MathematicsIf f is a function satisfying f(x+y)=f(x)f(y) for all x,y∈N such that f(1)=3 and ∑x=1nfx=120 then find the value of n.

If f is a function satisfying f(x+y)=f(x)f(y) for all x,y∈N such that f(1)=3 and x=1nfx=120 then find the value of n.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

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    Geometric sequence otherwise known as Geometric progression, abbreviated as GP is a type sequence where the ratio between any two consecutive numbers is constant. If (xn)=x1,x2,x3, an GP, then
    Here r is called common ratio and if we take the first term x1=a , then sum of GP of first n terms is given by,
    S = a(rn-1)r-1
    We are given in the question the summation value x=1nfx=120which we can write by expansion as;
    f(1) + f(2)+...+f(n)=120......(1)
    We are also given the following functional equation.
    f(x+y) = f(x)f(y).........(2)
    We are also given f(1)=3. Let us put y=1 in the above equation to have;
    f(1+1) = f(1)f(1)
    f(2) = 33 = 32
    We put x=1,y=2  in equation (2) and use previously obtained f(2)= 32 to have
    f(2+1) = f(1)f(2)
    f(3) = 332
    f(3) = 33
    We can go on putting y=3,4,...n+1 to have values of the function as
    f(3)= 34,f(4)= 35...,f(n)= 3n
    We put these values in equation (1) to have;
    We see that in the left hand side of the above step, we have have GP with first term say a=3 and common ratio r=323=3332=3. We use formula for sum of first n terms of a GP and have;
     3(3n-1)3-1 = 120
     3n-1=120 × 23+1=81
    We equate the exponents of both sides of the above equations to have;
    n1= 4
    ∴ n= 5
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