PhysicsWinds, Storms, and CyclonesCyclones and Tornadoes – Part 2

Cyclones and Tornadoes – Part 2

Table of Contents

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    • Safety during Cyclones and Tornadoes
    • Summary
    • Did You Know?
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about cyclones and tornadoes. In this segment, we will learn about how to keep ourselves safe during these natural disasters.

    Safety during cyclones and tornadoes

    The meteorological department uses satellites and radars that give specific signals, which help in estimating if a cyclone or a tornado is approaching. Today’s advanced technology equipped with the Internet provides an alert at least 48 hours prior to a cyclone or a tornado.

    Such an alert helps people to migrate to safer places. But then the distances covered by a cyclone or a tornado is a lot and migration is not always a practical solution.

    What to do if we are in a cyclone-prone area?

    • Be ready with some emergency contacts such as fire brigade stations, police stations, and medical services.
    • Move essential household things, animals and vehicles to safer places at the earliest.

    Do’s and don’ts during a cyclone or a tornado

    • Do not touch any electric wire or switchboard.
    • Do not drink water from any unreliable source. The water during such conditions is highly contaminated. So, the chances of acquiring a dreadful disease are very high in such a situation. Hence, water or any consumable should be consumed only if the source is reliable.
    • We must try and help our family members and others in our vicinity during such emergency situations. This is the most important thing that we should keep in mind.
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