Combustion and FlameConcept of Fuel and Fuel Efficiency

Concept of Fuel and Fuel Efficiency

Table of Contents

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    • Fuel

    – Choosing a Fuel

    • Unit for Measuring Fuel
    • Ideal Fuel
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about Flame and its structure. In this segment, we will learn about Fuel, its efficiency and the definition of an ideal fuel.

    What is a Fuel?

    Fuel can be defined as a chemical or a substance that undergoes a reaction, to liberate energy in various forms.

    All the substances which can be easily burned to release lots of heat and light can be included in this category.

    For example, LPG that is used for cooking, petrol and diesel used in vehicles, kerosene, oil, wood are all fuels.

    How is the type of fuel chosen?

    The choice of fuel depends on:

    Convenience of usage

    The fuel to be used is chosen based on how convenient it is to use it.

    For example, though wood can provide enough energy to run a vehicle, it is not easy to add it to a fuel tank. That is why petrol or diesel is used rather than wood in a vehicle.

    Requirement of energy

    Fuels are used as they liberate energy. The amount of energy released is completely different for each fuel. So the choice of fuel depends upon how much energy is needed.

    For example, cooking requires less energy compared to driving a heavy vehicle. That is why the fuel used for cooking (LPG) is not the same as that for vehicles (petrol/diesel).

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