MathematicsIf x=acos3θsin2θ,y=asin3θcos2θand (x2+y2)p(xy)q,(p,q∈N)is independent of θ then

If x=acos3θsin2θ,y=asin3θcos2θand (x2+y2)p(xy)q,(p,qN)is independent of θ then

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

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    Given that,
     x=acos3θsin2θ  y=asin3θcos2θ By substituting the above values in x2+y2p, we get
    =(a2cos6θsin4θ+a2sin6θcos4θ)p =[a2sin4θcos4θ(cos2θ+sin2θ)]p =(a2sin4θcos4θ)p Also, by substituting in (xy)q , we get
    Now let us find, (x2+y2)p(xy)q  =(a2sin4θcos4θ)p(a2cos5θsin5θ)q =a2p-2q×(sinθcosθ)4p-5q Now from the above expression we can observe, (x2+y2)p(xy)qis independent of θ,
    if 4p-5q=0 4p=5q Hence, the correct option is (2).
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