HistoryWho was Bakht Khan?

Who was Bakht Khan?

  1. A
    A soldier from Bareilly
  2. B
    A rebellion in Awadh
  3. C
    Both of the above
  4. D
    None of the above  

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    Bakht Khan was a soldier from Bareilly.
    He rose to prominence among the rebellion's military leaders. Leaders and combatants from throughout the country joined the battle. He was raised in Rohilkhand's Bijnor before joining the East India Company's army as a subedar. Bakht Khan decided to march to Delhi in support of Bahadur Shah Zafar's army after learning of the uprising in Meerut. By the time Bakht Khan and a sizable contingent of Rohilla sepoys arrived in Delhi on July 1, 1857, the capital had already fallen to rebel forces, and Bahadur Shah Zafar, the Mughal emperor, had been crowned.
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