BlogGeneralSTEAM vs. STEM: compare & contrast

STEAM vs. STEM: compare & contrast

STEAM vs. STEM: compare & contrast

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    The path to a different career is where the conflict is faced by the youngsters between STEM and STEAM. They get a choice to choose between the technical field or arts and cultural field. STEM is a focused curriculum in various disciplines of science, technology, engineering and math. On the other hand, STEAM is a science, technology, engineering, arts and math centric discipline.

    In olden times i.e., the ’80s and 90’s the trend of STEM prevailed and the majority of youth took their career choices from the discipline related to STEM itself. The job opportunities were also ample, thus universities and colleges along with them the parents advised the students to stick to STEM disciplines.

    What is STEM?

    It is a multidisciplinary way to make young minds more inclined to increased job opportunities and the practical world’s demand. In the era of advancements, according to a research report of the U.S., more than 70% of the work would be done by operating computerized machines and the job would possibly increase in the same. In a report of the global economy, the manpower taking up STEM will be hired to operate such systems and by 2030 most of the work would be e-platform driven.

    STEM not only demands sheer knowledge of the subject but also an all-around knowledge of how they can sell their products be it any findings on the demand of the consumers. Pew research says that the occupations belonging to the STEM fields have grown to around 80% since the 90s.

    What is STEAM?

    STEAM is a multidisciplinary field that includes the complete blend of things that exists in the world. It stands for the fields that include Science, technology, engineering, arts and math.

    The need to grow in all dimensions has drawn attention towards the arts and its importance along with the technical fields. It puts an emphasis on skills that are crucial to sustaining in the market. Many companies and giants such as Amazon and Walmart are producing a million tonnes of products from the retailers and selling them all over the world. The thing that makes the difference between their marketing skills is their communication skills. Arts comes with the overall package which includes how a managing team deals with the emergency call-outs of the firm and the soft skills they possess.

    The opportunities in the current scenario have increased as compared to the 1990s to a report of the global economy from the U.S.

    What is the difference between STEM and STEAM?

    1. The sole difference between the two flagged streams in day-to-day terms is the inclusiveness of the art and culture which includes dances, calligraphy, designing, writing and history which makes us learn the micro-level beauty of life.
    2. Since the 2000s, inclusive curricula have witnessed a vast change in the job opportunities and innovation in every field.
    3. The field of STEM deals with complex processes and their working by exploring subjects of chemistry, physical sciences, biology, environment, math, engineering and agriculture. The trend followed by STEM is to give the maximum outcome in the areas of concern. It deals with the areas of hard-core scientific facts and figures. It involves the technical way of solving any sort of problem or riddle.
    4. When it comes to STEAM’s concern it deals with innovation along with the technical way of learning and tackling day to day life issues.

    Benefits of STEM and STEAM

    • They work as a team.
    • Their curricula are designed in a way that they are result-oriented
    • They have enhanced problem-solving skills.
    • They understand the importance of each other’s perspectives given that they know the importance of every field in any work culture.
    • They are oriented in a way that they are well aware of the weaknesses and strengths they possess.
    • The report making oriented for every data they collect.
    • Maintaining databases and till the presentation in the real world demands the proper coordination of both students of STEM and STEAM both.
    • Creativity is the crucial reason which is attained when STEAM & STEM comes together.
    • STEM students know their part of critical thinking and manage to draw facts in accordance with it.
    • STEAM students are well-versed professionals who know how to connect these factual dots, logical dots to build a connection between factual information. By doing this STEAM creates a rational concept that could be directly conveyed to the customers or the clients.
    • Cognitive development demands both art and techniques to give the world the best ever.
    • When both go hand in hand through interdisciplinary courses, the project through which they learn provides the students with an opportunity to experience what real-world situations need.
    • When Walmart came into play the founder Sam Walton who was a graduate of economics performed enormously well and soon after 60’s Walmart became a retailer giant that is still running at its highest pace earning a profit rate higher than the predecessor year of its own.


    Q. Is taking up STEAM away towards an inferior career path?

    Ans: No, STEAM is a multidisciplinary field that opens the way towards innovation and better work culture.

    It was said in olden times, but if this case would have existed then the singers, designers and other artists would have died off due to poverty.

    STEM or STEAM which one is better?

    Both of them have their own value in the job market and the proper blend of both has proven to give the best results so far.

    Economically, which one is more valuable?

    According to the reports the majority of youth chooses to go for STEM because of the huge amount of job opportunities it holds.

    What do the Students prefer going for?

    Nowadays the trend has changed today’s young generation wants to explore the career options beyond science and tech thus we have seen just say for an example the graduates of designing be it graphic designers has increased several folds in the past few decades.

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