MathematicsIf ax2+bx+6=0 does not have two distinct real roots, where a∈R,b∈R, then the least value of 3a+b is

If ax2+bx+6=0 does not have two distinct real roots, where aR,bR, then the least value of 3a+is

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

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    It is given that ax2+bx+6=0 does not have two distinct real roots.
    Discriminant is given by D=b2-4ac.
    Here are the relations between roots and discriminant
           When roots are non-real, the discriminant is less than 0
           When roots are real and equal, the discriminant is equal to 0
           When the roots real and unequal the discriminant is greater than 0
    We substitute b=k-3a to obtain ax2+(k-3a)x+6=0.
    Since, the equation does not have real distinct roots.
     D=(k-3a)2-24a0  9a2-6a(4+k)+k20 Above quadratic equation has real roots.
    Therefore, D=36[(4+k)2-k2]0  k-2  3a+b-2 Hence, the correct option is 4.
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