BlogNCERTImportant Concept of Physics: Escape Velocity

Important Concept of Physics: Escape Velocity


When you hurl a ball out of sight, for what reason doesn’t it fly through the environment and get away into space? This is on the grounds that gravity pulls it back down. Then, at that point, how does a rocket fly into space? It can fly into space since it is going at an exceptionally high speed.

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    This speed is called escape velocity. The break speed of heavenly bodies like planets and their normal satellites (the moon for us) is the base speed that must be accomplished by an item, to get away from the gravitational authoritative reach (pull or power or fascination) of the divine body.

    At this speed, the amount of the gravitational likely energy and active energy of the framework will be equivalent to nothing.

    When a system of bodies is barycentric, one body moves with respect to the centre of mass of the system. A relative velocity describes one body’s motion with respect to another. Relative escape velocity only applies to systems with more than one body. It is unclear what the term “escape velocity” means in systems with two bodies, but it is usually understood to mean the barycentric escape velocity of the less massive one. The escape velocity of zero mass test particles in gravitational fields is related to their distance from the barycenter of the masses generating the field.

    Brief outline:

    Conservation of energy leads to the existence of escape velocity. A moving object with a given total energy, which is subject to conservative forces (such as a static gravity field), can only reach locations and speeds in the same range as the total energy; and places having a higher potential energy cannot be reached.

    In terms of gravitational potential energy at a particular position, the escape velocity is the speed of an object without propulsion that must be reached in order to escape from gravity (i.e. escape from being pulled back by gravity). As an object attempts to escape a uniform sphere, we will assume that it moves directly away from it (along a line radial to the planet centre) and that the only significant force on the object is its gravity.

    Objects can escape the gravitational field regardless of their direction of travel (as long as their path does not intersect the planet) because escape velocity refers to speed, rather than velocity. The most straightforward way to determine escape velocity is by using the conservation of energy. The ship has mass m and is located at a distance r from the centre of mass of the planet, which has mass M.

    The ship’s initial speed is equal to its escape velocity . The object will have an infinite distance from the planet at the end of its journey, and its speed will be negligibly slow and will be assumed to be 0.

    The only types of energy we will consider are kinetic energy K and gravitational potential energy Ug, so by the conservation of energy,

    Definition of Escape Velocity:

    Escape velocity, in cosmology and space investigation, is the speed that is adequate for a body to escape from a gravitational focal point of fascination without going through any further speed increase.

    Escape velocity diminishes with elevation and is equivalent to the square foundation of 2 (or around 1.414) times the speed important to keep a roundabout circle at a similar height. At the outer layer of the Earth, assuming that barometrically obstruction could be dismissed, escape velocity would be around 11.2 km (6.96 miles) each second.

    The speed of break from the less huge Moon is around 2.4 km each second at its surface. A planet (or satellite) can’t long hold an environment assuming the planet’s break speed is low to the point of being close to the normal speed of the gas atoms making up the air.

    Escape Velocity Equation:

    The escape velocity equation is obtained by equating the kinetic energy of an object with mass m and travelling with a velocity of v with the gravitational potential energy of the same object.

    Vc = (2GM / r) 1/2


    1. Vc is the escape velocity
    2. G is the universal gravitational constant
    3. It is M that determines how the gravitational pull of a celestial object has to be overcome
    4. r is the distance between the object and the centre of mass of the body to be ejected

    An alternative expression for the escape velocity particularly useful at the surface on the body is

    Vc = gR2

    The acceleration of the earth due to gravity is g.

    Hence, Escape velocity is also given by

    Vc = (2gR) 1/2

    It is expressed in m/s. The escape velocity formula is used to calculate the escape velocity of any planet or body whose mass and radius are known.

    As a result of the above equations, escape velocities for larger planets (or celestial bodies) will be greater since they will have a larger mass rather than smaller planets with a lower mass (having less gravity).

    Escape Velocity of Earth:

    Gravity on Earth causes an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2

    The radius of Earth,

    R = 6.4 × 106 m

    Earth’s escape velocity,

    ve = *2 * 9.8 * 6.4 * 106


    ve = 11.2 * 103 m/s = 11.2 km/s

    On earth, the escape velocity is around 40,270 km/hr, which is around 11,186 m/s.

    It is important that the rocket’s velocity when it is launched into outer space is greater than the escape velocity, or else the rocket will crash back to earth.

    Guess what, the escape velocity at the poles of the earth differs from that at the equator because the radius is slightly greater at the equator.

    It is believed that it is impossible to escape a black hole because the gravitational field inside the event horizon is so huge that the calculated velocity is greater than the speed of light!

    Frequently Asked Questions FAQ’s:

    Question 1:What does escape velocity depend on?

    Answer:It is dependent on the mass and radius of the celestial body to determine the escape velocity.

    Question 2:How is escape velocity and orbital velocity related?

    Answer:The escape velocity for an object is determined by its orbital velocity. By using the square root of two as the product of orbital velocity and escape velocity, escape velocity can be calculated. This can also be used to determine the gravitational field that affects the orbit.

    Question 3:Where does orbital velocity differ from escape velocity?

    Answer:The difference between orbital velocity and escape velocity is that orbital velocity represents the speed needed to reach an orbit around a planet or star, whereas escape velocity represents the speed needed to leave that orbit.

    Question 4:What is the highest escape velocity planet in our solar system?

    Answer: Jupiter is the planet with the highest escape velocity in our solar system. At 60.20 kilometres per second, Saturn is the fastest.

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