BlogNCERTImportant Topic Of Chemistry: Stoichiometry

Important Topic Of Chemistry: Stoichiometry


Stoichiometry: Stoichiometry is a measurement of the quantitative link for both the products and reactants of a chemical process expressed in mass or volume ratios. Stoichiometry is a fundamental mathematical principle that describes the rule of mass conservation, which says that matter cannot be generated or destroyed, but can only be transformed from one condition to another. A balanced stoichiometry is required for a chemical reaction to take place and progress to completion. In a chemical equation, the quantity of each chemical element just on the product side of the reaction ought to be perfect just the way element quantity on the reactant side.

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    A chemical equation is a diagram that shows how a chemical process works. An arrow divides the reactants on the left from the products on the right in a typical chemical equation. The stoichiometric values are the coefficients next to the reactants and products. They reflect the number of moles of each chemical that must react in order for the reaction to finish. Under particular reaction conditions, it may be essential to compute the number of moles of a reagent or product. The reaction must be balanced in order to execute this correctly. In a chemical reaction, the quantity of each element doesn’t really change, according to the rule of conservation of matter.

    A brief outline

    Stoichiometry determines the number of products and reactants generated or required in a specific reaction by measuring these quantitative correlations. Reaction stoichiometry describes the quantitative relationships between substances as they act in chemical reactions. The connection between the amounts of methane and oxygen that act to generate carbon dioxide and water is measured by reaction stoichiometry in the example above. Stoichiometry can be used to identify quantities by weight in a reaction defined by a balanced equation because of the well-known link between moles and atomic weights. This is known as stoichiometry (composition stoichiometry).

    Gas stoichiometry is concerned with reactions involving gases that are considered to be ideal gases and are at a specified temperature, pressure, and volume. The ideal gas law ensures that the volume ratio of gases is the same, but the mass ratio of a single reaction must be computed from the molecular masses of the reactants and products. Because of the availability of isotopes, molar masses are utilized to calculate the mass ratio in practice.

    Important concepts

    Stoichiometry Examples

    Atoms and molecules are exceedingly small, but there are a lot of them in a very small amount of a substance. As a result, the mole idea was developed to depict atoms and molecules in bulk. A mole of any substance has 6.022 x 1023 numbers of that substance in it. Avogadro’s number is another name for this number.

    Molar mass is the weight in grams of one mole of a substance. The atomic/molecular formula mass is quantitatively equal to the molar mass of one mole of a material.

    Let’s look at an example of a chemical equation that is balanced.

    3Fe(s) + 4H2O(l) Fe3O4 (s)+ 4H2 (g)

    The quantitative data derived from this balanced equation is as described in the following:

    • One mole of Fe3O4 and four moles of H2 are produced when three moles of Fe react with four moles of H2O.
    • 231g of Fe3O4 and 8g of H2 gas are produced when 168g (563g) of Fe interacts with 72g (184) of H2O.

    The molar volume is taken into account if the reactants and products are all in gaseous form. A mole of any gas takes up 22.4 liters.

    CH4(g) + 2O2(g)⇾ CO2(g)+ 2H2O (g)

    22.4 liters of CH4 react with 44.8 (2 x 22.4) liters of O2 to produce 22.4 liters of CO2 and 44.8 liters of H2O in the above reaction.

    Limiting Reagent

    It’s probable that one of the reactants is present predominantly in a chemical reaction. As a result, some of the surplus reactants will be left behind when the reaction is finished; the reaction will continue as long as one of the reactants is completely consumed.

    The limiting reagent is the material that is completely consumed in a reaction.

    Let’s look at an example of a chemical process to better understand the notion of limiting reagents.

    N2 + 3H2 2NH3

    Assume that one mole of N2 reacts with one mole of H2 to produce one mole of H2. However, one mole of N2 uses three moles of H2 according to the balanced chemical equation. As a result, H2 is the reaction’s limiting reagent.

    Significance of chemical reactions in NEET exam

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    Q. What is the purpose of Stoichiometry?

    Ans: The quantitative link amongst reactants and products in a chemical process is expressed using stoichiometry. The stoichiometric coefficients in a balanced equation describe the molar ratios in the reaction. It enables the prediction of particular quantities such as a gas’s product or molar mass, percent yield, and so on.

    Q. What Is Stoichiometry and How Does It Work?

    Ans: Stoichiometry can be defined as the computation of products and reactants in a chemical process in simple terms. It is primarily concerned with figures.

    Q. What does Stoichiometric Coefficient mean?

    Ans: The number of molecules involved in a process is known as the stoichiometric coefficient or stoichiometric number. When you look at a balanced reaction, you’ll see that both sides of the equation have the same number of elements. The number in front of atoms, molecules, or ions is known as the stoichiometric coefficient.

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