AtomsAll About AtomsMolecules of Compounds and Concept of Ions

Molecules of Compounds and Concept of Ions

Table of Contents

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    • Compounds – Definition
    • Ions – Definition
    • Chemical Formulae
    • Summary
    • Did You Know?
    • What’s Next?

    In the last segment, we learnt about the concept of Molecules. In this segment, we will learn about molecules of compounds and the concept of Ions.

    What are Compounds?

    A Compound is simply two or more elements combined in a fixed proportion. In simple words, every compound is made up of molecules; and molecules are made up of different atoms in a fixed proportion.


    For example, 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom come together to give ?2?, that is 1 molecule of the compound water. This means that in a water molecule, the ratio of hydrogen and oxygen will always be 2:1.

    Water molecule

    Here are a few more examples of atoms of different elements combining in a fixed proportion to give a molecule of a specific compound.

    Examples of molecules of compounds

    What are Ions?

    An atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons are called Ions.

    A positively charged ion is called a Cation and a negatively charged ion is called an Anion.

    When a cation and an anion come closer, they attract each other and get bonded. This bonding leads to the formation of a molecule. Usually, with the formation of such a molecule, the net charge on it is neutral.

    Many such similar molecules come together to form a compound.

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