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Tips to Improve IQ

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    Intelligence Quotient is the total score that measures a person’s intelligence. In other words, your Intelligence Quotient is a measure of your mental agility or comprehension speed. It takes into consideration your age. Most people score between 85 and 115 on an IQ test. The most widely used intelligence tests include the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Scale. The test is scored in terms of IQ, a concept first suggested by German psychologist William Stern and adopted by Lewis Terman in the Stanford-Binet Scale. The IQ was the ratio of a person’s mental age to his chronological (physical) age, multiplied by 100. One such test, the Johns Hopkins Perceptual Test, developed by Leon Rosenberg in the early 1960s to measure the intelligence of preschool children, has a child trying to match random forms. Another attempted solution to the problem was to use test material pertinent to a child’s living environment; for example, for inner-city children, urban is appropriate.

    What is a cognitive function?

    A person’s ability to perform different mental processes is called cognitive function. Cognitive function plays a vital role in our daily lives. For example, at work, you need to clearly understand, complete work tasks, interact with peers, and conduct discussions with your supervisor and team.

    Some of these processes include:

    • Attention
    • Perception
    • Decision-making
    • Language comprehension
    • Memory

    How to increase intelligence

    Adopting simple lifestyle habits can help boost your brain function:

    • Stay physically active
    • Get the right amount of sleep
    • Watch your diet
    • Think creatively to stay stimulated
    • Challenge yourself
    • Give yourself a break

    Different ways to boost IQ:

    • Exercise regularly.
    • Get enough sleep.
    • Meditate.
    • Drink coffee.
    • Drink green tea.
    • Eat nutrient-rich foods.
    • Play an instrument.
    • Read.
    • New languages
    • Frequent reading
    • Continued education

    IQ is measured in school by:

    • Reasoning skills
    • Mathematical abilities
    • Language skills
    • Memory
    • Information processing speed

    IQ tests:

    • The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale for Adults
    • The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
    • The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
    • The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
    • The Cognitive Assessment System
    • The Differential Ability Scales
    • The Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities

    IQ tests for kids

    some general examples of IQ tests are-

    1. Puzzles have logic in them and questions include the ability to reason

    2. Brain games contain spatial and mathematical questions

    3. Analogies contain mathematical and verbal questions

    4. Classification

    5. Visual based puzzle games

    Does an IQ score matter in project management?

    Intelligence in project management also helps to:

    • Execute analytical work without any emotional or implicit bias
    • Make correct decisions by weighing the possible consequences of the actions.
    • Be more productive.
    • Search the best course of action quickly and constructively

    Methods of boosting IQ:

    1. Memory activities

    Memory activities can help to improve memory, reasoning, and language skills. Memory games are used in different types of research. Intelligence is measured by reasoning and language.

    Activities that involve memory training are:

    • jigsaw puzzles
    • crossword puzzles
    • concentration card game, or card matching
    • sudoku

    2. Executive control activities

    Activities that involve executive control training include:

    • Scrabble
    • Pictionary
    • red light, green light
    • brainteasers

    3. Visuospatial reasoning activities

    Activities that involve visual and spatial training are-

    • mazes
    • point-of-view activities
    • 3-D models
    • unfolded prisms

    4. Relational skills

    Activities that involve relational training include:

    • language learning books
    • object comparisons
    • amount comparisons.

    IQ is a type of standard score. It indicates the mental ability of students. The student group score is an IQ of 100. Simple tips that may boost your brainpower and help you increase your IQ level. A person with a high IQ have the following qualities:

    • Higher eloquence
    • Increased capacity for learning new things
    • Enhanced memory
    • Improved ability to evaluate the best course.
    • Creat creative and innovative solutions to problems.

    How to improve IQ Level

    1. Play games and solve puzzles

    Games and puzzles help to sharpen and activate the brain. This is very important because IQ tests involved fluid intelligence tests. It relates to your working memory. Hence, games and puzzles help you improve your ability.

    2. Make exercise a habit

    Physical exercise is not a destination. It’s a way of life. The most important key to a healthy body is physical fitness. It is the basis of dynamic and creative IQ. Exercise regulates metabolic mechanisms that support brain functioning. So, run, jog, walk, skip, swim, or play. You boost the chances of increasing your intelligence level.

    3. Restrict the usage of gadgets

    One set of thinking inventors has paved the way for millions to stop using their brains and rely on devices to think for them. Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids together and motivating them, the teacher and books are the most important. Technology is killing relationships because we tend to give our phones more attention than we do our books. Maximum use of gadgets can set a bad precedent in that it has made your brain slower and lazier. For example- practicing your maths skills by doing your calculations from time to time and turning off spell check when writing, can help keep your brain active. Don’t use a calculator or phone for normal calculations.

    4. Good nutrition for better cognition

    A balanced and healthy diet ensures that you have vitamins, protein, calcium, or iron, which can mar your brainpower. A healthy outside starts from the inside. Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments. Exercise is king, nutrition is queen. Put them together you have got a kingdom. It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. Both the lifestyle and nutritional choices of vegetarians are associated with strong intellectual functioning and slower cognitive decline.

    5. Practice yoga and meditation

    Practicing yoga will not only help sharpen your brain but will also improve your memory, concentration, IQ, and will help you score well in your exams. These are some yoga asanas that will help you study better. To deepen your focus on study and IQ, you should schedule a timetable for your day, train your focus, and quit social media. Yoga helps to reload confidence and to bring learning to children on an experiential level. Yoga teaches them to persevere, be patient, and work towards their goals. Yoga also provides tools for practicing compassion, mindfulness, generosity, focus, strength, and flexibility. It Boosts Self-Esteem and Confidence. Some known yoga poses that can help you attain better concentration and focus are as follow-

    • Tree Pose or Vrikshasana.
    • Mountain Pose Of Tadasana.
    • Dance Pose Or Natarajasana.
    • Eagle Pose Or Garudasana.
    • Seated Forward Pose For Paschimottanasana.
    • Camel Pose Or Ustrasana.
    • Crane Pose Of Bakasana

    Yoga is a science that harnesses the innate capability of the body to improve its powers and functioning. It can act as an instant cognitive boost. Yoga asanas help relieve stress, which enhances the functioning of the brain. Thoppukaranam has also caught on among professionals and educators. This short and simple exercise increases your brainpower.

    Activities that won’t boost your IQ

    Some activities help to develop the skills necessary to improve your intelligence. The following myths aren’t included in those suggestions:

    • taking multivitamins
    • listening to music
    • training for an IQ test

    Also read: Importance of Artificial Intelligence


    Que 1: Name some yoga poses that can help you attain better concentration.

    Answer: Yoga poses that can help you attain better concentration and focus are as follow-

    • Tree Pose or Vrikshasana.
    • Mountain Pose Of Tadasana.
    • Dance Pose Or Natarajasana.
    • Eagle Pose Or GarudAsana.
    • Seated Forward Pose For Paschimottanasana.
    • Camel Pose Or Ustrasana.
    • Crane Pose Of Bakasana

    Que 2: What are the qualities present in a person with a high IQ?

    Answer: A person with a high IQ would typically have:

    • Higher eloquence
    • Increased capacity for learning new things
    • Enhanced memory
    • Improved ability to evaluate different courses of action to arrive at the best one
    • Ability to produce creative and innovative solutions to problems.

    Que 3: How to measure IQ in school?

    Answer: IQ is measured in school by:

    • Reasoning skills
    • Mathematical abilities
    • Language skills
    • Memory
    • Information processing speed

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