BlogIIT-JEEShortest Distance Between Two Lines

Shortest Distance Between Two Lines

The distance between two lines denotes how far apart the two lines are. A line is a figure formed when two points are connected with the shortest possible distance between them, and both ends of a line are extended to infinity. The perpendicular distance between two lines can be used to calculate their distance. In general, we calculate the distance between two parallel lines.

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    The distance between two straight lines in a plane is the shortest distance between any two points lying on the lines. We frequently deal with different sets of lines like parallel lines, intersecting lines, or skew lines when calculating.

    Shortest Distance Between Two Lines

    The distance between two parallel lines is used to calculate how far apart the lines are. This can be accomplished by calculating the perpendicular distance between them. Using this approach, we can derive a formula and use it directly to find the shortest distance between two parallel lines. For two non-intersecting lines in the same plane, the distance between them is the shortest of all distances between two points on both lines.

    The distance between two parallel lines is measured in millimetres, which is the perpendicular distance between any two points on a line.

    The length of a line that intersects another line. Eventually, the shortest distance between such lines is zero.

    For two skewed lines, the distance is equal to the length of the perpendicular between them.

    Shortest Distance Between Two Parallel Lines

    Consider two parallel lines, which are represented as follows:

    y = mx + c1 …(i)

    y = mx + c2 ….(ii)

    Where m = slope of the line

    The formula can then be written as follows:

    Steps to Calculate The Distance

    Check whether the given parallel line equations are in slope-intercept form (i.e. y= mx + c) or not.

    In addition, if the equations of two lines are given in the slope-intercept form, the slope value should be the same for both lines.

    Find the value of the interception point (c1 and c2) and the slope for both lines.

    To calculate the value of y, substitute the values in the slope-intercept equation.

    In conclusion, to find the distance between two lines, enter all of the values into the distance formula discussed below.

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    How do you calculate the shortest path between two skewed lines?.

    The length of the perpendicular between the two lines is equal to the shortest distance between skew lines.

    What is the term for the distance between two points?

    The length of a line segment is the distance between two points. Congruent segments are segments that are the same length. By drawing a line with a ruler, we can calculate the distance between two points.

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