
Table of Contents

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    • Breathing
    • Respiration
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about digestion in amoeba. In this segment, we will learn about respiration.

    What is Breathing?

    The process of taking in the air into the lungs and then releasing it out of the lungs is called Breathing.

    Oxygen is taken in and Carbon dioxide is exhaled out while breathing.

    What is Respiration?

    Respiration is a cellular process which breaks down food in the cells and releases energy. It is also called Cellular respiration.

    The equation of cellular respiration is represented as shown below:

    Cellular respiration

    Thus, the process in which the food is oxidised to release energy is called respiration.


    Breathing The process of taking in the air into the lungs and then releasing it out of the lungs
    Respiration The cellular process which breaks down food in the cells and releases energy
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