MathematicsIn the given figure, AB and CD are two diameters of a circle perpendicular to each other and OD is the diameter of the smaller circle. If OA=7 , find the area of the shaded region. The area of the shaded region = ____.

In the given figure, AB and CD are two diameters of a circle perpendicular to each other and OD is the diameter of the smaller circle. If OA=7 , find the area of the shaded region. The area of the shaded region = ____.

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    Radius of big circle (R) = 7cm
    ∴ Area of big circle = πR2
    ⇒ Area of big circle = 227 × (7) 2
    ∴ Area of big circle = 154 cm2-- ( 1 )
    ⇒ Radius of small circle (r)= 72 = 3.5
    Area of smaller circle =πr2
    ⇒ Area of small circle = 227 × (3.5) 2
    ∴ Area of small circle = 38.5 cm2 -- ( 2 )
    ⇒ Area of shaded region = Area of big circle - Area of small circle.
    ⇒ Area of shaded region =154−38.5 = 115.5 cm
    Hence the required area of the shaded region is
    So, the correct answer is “115.5 cm2”.
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