MathematicsIf α and βare the roots of equation x2-3x+1=0 and an=αn+βn,n∈N then the value of a7+a5a6 is

If α and βare the roots of equation x2-3x+1=0 and an=αn+βn,nthen the value of a7+a5a6 is

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

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    It is given that α and β are the roots of equation x2-3x+1=0 and an=αn+βn,nN.
    The standard quadratic equation is ax2+bx+c=0.
    We know that the sum of roots of a quadratic equation is = ba
    And the product of the roots of a quadratic equation is =ca.
    By using the above relations, we can find the value of k.
     We can write that,
    Now, for
    an=αn+βn  =a7+a5a6
    =α7+β7+α5+β5α6+β6 =α1+ββ6+β1+βα61α1βα6+1β1+αβ6 We get the condition, αβ=βα=1.
    =α2+β2+12α+12β =32+α+β2αβ =32+32 =3
    Hence, the correct option is 3.
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