BiologyLife ProcessesHeterotrophic Nutrition Class 10 Biology Life Processes

Heterotrophic Nutrition Class 10 Biology Life Processes

Heterotrophic Nutrition Class 10 Biology Life Processes

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    Table of Contents

    • Heterotrophic Nutrition
    • Heterotrophic Organisms
      • Types of Heterotrophic Organisms
    • Types of Heterotrophic Nutrition
      • Saprophytic Nutrition
      • Holozoic Nutrition
      • Parasitic Nutrition
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about Nutrition and its types. In this segment, we will study the concept of heterotrophic nutrition.

    What is Heterotrophic nutrition?

    The nutrition in which organisms cannot produce their own food and derive nutrition from other organisms is called heterotrophic nutrition.

    What are Heterotrophic organisms?

    The organisms that cannot produce their own food are called Heterotrophic organisms.

    What are the different types of heterotrophic organisms?

    There are two major types of heterotrophic organisms based on their food source:

    • Herbivores – The organisms that eat and derive all their nutrition from plants are called herbivores.
    • Carnivores – The organisms that eat other animals for their nutrition are called carnivores.

    What are the Different types of heterotrophic nutrition?

    There are three types of heterotrophic nutrition based on the pattern of nutrition consumption: saprophytic nutrition, holozoic nutrition, and parasitic nutrition.

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