BlogIIT-JEEMass vs Weight – What is the Difference Between Mass And Weight?

Mass vs Weight – What is the Difference Between Mass And Weight?

Mass and weight are often used interchangeably, but they actually have distinct meanings. Mass measures how much stuff is in an object, while weight measures the force of gravity pulling on that object due to its mass. Despite the difference, many people mix up these terms.

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    To better understand, think about how force is needed to change the speed or direction of something. When you drop an object from a height, it falls toward the Earth because of gravity. This force of attraction exists not only on Earth but also in the interactions between celestial bodies. Isaac Newton discovered that this universal force is called gravitational force.

    What is Mass?

    Mass is a way to measure how much stuff is in an object. It doesn’t matter where you are; the mass stays the same. Mass tells us about two things: how much matter is in a physical object and how hard it is to speed up or slow down when we push or pull it.

    An object’s mass is how we measure its resistance to being pushed or pulled, which is also known as inertia. When the mass increases, so does the object’s resistance to changes in its motion. No matter if the object is on Earth, the Moon, or out in space, its mass stays the same. This means an object’s mass is always the same, no matter where it is.

    To figure out the mass of an object when we know its volume and density, we can use this formula:

    Mass (m) = Volume (V) × Density (ρ)

    Mass is a scalar quantity, meaning it only has a size, and its standard unit is the kilogram (kg). We can measure an object’s mass using an everyday balance, a beam balance, or a digital balance. Here are some essential details concerning mass:

    1. Mass is never zero for any object.
    2. It’s a scalar quantity, just telling us how much.
    3. The mass of an object doesn’t change with its location.
    4. We use common balances to find an object’s mass.
    5. The SI unit for mass is the kilogram (kg).

    What is Weight?

    Weight refers to the force exerted on an object due to gravity, and it is determined by the object’s mass. This means that weight varies based on the location. When an object is on Earth, it experiences a force proportional to its mass (m) and the acceleration due to gravity (g).

    Weight is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction, typically toward the Earth’s center or another gravitational source. The standard unit of weight is the Newton (N), which is equivalent to the unit of force in the International System of Units (SI). We measure weight using a spring balance.

    Let’s explore the essential characteristics of mass:

    1. Weight can be zero in environments where gravity doesn’t exist, like in outer space.
    2. Weight is a vector, having both size and direction.
    3. The weight of an object varies when it moves to different locations.
    4. To measure weight, we often use a spring balance.
    5. The Newton is the recognized unit of weight in the International System of Units (SI).

    Acceleration Due to Gravity (g)

    Whenever an object falls towards the Earth, it speeds up. This speeding up happens because of the Earth’s gravitational pull. We call this speeding up “acceleration due to gravity,” and we use the symbol “g” to represent it. The unit of g is meters per second squared (m/s²), which is the same unit used for any type of acceleration. To calculate g, you can use the following formula:

    g = GM/R²

    In this formula:

    • G stands for the Universal Gravitational Constant (G = 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/Kg²).
    • M represents the mass of the object you’re interested in.
    • R is the radius of the object.

    Measurement of Weight

    Everything is attracted to the Earth because of a force, and this force depends on two things: the mass (m) of an object and the acceleration due to gravity (g).

    When an object with mass m is in motion and experiencing acceleration a, we can calculate the force acting on it as follows:

    Force (F) = mass (m) × acceleration (a)

    Since all objects on Earth experience gravity, we can simplify this further:

    Force (F) = mass (m) × acceleration due to gravity (g)

    The weight of an object is essentially the force of Earth’s attraction towards it, and we represent it as “W.” This weight can also be calculated as:

    Weight (W) = mass (m) × acceleration due to gravity (g)

    It’s worth noting that weight is a force that acts in a downward direction, and it’s not just about how strong it is (its magnitude) but also the direction in which it acts. Therefore, weight is a vector quantity.

    Weight on Earth

    The Earth may seem round, but it’s actually shaped like an uneven ellipsoid. This means that the distance from a point on the equator to the Earth’s center is greater than the distance from a point at the North Pole to the Earth’s center. You can understand this using two equations: g = GM/R^2 and W = mg.

    These equations reveal that the force of gravity (g) is inversely related to the square of the distance from the Earth’s center. This means that an object at the North Pole will weigh more than the same object at the equator.

    In simple terms, because the Earth’s gravity changes from place to place while the mass remains constant, the weight of an object can vary depending on where it is on the Earth’s surface.

    Weight on Moon

    On Earth, when something sits on the ground, it feels a pull towards the planet due to Earth’s gravity. This force is what we call weight. When we talk about the moon, it’s a bit different. The moon has less mass than Earth, so its gravitational pull is weaker. This means that objects on the moon weigh about one-sixth of what they do on Earth.

    Difference Between Mass and Weight

    The differences between mass and weight is tabulated below:

    Difference Between Mass and Weight
    Characteristic Mass Weight
    Definition Property of matter, constant everywhere Depends on gravity’s effect
    Type Scalar quantity (magnitude only) Vector quantity (magnitude and direction)
    Unit of Measurement Kilograms (kg) and grams (g) Newtons (N)
    Position Dependence Doesn’t change with position Changes with position
    Measurement Device Ordinary balance Spring balance
    Zero Gravity (e.g., space) Mass remains, doesn’t become zero Weight can be zero


    The state of weightlessness occurs when an object feels like it has no weight. A classic instance of this is when astronauts aboard a space station orbiting Earth find themselves in a state of weightlessness, allowing them to float freely inside the station.

    There are other situations where people might experience weightlessness, such as passengers on an airplane, individuals in a descending elevator, and divers and swimmers who feel buoyant in water.

    Mass vs Weight FAQs

    What is the difference between mass and weight?

    Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object and is a scalar quantity, measured in kilograms or grams. It remains constant regardless of location. In contrast, weight is the force of gravity acting on an object's mass, making it a vector quantity measured in Newtons (N). Weight varies with location due to changes in gravitational acceleration.

    How is mass measured?

    Mass can be measured using devices like ordinary balances, beam balances, or digital balances. The standard unit of mass is the kilogram (kg).

    How is weight measured?

    Weight is typically measured using a spring balance. The standard unit of weight is also the Newton (N), which is the same unit used for force in the International System of Units (SI).

    Does mass change depending on an object's location?

    No, mass remains constant no matter where the object is located. It is an intrinsic property of the object.

    Does weight change depending on an object's location?

    Yes, weight varies depending on the object's location due to differences in gravitational acceleration. An object's weight is stronger on Earth than on the Moon, for example.

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