impact of things that happen to you?

    Before you answer that inquiry, we should investigate each side.


    To distinguish whether somebody is living underneath the line, pay attention to their words cautiously.

    Do they regularly look for someone else to take the blame? Are their mindsets impacted vigorously by their conditions?

    Here are a few normal qualities of beneath the line thinking:


    This is one of the most harmful lifestyle choices beneath the line. Your life is brimming with dramatization that begins from accusing others and playing the person in question. Seeing someone, accusing is a type of psychological mistreatment and decreases closeness between two individuals.

    Yet, it doesn’t stop there – unreasonably ordinarily, we enjoy self-fault as grown-ups. This is generally established in defining moment occasions during youth. For instance, youngsters might fault themselves for their folks’ separation. “If by some stroke of good luck I was a superior child then my father wouldn’t leave me.” “If by some stroke of good luck I improved grades, my folks would, in any case, be together”.


    This is really an exemplary instance of moving liability. Somebody who needs to stay away from liability will typically attempt to legitimize the reasons they neglected to play out a specific undertaking. It depends on the lines of “it’s not me, it’s them” (or conditions, innovation, others, etc).


    Likewise justification, denial is an attitude rooted in escaping responsibility. It’s the attitude of “I didn’t make it happen”, and that implies the outcome was an “impact” of some outer situation or someone else’s doing. Once more, it is living beneath the line, or at the impact side of things.


    For this situation, the grass is to be sure to be greener on the opposite side. By deciding to live over the line, we embrace 100 per cent obligation. It’s a basic yet strong conviction that we make all that occurs in our life.

    Fruitful individuals have this “insane” conviction – you are the reason for all impacts in your day to day existence.

    That assertion can make individuals push back or respond with enthusiastic force – again anything you pick when you live over the line, it’s your own making.

    Stop and think for a minute – maybe this entire thought of living at cause isn’t correct. Maybe a few things are out of our control.

    Indeed, even, all things considered, the main inquiry you should think about often is this: Does having confidence in this hypothesis enable me?

    Does putting stock in over the line thinking work on the nature of my life?

    We go about as though until it is. Your convictions are just chance channels and figure out what we permit ourselves to encounter in our lives.

    To put it plainly, all convictions are mental trips – so why not make up the ones that serve us the best?

    Individuals who carry on with life on the impact side of the situation can create “reasons”. They can explain to you why they were not fruitful.

    Accordingly, they are consistently furious and hold hatred against these individuals. They accept they are casualties who must choose between limited options.

    Also perhaps it is all obvious.

    Yet, listen to this: You can be either correct or cheerful.

    What’s your inclination?

    The main thing keeping you from accomplishing what you need are the convictions you structure and the accounts you tell yourself.

    Individuals who carry on with life on the reason side of the condition have results that talk. You embrace ownership and obligation, which enables you to make the existence you need.

    How might you recognize in the event that you are living over the line?

    Next time you start an undertaking or movement at work or home, ask yourself:

    Is it safe to say that you are prepared to take responsibility for the project completely?

    Is it safe to say that you are prepared to give your all and make yourself responsible for the nature of work you create? Also

    Is it safe to say that you will consider yourself liable for the finished result?

    As far as I might be concerned, one of the most difficult aspects of living over the line is recognizing when things don’t go the manner in which I had trusted. In any case, that is additionally my obligation, which then, at that point, gives an incredible open door to development!



    Q. What does Living Above the Line mean?

    Ans: Taking ownership, being accountable and responsible is the real meaning of living above the line. Remember you have the ability to transform you and the outcome in your life

    Q. How do you stay above the line?

    Ans: These are some points on how can you stay above the line:-

    (1) accepting circumstances for what they are the point at which you need to be in charge

    (2) moving forward to lead the way rather than constantly being the adherent

    (3) recognizing that there is more than one right method for finishing things

    (4) allowing others to really focus on you when you would very much want to take care of them

    (5) recognizing the commitment of others in what the future held than being distant from everyone else at the centre of attention

    Q. What is an example of the line Behavior?

    Ans: Above the line, behaviour shows transparency, security in one’s self, and the assumption of individual liability. Whenever somebody works from over the line they view life from the perspective of a maker, as somebody who can affect and gain from their current circumstance, deciphering life through a “by me” focal point.

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