BlogIIT-JEEHc Verma Solutions Class 11 Chapter 20 Dispersion And Spectra

Hc Verma Solutions Class 11 Chapter 20 Dispersion And Spectra


Only the seven colours (VIBGYOR) are visible when white light passes through a prism and lands on a screen. The spectrum refers to the range of colours that can be seen on a computer screen. The hues in white light are divided by the prism. Dispersion is the split of white light into essential hues.

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    A brief outline

    When white light strikes the prism’s initial surface and enters it, the light of various colours is refracted (or bent or deviated) at various angles. As a result, the initial surface of the prism is where white light is dispersed into its constituent colours.

    Important concepts

    Since of the various speeds of different colours in the glass, the divergence towards the base of the prism varies. The red colour is the least distorted, while the violet colour is the most deviated. Only refraction occurs on the prism’s second surface, and different colours deviate at different angles. Violet is likewise the most divergent, whereas red is the least. Refraction at the second surface separates the colours much more. As a result, the light that emerges from the prism contains a variety of colours that spread out to form a spectrum.

    Light does, in fact, disperse into its range of colours on a glass slab. White light is refracted twice when it passes through a glass slab or a glass prism. It moves from the air to the glass, then back to the air. Because both surfaces are parallel, all light rays slow down and speed it up at the same pace. As a result, it appears to an onlooker that white light has entered and exited the slab.


    Significance of Hc Verma Solutions Class 11 Chapter 20 dispersion and spectra in IIT JEE exam

    The chapter on optics is essential for the IIT JEE exam, as well as for reference and competitive test preparation. The dispersion and spectrum exam questions in this chapter are definitional in nature. Optical instrumentation has been asked roughly 6.66 per cent of the total questions in the past eight years’ question papers, according to the chapter-by-chapter weighting distribution for the IIT JEE test.


    Why should you use HC Verma's Physics Concepts- Dispersion and Spectra Solutions?

    HC Verma’s answers are presented in such a way that they are simple to comprehend and questions are dispelled. They include illustrations and images that clarify each subject, making learning more entertaining by incorporating real-world applications.

    How should you use your HC Verma Physics textbooks?

    The best approach to use this book is to read it cover to cover and comprehend the concepts using the illustrations and solved examples provided. After that, go over the first exercise, marking and leaving any questions that you don't understand, and move on to the next.

    What is the total number of HC Verma Physics class 11 books available?

    Physics Class 11 books have been separated into two sections by HC Verma: Volume 1 and Volume 2. This book will truly assist pupils in thoroughly preparing for the subject, so be sure to include it.

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