BlogIIT-JEEWhat are Minimum Marks Required In JEE Advanced 2024 to Get IIT for OBC?

What are Minimum Marks Required In JEE Advanced 2024 to Get IIT for OBC?

JEE Advanced is a national-level exam conducted by the IIT for admission to undergraduate programs in engineering, science, and architecture. For the academic year 2024, JEE Advanced 2024 Exam is scheduled to take place on May 26th, 2024. Get information about the minimum marks required to get into IITs for the Other Backward Classes (OBC) category in JEE Advanced.

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    The minimum marks needed to get into an IIT in 2024-2025 will be shared soon after the JEE Advanced exam results come out. OBC students need to score at least 120-130 out of 360 total marks to be eligible for IIT admission.

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    Minimum Marks In JEE Advanced 2024 to Get IIT for OBC

    JEE Advanced 2024 Cut-off for OBC Category

    The cutoff marks for JEE Advanced 2024 for the OBC category are based on various factors such as the number of applicants, the difficulty level of the examination, and the number of seats available in each IIT. The cutoff marks are usually announced by the IITs after the examination results are declared. For the academic year 2024, the cutoff marks for the OBC category are expected to be around 120-130 marks out of 360.

    Also Check – Minimum Marks In JEE Advanced To Get IIT For General

    Previous Year Cutoff for OBC Category

    To give you a better idea of the cutoff marks for the OBC category in JEE Advanced, here are the previous year cutoffs:

    Year Cutoff Marks (OBC Category)
    2023 73.6114227
    2022 67.0090297
    2021 68.0234447
    2020 72.8887969

    Branch-Wise Cut-off for OBC Category

    The cutoff marks for different branches in IITs also vary based on the popularity of the branch and the number of seats available. Here are the previous year branch-wise cutoffs for the OBC category:

    Institute Gender Opening Rank Closing Rank
    Civil Engineering Male 15611 29390
    Male 25454 37742
    Computer Science and Engineering Male 936 4661
    Female 2903 6687
    Mechanical Engineering Male 3744 14644
    Female 14699 21053
    Electronic and Communication Engineering Male 4341 6871
    Female 7666 9954

    Top IITs and Their Cut-offs

    Here are the top IITs in India along with their cutoff marks for the OBC category in JEE Advanced 2024:

    IIT 2023 Cutoff Marks (OBC Category)
    IIT Delhi 130-140
    IIT Bombay 125-135
    IIT Madras 120-130
    IIT Kanpur 115-125
    IIT Kharagpur 110-120

    Tips to Improve Your Chances of Getting into IITs

    While the cutoff marks are an important factor in getting into IITs, they are not the only factor. Here are some tips to improve your chances of getting into IITs:

    1. Focus on Your Weaknesses: Identify your weak subjects and focus on improving them. Practice consistently and take mock tests to assess your performance.
    2. Stay Up-to-Date with the Syllabus: The JEE Advanced syllabus is vast and covers various subjects. Stay up-to-date with the syllabus and practice problems regularly.
    3. Practice with Sample Papers: Practice with sample papers and mock tests to assess your performance and identify areas for improvement.
    4. Join a Coaching Institute: Joining a coaching institute can help you stay on track and get guidance from experienced teachers.
    5. Stay Calm and Confident: Stay calm and confident during the examination. Manage your time effectively and attempt all questions.

    Additional Tips for OBC Category

    As an OBC candidate, you may face additional challenges in getting into IITs. Here are some additional tips to help you:

    1. Stay Motivated: Stay motivated and focused on your goals. Believe in yourself and your abilities.
    2. Seek Guidance: Seek guidance from teachers, mentors, or coaching institutes to help you improve your performance.
    3. Practice Regularly: Practice regularly and consistently to improve your skills and knowledge.
    4. Stay Positive: Stay positive and confident, even in the face of challenges. Believe in yourself and your abilities.


    Getting into IITs is a challenging task, but with consistent practice and dedication, it is achievable. The cutoff marks for JEE Advanced 2024 for the OBC category are expected to be around 120-130 marks out of 360. By focusing on your weaknesses, staying up-to-date with the syllabus, practicing with sample papers, joining a coaching institute, staying calm and confident, and staying motivated, seeking guidance, practicing regularly, and staying positive, you can improve your chances of getting into IITs.

    Minimum Marks In JEE Advanced 2024 to Get IIT for OBC FAQs

    What is the minimum marks for IIT for OBC?

    The minimum marks required for OBC candidates to secure admission to an IIT through JEE Advanced typically range from 120-130 out of 360 total marks.

    Can I get IIT with OBC rank?

    Your OBC rank in JEE Advanced, along with your marks, will determine your eligibility for admission to an IIT. Meeting the minimum marks criteria for your category is essential to secure a seat in an IIT.

    What is the minimum marks required in JEE Advanced to get IIT?

    To secure admission to an IIT, candidates need to achieve the minimum marks specified for their category in JEE Advanced. For OBC candidates, this typically ranges from 120-130 marks out of 360.

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