ConvertNumber conversionOctal to Binary Converter

Octal to Binary Converter

Octal and binary are both numeral systems used to represent numbers, particularly in the fields of computing and mathematics.

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    Octal is a base-8 numeral system that uses eight distinct symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Each digit in an octal number represents a power of 8. Octal numbers are used less frequently today, but they were historically used in computing systems due to their compatibility with binary representation.

    Octal digits group three binary digits together, making it a convenient way to represent binary data in a more manageable form.


    Binary is a base-2 numeral system that uses two symbols: 0 and 1. Each digit in a binary number represents a power of 2. Binary is fundamental in computing and digital systems, as it directly corresponds to the use of electronic switches that can be in one of two states (on or off). Binary representation forms the basis of all digital computations and data storage in computers.

    How to convert octal to binary

    Convert every octal digit to 3 binary digits, with this table:

    Octal Binary
    0 0000
    1 0001
    2 0010
    3 0011
    4 0100
    5 0101
    6 0110
    7 0111

    FAQs on Octal to Binary

    What is the octal to binary of 100?

    Binary equivalent of octal 100 is 100000.

    What is the octal number of 472 in binary form?

    To convert the octal number 472 to binary, convert each octal digit to its 3-bit binary equivalent: 4 (octal) = 100 (binary) 7 (octal) = 111 (binary) 2 (octal) = 010 (binary) Concatenate the binary equivalents: 100 111 010 The binary equivalent of octal 472 is 100111010.

    How to convert 1101 binary to octal?

    To convert the binary number 1101 to octal, group the binary digits in sets of three from the right: 001 101 Convert each group to its octal equivalent: 001 (binary) = 1 (octal) 101 (binary) = 5 (octal) So, the octal equivalent of binary 1101 is 15.

    What is 13.54 octal in binary?

    To convert the octal number 13.54 to binary, convert each octal digit to its 3-bit binary equivalent: 1 (octal) = 001 (binary) 3 (octal) = 011 (binary) . (decimal point) 5 (octal) = 101 (binary) 4 (octal) = 100 (binary) The binary equivalent of octal 13.54 is 001011.10100.

    What is octal of 11?

    The octal equivalent of the decimal number 11 is 13.

    What is 136 in octal number?

    The octal equivalent of the decimal number 136 is 210.

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