MathematicsFind the area of segments shaded in the figure, if PQ = 24cm, PR = 7cm, and QR is the diameter of the circle with center O. [Take π=227]

Find the area of segments shaded in the figure, if PQ = 24cm, PR = 7cm, and QR is the diameter of the circle with center O. [Take π=227]

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    PQ=24cm, PR =7 cm

    We know that any angle made by the diameter QR in the semicircle is 90°.


    In right-angled ∆RPQ

    RQ2 = PQ2 + PR2 [By Pythagoras theorem]






    The radius of the circle (OQ)= RQ/2 ​= 25/2 = 12.5​cm

    Area of right ∆RPQ=1/2​×RP×PQ

    Area of right ∆RPQ=1/2​×7×24=7×12 = 84cm².

    Area of semicircle=πr²/2 

    =​ ​227×252×252×12 = 687528 cm2

    Area of the shaded region = Area of the semicircle - Area of right ∆ RPQ

    687528-84 =6875-235228=161.54cm2

    Hence, the area of the shaded region = 161.54 cm².

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