EnglishClass 11 English Solved 2016 Set 3 CBSE Sample Papers

Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 3 CBSE Sample Papers

Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 3

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    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 3

    Section -A Reading [20 Marks]

    1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (8)
    Cloud computing is computing in which large groups of remote servers are networked to allow the centralised data storage and online access to computer services or resources. Clouds can be classified as public, private or hybrid.
    As a metaphor for the Internet, ‘the cloud’ is a familiar cliche, but when combined with ‘computing’, the meaning gets bigger and fuzzier. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription based or pay per use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT’s existing capabilities.

    In a cloud computing system, there’s a significant workload shift. Local computers no longer have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to running applications. The network of computers that make up the cloud handles them instead. Hardware and software demands on the user’s side decrease. The only thing the user’s computer needs to be able to run is the cloud computing system’s interface software, which can be as simple as a Web browser and the cloud’s network takes care of the rest.

    Cloud computing is typically defined as a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications.

    In cloud computing, the word cloud (also phrased as ‘the cloud’) is used as a metaphor for ‘the Internet,’ so the phrase cloud computing means “a type of Internet-based computing,” where different services—such as servers, storage and applications—are delivered to an organisation’s computers and devices through the Internet.
    Cloud computing is comparable to grid computing, a type of computing where unused processing cycles of all computers in a network are harnessed to solve problems too intensive for any stand-alone machine.

    The goal of cloud computing is to apply traditional supercomputing or high-performance computing power, normally used by military and research facilities, to perform tens of trillions of computations per second, in consumer-oriented applications such as financial portfolios, to deliver personalised information, to provide data storage or to power large, immersive computer games. It relies on restricting sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale, similar to a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network. At the foundation of cloud computing is the broader concept of converged infrastructure and shared services.

    To do this, cloud computing uses networks of large groups of servers typically running low-cost PC technology with specialised connections to spread data – processing chores across them. This shared IT infrastructure contains large pools of systems that are linked together. Often, virtualisation techniques are used to maximise the power of cloud computing.

    It’s only in recent years that companies have started renting servers and storage instead of purchasing hardware and running it at huge costs. And with more organisations-especially those that rely on India’s outsourcing infrastructure­ transferring some of their IT work onto the cloud, companies such as Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys and Wipro have stepped up to facilitate that ship. They have positioned themselves as enablers between owners and renters.

    A report published by IT research and advisory firm Gartner estimates that in India alone the market for cloud-based services will rise by a third to $557 million this year and more than triple by 2018.
    Cloud computing will become even more prominent in the coming years, with the predicted rapid, continued growth of major global cloud data centres.

    (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply a suitable title to it. (5)
    (b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80-100 words. (3)

    2.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (12)
    Enough has been written about the Maggi controversy, where government labs found more than permissible lead and MSG. The resultant PR disaster, confusion and a nationwide recall of one of the most popular products in the country is likely to become a case study in business schools.

    However, there is something else as important as the controversy about harmful substances. It is that Maggi noodles, or for that matter any instant noodles, are not healthy for you in any case, with or without lead and MSG. It is time we have a new, simplified classification system and scale for junk versus healthy food.

    Eating refined starch that is processed, dried and kept for months with the help of chemical preservatives is unlikely to be good for you. The ads may be extremely moving emotionally, the brand ambassador could be highly credible and the soupy noodles might taste really good. It is still not good for you.

    Hence, even with no MSG or lead, Maggi’s tagline of “Taste Bhi, Health Bhi”, was only half correct. Of course, the noodles won’t kill you. Our diet today has plenty of other unhealthy things as well. For instance, almost all Indian sweets are unhealthy. As are many of our gravy ‘delicacies’. We give up health benefits of food in favour of cost, convenience or taste.

    Such compromises are acceptable to an extent. However, if done in excess, they can lead to major health problems such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

    Food-be it for nourishment or pleasure-has positive associations for us. Any food is good and the kind of food doesn’t seem to matter. Perhaps this comes from a time when India was poorer and food was scarce, when we worked 12 hours a day in the fields and could eat and burn as many calories as we wanted.

    However, times have changed. Physical labour is reducing and we don’t burn off calories as easily. Hence, we need to monitor our food intake carefully. If a big part of our diet has to come from packaged food, we need to understand and label it accordingly. This will increase awareness about what we are eating and, over time, incentivise us as well as manufacturers to move towards healthier foods.

    A healthy society leads to lower healthcare costs, improved productivity at work and a better quality of life for citizens. Food is a big part of public health.

    (a)On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions by choosing the correct option. (1×6=6)
    (i)Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?
    (a)Maggi is bad for health
    (b)Any instant noodles are bad for health
    (c)Noodles would kill us
    (d)Both (a) and (b)
    (ii) What example of an unhealthy Indian food is given in the passage?
    (a)Pakoras (b) Sweets
    (c) Samosas (d) None of these
    (iii) Why do we need to monitor our food intake?
    (a) Times have changed (b) We don’t burn off much calories
    (c) We don’t work in fields. (d) India is poor and food is scarce
    (iv)What can be a suitable title for the above passage?
    (a) Maggi is bad for health (b) Stop eating processed food
    (c) Look what you eat (d) Monitor your eating habits
    (v)The synonym of……. in the passage is ‘specialities’.
    (a) delicacies (b) strengths
    (c) talents (d) skill
    (vi)What is the closest meaning of the word ‘incentivise’ in the ninth paragraph?
    (a) Reward (b) Gain
    (c) Give a reason to do something (d) Cannot be said

    (b)On the basis of your reading of the given passage, answer the following questions briefly. (1×6=6)
    (i)What are junk food manufacturers doing?
    (ii)What can a healthy society give to its citizens?
    (iii)Why don’t we burn off calories as much as earlier?
    (iv)How have health benefits of food taken a back seat?
    (v)The word……. from the passage means the same as the word ‘regulate’.
    (vi)The word in the passage which is an antonym of ‘coarse’ is……………

    Section -B Writing and Grammar [30 Marks]

    3.Your school is planning a student exchange programme wherein students of other nations would be coming over to attend classes in the school. The school intends to plan the stay of these students with its own students for a closer interaction between the two. Write a notice in not more than 50 words asking the students to volunteer their names for the programme. (4)
    You own a three-storey bunglow in Dwarka. You want to let out the first and the second floor on rent. Draft an advertisement in 50 words to be published in ‘Times classified’. (4)

    4.You are the dance teacher of Pushpawati Singhania Sr Secondary School, Sirsa You had placed an order for fancy dresses and props from Ess Dee Dresses for a function. However, the function get cancelled. You have decided to cancel the order. Write a letter to the Manager Ess Dee Dresses, Sirsa, cancelling the order in about 120-150 words. (6)
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 3-4
    Due to massive traffic jams, ambulances are not able to reach hospitals in time, because of which a lot of patients suffer. Write a letter to the Head, Traffic Police, Gurgaon bringing the problem to his notice and urging him to take urgent action in the matter. You are Neha/Umesh, 69, Phase III, Gurgaon.
    (Word limit 120-150 words) (6)

    5.More and more people are seen using credit/debit cards for various purposes. Write an article in about 150-200 words on “Plastic money : Making life costlier”. (10)
    Write a speech in 150-200 words on the importance and need of research in every field. The speech is to be delivered on Science Day at a public function. (10)

    6.The following passage has not been edited and contains some errors. The part where the error is, has been numbered and underlined. Edit the passage by suitably changing the underlined words.(1/2 x 8= 4)
    Anybody who (a) do many reading of new fiction (b) will know that (c) quite surprising high proportion of it is about children and, (d) as often, unhappy children. To be quite fair they are not (e) treat with any great brutality, they are not (f) every often beat by their parent or shut up in coal cellars or (g) tell that if they are naughty, they (h) will burn perpetually in hell-fire.

    7.Rearrange the following words/phrases into meaningful sentences.(1×2 = 2)
    (a)all the books/asked for /I managed to get/that you
    (b)built for/ wasn’t/ who it was/ the playground / the children / used by

    8.Transform the following sentences into passive voice.(1×4 = 4)
    (a)They wanted to throw the garbage.
    (b)They still deny women the right to vote in the company.
    (c)The others told the new students where to stand.
    (d)They requested the stranger to leave immediately.

    Section – C Literature and Long Reading Text [30 Marks]

    9.Read the extract carefully and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate (1×3=3)
    “I descend to lave the droughts, atomies, dust-layers of the globe,
    And all that in them without me were seeds only, latent, unborn:”
    (i)Who does ‘I’ refer to here?
    (ii)Explain the role of rain in the above stanza.
    (iii)How is everything unborn without rain?

    10Answer any three of the following questions.(3×3 = 9)
    (i)Write the meaning of the statement made by Margaret Thatcher, “No generation has a freehold on this Earth. All we have is a life tenancy-with full repairing lease”.
    (ii)What was the feeling that Andrew experienced after saving the lives of the mother and child? How was his reaction?
    (iii)Explain how the king himself was responsible for his death in ‘The Tale of Melon City’.
    (iv)Describe the characteristic traits of Mrs Pearson.

    11.Answer the following questions in about 120-150 words.
    Does one need to raise one’s voice against the deplorable education system? What values does one need to instil in oneself for this? Discuss in the context of lesson, Albert Einstein at school’. (6)
    Do you think drama is a good medium to convey social messages? How? Discuss in the context of the chapter, ‘Mother’s Day’.(6)

    Long Reading Text (Novel)

    12.Why was Virginia missing from her home? (The Canterville Ghost) (6)
    How did the festival of Christmas let Booker learn more about the real life of the people? (Up From Slavery) (6)

    13.Give a character sketch of Mrs Umney. (The Canterville Ghost) (6)
    Write a life sketch of Miss Fannie N Smith. (Up From Slavery) (6)

    Answers: Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 3

    Section -A Reading [20 Marks]

    1.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (8)
    Cloud computing is computing in which large groups of remote servers are networked to allow the centralised data storage and online access to computer services or resources. Clouds can be classified as public, private or hybrid.
    As a metaphor for the Internet, ‘the cloud’ is a familiar cliche, but when combined with ‘computing’, the meaning gets bigger and fuzzier. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription based or pay per use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT’s existing capabilities.

    In a cloud computing system, there’s a significant workload shift. Local computers no longer have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to running applications. The network of computers that make up the cloud handles them instead. Hardware and software demands on the user’s side decrease. The only thing the user’s computer needs to be able to run is the cloud computing system’s interface software, which can be as simple as a Web browser and the cloud’s network takes care of the rest.

    Cloud computing is typically defined as a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications.

    In cloud computing, the word cloud (also phrased as ‘the cloud’) is used as a metaphor for ‘the Internet,’ so the phrase cloud computing means “a type of Internet-based computing,” where different services—such as servers, storage and applications—are delivered to an organisation’s computers and devices through the Internet.

    Cloud computing is comparable to grid computing, a type of computing where unused processing cycles of all computers in a network are harnessed to solve problems too intensive for any stand-alone machine.

    The goal of cloud computing is to apply traditional supercomputing or high-performance computing power, normally used by military and research facilities, to perform tens of trillions of computations per second, in consumer-oriented applications such as financial portfolios, to deliver personalised information, to provide data storage or to power large, immersive computer games. It relies on restricting sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale, similar to a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network. At the foundation of cloud computing is the broader concept of converged infrastructure and shared services.

    To do this, cloud computing uses networks of large groups of servers typically running low-cost PC technology with specialised connections to spread data – processing chores across them. This shared IT infrastructure contains large pools of systems that are linked together. Often, virtualisation techniques are used to maximise the power of cloud computing.

    It’s only in recent years that companies have started renting servers and storage instead of purchasing hardware and running it at huge costs. And with more organisations-especially those that rely on India’s outsourcing infrastructure ­transferring some of their IT work onto the cloud, companies such as Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys and Wipro have stepped up to facilitate that ship. They have positioned themselves as enablers between owners and renters.

    A report published by IT research and advisory firm Gartner estimates that in India alone the market for cloud-based services will rise by a third to $557 million this year and more than triple by 2018.
    Cloud computing will become even more prominent in the coming years, with the predicted rapid, continued growth of major global cloud data centres.

    (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply a suitable title to it. (5)

    (b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80-100 words. (3)
    Ans. (a) Title Cloud Computing
    I. Cloud computing : definition
    (i) servers ntwkd to centralise data storage, access computer services or rscs
    (ii) sharing computing rscs
    (iii) Internet-based computing
    II.Goal of cloud computing
    (i) apply tdl supercomputing or h-p computing power to perform trillions of compt p/s
    (ii) deliver prsnld information in consumer-oriented applications .
    (iii) provide data storage
    (iv)power large, immersive computer games .
    (v)converge infra and shared services
    III.Recent Developments
    (i) cos rent servers and storage
    (ii) more org relying on India’s outsourcing infra
    (iii) TCS, Infosys, Wipro facilitate services
    (iv)market expectations

    • to rise bya third to $ 557 million this year
    • more than triple by 2018

    (v)cloud computing to grow manyfold
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 3-1
    (b) Summary
    In cloud computing large groups of remote servers are networked to allow centralised data siorage. It is basically internet-based computing and relies on sharing computing resources. Its goal is to apply traditional supercomputing or high performance computing power to perform trillions of computations per second. In consumer-oriented applications it delivers personalised information, provides data storage and powers immersive computer games. It is based on converged infrastructure and shared services. Recently companies have started renting servers and storage. TCS, Infosys and Wipro are providing such services. The market for India is expected to grow manyfold in the coming years.

    2.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (12)
    Enough has been written about the Maggi controversy, where government labs found more than permissible lead and MSG. The resultant PR disaster, confusion and a nationwide recall of one of the most popular products in the country is likely to become a case study in business schools.

    However, there is something else as important as the controversy about harmful substances. It is that Maggi noodles, or for that matter any instant noodles, are not healthy for you in any case, with or without lead and MSG. It is time we have a new, simplified classification system and scale for junk versus healthy food.

    Eating refined starch that is processed, dried and kept for months with the help of chemical preservatives is unlikely to be good for you. The ads may be extremely moving emotionally, the brand ambassador could be highly credible and the soupy noodles might taste really good. It is still not good for you.

    Hence, even with no MSG or lead, Maggi’s tagline of “Taste Bhi, Health Bhi”, was only half correct. Of course, the noodles won’t kill you. Our diet today has plenty of other unhealthy things as well. For instance, almost all Indian sweets are unhealthy. As are many of our gravy ‘delicacies’. We give up health benefits of food in favour of cost, convenience or taste.

    Such compromises are acceptable to an extent. However, if done in excess, they can lead to major health problems such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

    Food-be it for nourishment or pleasure-has positive associations for us. Any food is good and the kind of food doesn’t seem to matter. Perhaps this comes from a time when India was poorer and food was scarce, when we worked 12 hours a day in the fields and could eat and burn as many calories as we wanted.

    However, times have changed. Physical labour is reducing and we don’t burn off calories as easily. Hence, we need to monitor our food intake carefully. If a big part of our diet has to come from packaged food, we need to understand and label it accordingly. This will increase awareness about what we are eating and, over time, incentivise us as well as manufacturers to move towards healthier foods.

    A healthy society leads to lower healthcare costs, improved productivity at work and a better quality of life for citizens. Food is a big part of public health.
    (a)On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions by choosing the correct option. (1×6=6)
    (i)Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?
    (a)Maggi is bad for health
    (b)Any instant noodles are bad for health
    (c)Noodles would kill us
    (d)Both (a) and (b)
    (ii) What example of an unhealthy Indian food is given in the passage?
    (a)Pakoras (b) Sweets
    (c) Samosas (d) None of these
    (iii) Why do we need to monitor our food intake?
    (a) Times have changed (b) We don’t burn off much calories
    (c) We don’t work in fields. (d) India is poor and food is scarce
    (iv)What can be a suitable title for the above passage?
    (a) Maggi is bad for health (b) Stop eating processed food
    (c) Look what you eat (d) Monitor your eating habits
    (v)The synonym of……. in the passage is ‘specialities’.
    (a) delicacies (b) strengths
    (c) talents (d) skill
    (vi)What is the closest meaning of the word ‘incentivise’ in the ninth paragraph?
    (a) Reward (b) Gain
    (c) Give a reason to do something (d) Cannot be said
    (b)On the basis of your reading of the given passage, answer the following questions briefly. (1×6=6)
    (i)What are junk food manufacturers doing?
    (ii)What can a healthy society give to its citizens?
    (iii)Why don’t we burn off calories as much as earlier?
    (iv)How have health benefits of food taken a back seat?
    (v)The word……. from the passage means the same as the word ‘regulate’.
    (vi)The word in the passage which is an antonym of ‘coarse’ is……………
    Ans. (a) (i) (d) Both (a) and (b)
    (ii)(b) Sweets
    (iii)(b) We don’t burn off much calories
    (iv)(d) Monitor your eating habits
    (v)(a) delicacies
    (vi)(c) Give a reason to do something
    (b) (i) They are hiding the nature of their food and also positioning them as health filled alternatives.
    (ii) A healthy society can give lower healthcare costs, improved productivity at work and a better quality of life for citizens.
    (iii) We don’t burn off calories as much as earlier because physical labour is reducing.
    (iv) We give up health benefits of food in favour of cost, convenience or taste.

    Section -B Writing and Grammar [30 Marks]

    3.Your school is planning a student exchange programme wherein students of other nations would be coming over to attend classes in the school. The school intends to plan the stay of these students with its own students for a closer interaction between the two. Write a notice in not more than 50 words asking the students to volunteer their names for the programme. (4)
    You own a three-storey bunglow in Dwarka. You want to let out the first and the second floor on rent. Draft an advertisement in 50 words to be published in ‘Times classified’. (4)
     English Solved
    CBSE Sample Papers

    4.You are the dance teacher of Pushpawati Singhania Sr Secondary School, Sirsa You had placed an order for fancy dresses and props from Ess Dee Dresses for a function. However, the function get cancelled. You have decided to cancel the order. Write a letter to the Manager Ess Dee Dresses, Sirsa, cancelling the order in about 120-150 words. (6)
    Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 3
    Due to massive traffic jams, ambulances are not able to reach hospitals in time, because of which a lot of patients suffer. Write a letter to the Head, Traffic Police, Gurgaon bringing the problem to his notice and urging him to take urgent action in the matter. You are Neha/Umesh, 69, Phase III, Gurgaon.
    (Word limit 120-150 words) (6)
    Pushpawati Singhania Sr Secondary School
    24, Monty Road, Sirsa-125055
    27th July, 2OXX
    The Manager Ess Dee Dresses
    Subject Cancellation of pur order PSS/21/15
    Kindly refer to our above order dated 17th July, 20XXfor various fancy dresses and props for our school. Due to unavoidable circumstances, we have had to cancel our programme. We regret that, due to this cancellation, we are constrained to cancel our above order. We regret for the inconvenience caused.
    Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter.
    Yours sincerely
    Monica Malhotra Dance Head
    69, DLF Phase III, Gurgaon-124001
    14th December, 2OXX
    The Head
    Traffic Police
    Subject Ambulances are Caught in Traffic Jams in Gurgaon

    This is to highlight the miseries of the ailing patients who lose their lives in ambulances while . progressing through the city. Due to large traffic jams, ambulances get stuck for hours together, because of which precious time to save the life of a patient is lost. Despite hearing the emergency siren, people remain insensitive and don’t leave the way voluntarily.

    The problem can be dealt with by spreading awareness. People should be asked to move to the extreme left on hearing the siren, so as to give a path to the ambulance. Also the movement of the ambulance can be conveyed over radio so as to ensure its swift movement.

    You are requested to instruct the concerned persons to take urgent action to save the lives of citizens.

    Yours sincerely
    Umesh Pathak

    5.More and more people are seen using credit/debit cards for various purposes. Write an article in about 150-200 words on “Plastic money : Making life costlier”. (10)
    Write a speech in 150-200 words on the importance and need of research in every field. The speech is to be delivered on Science Day at a public function. (10)
    Ans. Plastic Money : Making Life Costlier by Kshitij Rathor
    Plastic money has become the order of the day. Whether it’s a high-end store, a restaurant, a cafe outlet or even a grocery shop, people just buy what they like and not just what they want. One might claim that with plastic money around, they do not need to carry cash and there is no fear of being robbed. At the same time, it is easy to use. However, there are a large number of disadvantages associated with using plastic money.

    Credit cards encourage people to spend money they do not have. Credits cards cost much more than other forms of credit, such as for personal loan. The transaction charges added to the amount are much more than one would have anticipated. Also, continuous late payments damage your credit rating and if one is unable to pay charges on time, then it is again a trouble. Debts can build up and leave people in real financial difficulties. When people cannot pay their debts, everyone suffers those in debt may lose their homes, the banks lose money and the whole economy suffers.

    Excess of anything proves bad in the end. So, its high time people should act wise and be cautious with the use of their hard-earned money.
    Dear Educationists, students and friends today, I will speak about the importance and need of research in our lives. Conducting research in any area helps one gain in-depth and thorough understanding of the subject and the recent developments in the field. Research is a sign of growth and progress in the field, as it helps one gain newer perspective on established theories, while leading the way for future research and development.

    Until now research is related mostly to the field of science. However, it is as much needed in other sectors as well. It should be conducted in the various systems of an economy to check its relevance for society. It can be in the field of agriculture, marketing, technology etc. Research can also open new opportunities for the young people who can take their research to the next level by making a career for themselves.

    Research is very much needed in India, as time and technology is changing very fast and India’s development so far has been limited to some cities only. Research should be done to find ways to tackle the problems of the remote villages of India. This would boost the economy and the society as a whole.

    6.The following passage has not been edited and contains some errors. The part where the error is, has been numbered and underlined. Edit the passage by suitably changing the underlined words.(1/2 x 8= 4)
    Anybody who (a) do many reading of new fiction (b) will know that (c) quite surprising high proportion of it is about children and, (d) as often, unhappy children. To be quite fair they are not (e) treat with any great brutality, they are not (f) every often beat by their parent or shut up in coal cellars or (g) tell that if they are naughty, they (h) will burn perpetually in hell-fire.
    Ans. (a) does a lot of (b) knows (c) quite a suprisingly (d) quite often
    (e)treated (f) very often beaten (g) told (h) will be burned

    7.Rearrange the following words/phrases into meaningful sentences.(1×2 = 2)
    (a)all the books/asked for /I managed to get/that you
    (b)built for/ wasn’t/ who it was/ the playground / the children / used by
    Ans. (a) I managed to get all the books that you asked for.
    (b) The playground wasn’t used by the children who it was built for.

    8.Transform the following sentences into passive voice.(1×4 = 4)
    (a)They wanted to throw the garbage.
    (b)They still deny women the right to vote in the company.
    (c)The others told the new students where to stand.
    (d)They requested the stranger to leave immediately.
    Ans. (a) They wanted the garbage to be thrown.
    (b)Women are still denied the right to vote in the company.
    (c)The new students were told where to stand by the others.
    (d)The stranger was requested to leave immediately.

    Section – C Literature and Long Reading Text [30 Marks]

    9.Read the extract carefully and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate (1×3=3)
    “I descend to lave the droughts, atomies, dust-layers of the globe,
    And all that in them without me were seeds only, latent, unborn:”
    (i)Who does ‘I’ refer to here?
    (ii)Explain the role of rain in the above stanza.
    (iii)How is everything unborn without rain?
    Ans. (i) T here refers to the rain.
    (ii) The rain falls on the parched Earth and washes away the layers of dust.
    (iii) Without rain, there would be no plants or trees on the Earth as the seeds will remain hidden without germinating and growing into plants.

    10Answer any three of the following questions.(3×3 = 9)
    (i)Write the meaning of the statement made by Margaret Thatcher, “No generation has a freehold on this Earth. All we have is a life tenancy-with full repairing lease”.
    (ii)What was the feeling that Andrew experienced after saving the lives of the mother and child? How was his reaction?
    (iii)Explain how the king himself was responsible for his death in ‘The Tale of Melon City’.
    (iv)Describe the characteristic traits of Mrs Pearson.

    (i) Margaret Thatcher in the above sentence means that human beings have been the victims of many false illusions. In man’s view, he is the lord of the universe. Such an attitude has caused untold havoc and destruction. However, human beings must understand that they have to pass on Earth safely to future generations. Man is the trustee and not the master. It is our foremost duty to leave Earth in good health and good shape for future generations.
    (ii) Andrew made frantic efforts to save both the mother and her baby. It was really a very tough job to concentrate on one because he had to save both the lives. So, when he got success in it, he uttered, “I have done something, Oh God! I’ve done something real at last”.
    (iii) The king perceived that his people wanted a hanging and he ordered that someone must be hanged immediately – guilty or not. The noose was got ready. It was quite high. Each man was measured to its height but no one was so tall. Finally, the king was measured and was tall enough to fit the noose. So, he was hanged. Hence, his stupidity led to his death.
    (iv) Mrs Pearson is a timid looking woman in her forties. Her family doesn’t treat her very well, but she is not able to stand up to them as she hates unpleasantness. She cares for them despite their rude behaviour. She loves them unconditionally. She is the true representative of all mothers and wives around the world.

    11.Answer the following questions in about 120-150 words.
    Does one need to raise one’s voice against the deplorable education system? What values does one need to instil in oneself for this? Discuss in the context of lesson, Albert Einstein at school’. (6)
    Do you think drama is a good medium to convey social messages? How? Discuss in the context of the chapter, ‘Mother’s Day’.(6)
    Ans. Education is an important part of our lives. The future of a child totally depends on the quality of education he gets. But sometimes the students don’t get what they deserve. One of the reasons is that education is based more on facts rather than ideas. Students are being taught but not in a fruitful manner.

    We should raise our voices against such a deplorable education system and must have enough courage to stand against it and express our views like Albert Einstein. It is a teacher’s duty to understand the psyche of his student. Even if Einstein didn’t find history classes interesting, it was his teacher’s responsibility to make him realise that it is also important. Rather than taking an innovative way to teach Albert, he thought of punishing him. Such a situation could have been avoided if the teacher had been a bit understanding.
    Undoubtedly, drama is a very good and forceful medium for conveying a social message. It raises the issues which are common in today’s world and makes them clear to everyone. A play, when enacted effectively, plays a vital role in conveying a social message.
    JB Priestley uses the dramatic art very convincingly to highlight certain issues in his play. The most common issue is the exploitation of housewives and mothers of families. They spend their whole life in serving their families and in return they do not even get a thank you! The play ends with a social message of equality that woman is equal to man. She should be given the same respect and place in the family as other members of the family want for themselves. The familiar issues and problems find a good expression through this drama. Hence, drama is a good medium for conveying messages.

    Also Read: CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 1

    Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 3 Long Reading Text (Novel)

    12.Why was Virginia missing from her home? (The Canterville Ghost) (6)
    How did the festival of Christmas let Booker learn more about the real life of the people? (Up From Slavery) (6)
    Ans. Virginia was found missing because she accompanied the ghost as the prayed in the secret room.
    She helped the ghost with her prayer to call the divine Angel of Death to pray for the sins of the ghost. The ghost ultimately died in peace and his soul received salvation in death.
    Virginia fulfilled the secret wish of the ghost in this way. She alone did the job and did not involve others in the matter. She kept the entire matter a secret till the ghost died. When Virginia reappeared, it surprised everyone. She told the truth to her family on being questioned. She also took them to a low room through the corridor and showed them the chained skeleton of the ghost.
    During Christmas in Alabama, children went rapping at doors asking for gifts. The adults often got drunk. They dropped work the day before Christmas and it was difficult for anyone to perform any service from the time they stopped work until after the New Year.

    These was a widespread hilarity and free use of guns, pistols and gunpowder generally. The sacredness of the season seemed to have been forgotten. At night, during the week of Christmas, they usually indulged in a ‘frolic’, a kind of rough dance where there was much liquor used and some shooting or cutting with razors. It worried Booker how they believed in taking off so much time from their work for drinking and having parties while not understanding the true meaning of the holiday. Therefore, he decided to make special effort to teach his students the meaning of Christmas.

    13.Give a character sketch of Mrs Umney. (The Canterville Ghost) (6)
    Write a life sketch of Miss Fannie N Smith. (Up From Slavery) (6)
    Ans. Mrs Umney was the old housekeeper of Canterville Chase. She spoke in a low voice to the family as she welcomed them to Canterville Chase. When Mrs Otis suddenly looked at the stain on the floor of the library, Mrs Umney told them that it was the blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville who was murdered on that very spot by her own husband, Sir Simonde Canterville in 1575. She explained the mystery behind the bloodstain.

    She was a representative of medieval British traditionalism who was terrified by the ghost and tried to warn the family. When Washington sportively cleaned the bloodstain on the floor by applying a strong detergent a thunderous roar followed and Mrs Umney at once fainted. She laid on the floor with closed eyes until she heard Mr Otis’s warning that she would have to pay from her salary a fine for breaking a cup or even if she fainted. This showed her hypocrisy.
    Miss Fannie N Smith, the first wife of Booker T Washington, was also a graduate of the Hampton Institute. Booker married her in the Summer of 1882. She also belonged to Booker’s hometown of Malden in West Virginia. Together they began keeping house in Tuskegee early in the fall.

    This made a home for teachers. After earnest and constant work in the interest of the school together with her housekeeping duties, she passed away in May 1884. One child, Portia M Washington, was born during their marriage.

    From the first, she earnestly devoted her thought and time to the work of the school and was completely one with Booker in every interest and ambition. She passed away, however, before she had an opportunity of seeing what the school was designed to be.

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