BlogIIT-JEEDimensions Of Magnetic Field

Dimensions Of Magnetic Field

Dimensions Of Magnetic Field: A magnetic field, a vector field in the vicinity of a magnet, an electric current, or a changing electric field in which magnetic forces can be observed. Magnetic fields, like those found on Earth, cause magnetic compass needles and other permanent magnets to align in the direction of the field. Magnetic fields cause electrically charged particles to move in a circular or helical pattern.

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    The operation of electric motors is based on this force, which is exerted on electric currents in wires in a magnetic field. The magnetic field is stationary and referred to as a magnetostatic field when it surrounds a permanent magnet or a wire carrying a steady electric current in one direction. Its magnitude and direction remain constant at any given point.

    The magnetic field around an alternating current or a fluctuating direct current is constantly changing in magnitude and direction. Continuous lines of force or magnetic flux that emerge from north-seeking magnetic poles and enter south-seeking magnetic poles can be used to represent magnetic fields. The magnitude of the magnetic field is indicated by the density of the lines. The field lines are crowded together, or denser, at the poles of a magnet, for example, where the magnetic field is strong. They fan out further away, becoming less dense as the magnetic field weakens.

    Parallel straight lines with equal spacing represent a uniform magnetic field. The flux direction is the same as the direction of a small magnet’s north-seeking pole. The flux lines are continuous, forming closed loops. They emerge from the north-seeking pole of a bar magnet, fan out and around, enter the magnet at the south-seeking pole, and continue through the magnet to the north pole, where they emerge again. The weber is the SI unit for magnetic flux. The total number of field lines that cross a given area is represented by the number of webers.

    A magnetic field is a vector field that exists in the vicinity of a magnet, an electric current, or a changing electric field and can be observed to have magnetic forces. A magnetic field is created by moving electric charges and intrinsic magnetic moments of elementary particles that are associated with a fundamental quantum property known as spin. Magnetic and electric fields are inextricably linked and both components of the electromagnetic force, one of nature’s four fundamental forces.

    Dimensions Of Magnetic Field

    Dimensional Formula of Magnetic Field

    Magnetic Field’s dimensional formula is given by, M1 T-2 I-1


    M = Mass I = Current L = Length T = Time Derivation

    Lorentz Force (F) = Charge × Magnetic Field (B) × Velocity

    Magnetic Field (B) = Lorentz Force × [Charge × Velocity]-1 . . . . . (1)

    Velocity = Distance × Time-1

    The velocity dimensional formula = [L T-1]. . . . . . . (2)

    electric charge = electric current × time

    The electric charge dimensional formula = [I1 T1] . . . . . (3)

    Lorentz Force = Mass × Acceleration = M × [L T-2]

    Lorentz Force Dimensional Formula = M1 L1 T-2 . . . . (4)

    When we substitute equations (2), (3), and (4) into equation (1), we get

    Magnetic Field = Force × [Charge × Velocity]-1

    Or, B = [M1 L1 T-2] × [I1 T1]-1 × [L T-1]-1 = [M1 L0 T-2 I-1].

    As a result, the Magnetic Field is dimensionally represented as [M1 T-2 I-1].


    Q. What is the significance of magnetic flux lines?

    Ans: Magnetic flux lines are significant for the following reasons:

    Magnetic field lines are lines in a magnetic field whose tangent at any point gives the field direction at that point and whose density gives the field magnitude.

    They indicate the magnetic field’s direction.

    What is the source of the Earth's magnetic field?

    The magnetic field of the Earth is created deep within the Earth’s core. The flow of liquid iron at the Earth’s core generates an electric current, which generates magnetic fields. Charged metals passing through these fields generate their own electric currents, and the cycle continues. The geodynamo is the name given to this self-sustaining loop. The Coriolis force causes spiralling, which aligns separate magnetic fields in the same direction. The combined effect of magnetic fields creates a massive magnetic field that engulfs the planet.

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