EnglishCBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi

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    General instructions:

    • This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All the sections are compulsory.
    • Separate instruction are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions
    • very carefully and follow them faithfully.
    • Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

    CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi Set – I

    Section – A
    (READING) 20

    Question 1.
    Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: [12] 1. Too many parents these days can’t say no. As a result, they find themselves raising children who respond greedily to the advertisements aimed right at them. Even getting what they want doesn’t satisfy some kids; they only want more. Now, a growing number of psychologists, educators and parents think it’s time to stop the madness and start teaching kids about what’s really important: values like hard work, contentment, honesty and compassion. The struggle to set limits has never been tougher – and the stakes have never been higher. One recent study of adults who were overindulged as children, paints a discouraging picture of their future: when given too much too soon, they grow up to be adults who have difficulty coping with life’s disappointments. They also have a distorted sense of entitlement that gets in the way of success in the work place and in relationships.

    2. Psychologists say that parents who overindulge their kids, set them up to be more vulnerable to future anxiety and depression. Today’s parents themselves raised on values of thrift and self-sacrifice, grew up in a culture where ‘no’ was a household word. Today’s kids want much more, partly because there is so much more to want. The oldest members of this Generation Excess were born in the late 1980s, just as PCs and video games were making their assault on the family room. They think of MP3 players and flat-screen TVs as essential utilities, and they have developed strategies to get them. One survey of teenagers found that when they crave something new, most expect to ask nine times before their parents give in. By every measure, parents are shelling out record amounts. In the heat of this buying blitz, even parents who desperately need to say no find themselves reaching for their credit cards.

    3. Today’s parents aren’t equipped to deal with the problem. Many of them, raised in the 1960s and ’70s, swore they’d act differently from their parents and have closer relationships with their own children. Many even wear the same designer clothes as their kids and listen to the same music. They even work more hours; so at the end of a long week, it’s tempting to buy peace with a ‘yes’ and not mar precious family time with conflict. Anxiety about the future is another factor. How do well-intentioned parents say no to all the sports gear and arts and language lessons they believe will help their kids thrive in an increasingly competitive world? Experts agree: too much love won’t spoil a child. Too few limits will.

    4. What parents need to find, is a balance between the advantages of an affluent society and the critical life lessons that come from waiting, saving and working hard to achieve goals. That search for balance has to start early. Children need limits because they feel better and more secure when they live within a secured structure. Older children learn self-control by watching how others, especially their parent’s act. Learning how to overcome challenges, is essential to becoming a successful adult. Few parents ask kids to do chores. They think their kids are already overburdened by social and academic pressures. Every individual can be of service to others, and life has meaning beyond one’s own immediate happiness. That means parents eager to teach values have to take a long, hard look at their own.
    (a) Answer the following:
    (i) What values do parents and teachers want children to learn? [2] (ii) What are the results of giving the children too much too soon ? [2] (iii) Why do today’s children want more? [2] (iv) What is the balance which the parents need to have in today’s world? [2] (v) What is the necessity to set limits for children? [2]

    (b) Pick out words from the passage that mean the same as the following: [3] (i) A feeling of satisfaction (para 1)
    (ii) Valuable (para 3)
    (iii) Important (para 4)
    Answer: (a)
    (i) Teachers and parents want children to learn values like hard work, contentment, honesty and compassion.
    (ii) Giving children too much too soon brings its own ill-effects as they grow up to be adults who experience difficulty in coping up with life’s disappointments. They also have a distorted sense of entitlement that hinders their success at work place and in relationships.
    (iii) Children of present time want more because of the increasing desire, and because there are so many things to want.
    (iv) In today’s world, there is an exigent need for parents to strike a balance between the advantages of an affluent society and the critical life lessons that come from waiting, saving and working hard to achieve goals.
    (v) There is a necessity to set limits for children because they feel better and more assured when they live within a secured structure.

    (b) (i) Contentment
    (ii) Precious
    (iii) Essential.

    Question 2.
    Read the passage carefully. [8] 1. I remember my childhood as being generally happy and can recall experiencing some of the most carefree times of my life. But I can also remember, even more vividly, moments of being deeply frightened. As a child, I was truly terrified of the dark and getting lost. These fears were very real and caused me some extremely uncomfortable moments.

    2. Maybe it was the strange way in which things looked and sounded familiar in my room at night that scared me so much. There was never total darkness, but a street light or passing car lights made clothes hung over a chair take on the shape of an unknown beast. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw curtains move when there was no breeze. A tiny creak in the floor would sound a hundred times louder than in the daylight and my imagination would take over, creating burglars and monsters. Darkness always made me feel helpless. My heart would pound and I would lie very still so that ‘the enemy’ wouldn’t discover me.

    3. Another childhood fear of mine was that I would get lost, especially on the way home from school. Every morning, I got on the school bus right near my home – that was no problem. After school, though, when all the buses were lined up along the curve, I was terrified that I would get on the wrong one and be taken to some unfamiliar neighbourhood. I would scan the bus for the faces of my friends, make sure that the bus driver was the same one that had been there in the morning, and even then ask the others over and over again to be sure I was in the right bus. On school or family trips to an amusement park or a museum, I wouldn’t let the leaders out of my sight. And of course, I was never very adventurous when it came to taking walks or hikes because I would go only where I was sure I would never get lost.

    4. Perhaps, one of the worst fears I had as a child was that of not being liked or accepted by others. First of all, I was quite shy. Secondly, I worried constantly about my looks, thinking people wouldn’t like me because I was too fat or wore braces. I tried to wear ‘the right clothes’ and had intense arguments with my mother over the importance of wearing flats instead of saddled shoes to school. Being popular was very important to me then, and the fear of not being liked was a powerful one.

    5. One of the processes of evolving from a child to an adult is being able to recognize and overcome our fears. I have learnt that darkness does not have to take on a life of its own, that others can help me when I am lost and that friendliness and sincerity will encourage people to like me. Understanding the things that scared us, as children helps to cope with our lives as adults.
    (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. [5] (b) Make a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title. [3] Answer:
    Childhood Nostalgia
    1. Recollection of childhood memories
    (i) Happy and carefree
    (ii) Terrified of darkness and getting lost

    2. Childhood fears or hallucinating vibes
    (i) Feeling helpless in the dark
    (ii) Strange shadows-an unknown beast
    (iii) Moving curtains
    (iii) Creaking sounds
    (iv) Imagining burglars and monsters
    (v) Lying still, with pounding heart
    (vi) Fear of getting lost (on the way back home)
    (vii) Scanning school bus searching familiar faces, same driver
    (viii) Re-confirming the bus
    (ix) Not letting leaders out of sight
    (x) Avoiding the adventurous act
    (xi) Going only when sure of not being lost
    (xii) Fear of not being liked (xiii) Quite shy
    (xiv) Worried about fat-looks, having braces, right clothes
    (xv) Wearing the right clothes
    (xvi) Flats vs. saddled shoes for school
    (xvii) Imp. of popularity

    3. Coping with childhood fears as an adult
    (i) Undg. evolution process from a child to an adult
    (ii) Recog. and overcoming fears
    (iii) Accepting help from others
    (iv) Role of friendliness and sincerity
    (v) Undg. things that were scary

    abbreviations used
    1. & – and
    2. Act. – activities
    3. Vs. – versus
    4. Imp. – importance
    5. Undg. – understanding
    6. Recog. – recognizing

    (b) SUMMARY
    The narrator had happy and carefree moments in his childhood. However, darkness scared him with its shadows, unexpected movement of curtains and blatant creaking sounds, made him imagine about monsters and burglars. He felt helpless and was scared of getting lost. Before boarding his school bus, he looked in for familiar faces. He was shy and afraid of not being liked by others which had been his biggest phobia. As he evolved from a child to an adult, he realised that understanding things that scare us as a child helps in coping with the challenges of life.

    Section – B

    Question 3.
    You were very upset about the reports on communal riots in various parts of the country. As a concerned social worker, design a poster in not more than 50 words, highlighting the importance of communal harmony. You are Vinay/Vineeta. (5] OR
    The Literary Club of your school is putting up the play ‘Waiting for Godot’. As secretary of the club, draft an invitation inviting the famous writer Sudesh Gupta to be the guest of honour at the function. Write the invitation in not more than 50 words. You are Govind/Gauri.
    CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi 1
    The Literary Club,
    XYZ School
    12th Feb, 20XX

    The Writer
    Sudesh Gupta,

    Subject: Invitation to be the guest of honor
    Dear Sir,
    The literary Club of XYZ School requests the pleasure of your esteemed presence on the .occasion of Annual Theatre Festival on Friday, 19th Feb, 20XX at 9.00 a.m. at the School Auditorium.

    The students of the School are putting up the play ‘Waiting for Godot’. Your presence will encourage the students thereby making the occasion more meaningful and attractive. Hope our invitation will be accepted by you.
    The literary Club
    XYZ School

    Question 4.
    Last week the newly built auditorium of your school was inaugurated. As Deepak/Deepti Saha, the head boy/head girl of the school, write a factual description of the auditorium in 125- 150 words. [10] OR
    You had attended a workshop on personality development for students. Many eminent personalities had been present. Write a report in 125-150 words on how the workshop proved to be beneficial. You are Rajesh/Rajshree.
    By Deepak Saha / Head boy/Deepti Saha/
    Head girl
    The newly built auditorium of our school was inaugurated last week by Mr. Anand Seth, the MP. The auditorium is quite spacious and well- ventilated. It has five gates so as to avoid any chaos or mishap while entering or leaving the auditorium. Just after entering, one can see the exhibited portraits of educationists and artists on the walls. The seating space has been designed to accommodate about 5000 students. The roof is well-designed so as to give it a lively look. The seats are comfortable and arranged properly for a better visibility of the performances on the stage. Special care has been taken to build the stage of the auditorium. The dazzling lighting system, which constitutes dramatic lights, spot lights, etc., and the digital sound system have been installed by a leading company. The highly equipped auditorium has become an instant hit among the students and was even highly appreciated by Mr. Anand Seth, the guest of honour.
    By Rajesh / Rajshree
    A workshop on personality development was organised by our school on last Thursday. Students of class XI and XII participated in the workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to prepare the students for their future in order to face bigger challenges in life. Students were addressed on various topics like self-analysis, body language, life-skills and etiquettes. Several activities and group discussions were conducted in order to help the students to enhance their communication and public speaking skills. The workshop was also graced by the presence of eminent personalities like Sushmita Sen and Kiran Rao Kher. They interacted with the students and spoke about the importance of interpersonal skills. Students left the workshop beaming with confidence and optimism.

    Question 5.
    You are Anand/Arti of 14, Model Town, Delhi. You have seen an advertisement in The Hindu for the post of chief chef in a 5-Star hotel. Apply for the job with complete biodata. Write in 125¬150 words. [10] OR
    You are Prem/Parul of 16, TT Nagar, Bhopal. You would like to apply for the post of Marketing Manager in a reputed firm in Mumbai. Write a letter to the Public Relations Officer, Chantac Enterprises, Mumbai, applying for the job. Write the letter in 125-150 words giving your biodata.
    14, Model Town

    June 15th, 20XX,

    The Chairman,
    The Hindu,

    Subject: Job application for the position of Chief Chef
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    With reference to your advertisement in the newspaper, ‘The Hindu’ dated June 8th, 201XX, for the post of Chief Chef, I wish to offer my services for the same.

    I am Arti/Anand, a post-graduate in Hotel Management, from B.M College, Delhi.

    Please find my attached bio-data for the purpose. I would like to connote that I am a hard working girl/boy with a keen sense of interest in different cuisines flavours, herbs and essential seasoning. I am adept at the culinary skills and . have mastery in cooking. I have also undergone an industrial training of ten months at ‘The Grand,’ Gurgaon. If selected, I assure you that I shall work with the atmost diligence and sincerity.
    I thank you in anticipation of an early response.
    Yours Faithfully,
    Arti Anand Singh
    CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi 4
    CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi 5
    16, TT Nagar,

    February 20th, 20XX

    The Public Relations Officer,
    Chantac Enterprises,

    Subject: Job application for the post of Marketing Manager.
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    With reference to your advertisement in ’The Hindu’ dated January 10th, 20XX, I, Parul/Prem take the opportunity to offer my services for the post of Marketing Manager in your prestigious firm.

    I am a diligent and honest person who is passionate about marketing. I completed my MB A in 20XX, and since then, I have been working with RP Communications, as a Manager.

    I am here with, enclosing my bio-data along with the photocopies of certificates and testimonials for your further perusal and query. If selected, I assure you that I shall work with utmost devotion and sincerity to your full satisfaction. Hoping for a favourable response.

    Thank You
    Yours Sincerely,
    Enel: Biodata
    CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi 6
    CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi 7
    Question 6.
    Last week, as you were coming back from school you happened to see a huge plastic bag full of leftovers of food being flung into the middle of the road from a speeding car. You wondered how people can be so devoid of civic sense. Write an article in 125-150 words on why we lack civic sense and how civic sense can be inculcated in children at a very young age. You are Shiva/Shamini. [10] OR
    You saw a stray dog beaten to death by a group of boys. Their act infuriated you and you scolded them for their cruel act. You decided to write an article on cruelty to animals. Write the article in 125-150 words. You are Nikhil/Naina.
    By Shiva/Shamini
    Negligent attitude of the people seem to be the order of the day in today’s harsh world. Modem society has given birth to indifferent and offensive individuals. People no longer think of the after effects of their negligent activities. They are driven more by their selfish needs.

    People seldom follow traffic rules in India and are seen littering the streets with piles of trash. They show no respect for public property. Vandalism, road rage and intolerance are rampant on the streets. Perseverance and patience are rare virtues to be seen in people behind the wheels. Inculcating a strong civic sense is the need of the hour. Parents must instill civic sense in children at an early age. They must be taught the values of cleanliness, discipline, patience and tolerance. Parents must encourage their children to keep their surroundings clean as well as should practice what they preach to their children. Children should be taught to respect and abide by the rules as they are the future of the country. Our country can progress only if we teach right values to our children. As a civilised citizen, it becomes the duty of a parent to fathom this dire need and start off this task at the earliest, as family is the first institution for a child to learn the right thing.
    By Naina/Nikhil
    Animals should be treated with love and compassion. However, we often fail to perform this duty.
    Instances of animal cruelty are on rise in our society. Poachers mercilessly kill animals for their skin, fur and teeth. This has led to the extinction of several species of animals which has affected the ecological balance of our planet. Several companies use animals for testing medicines and cosmetics. Similarly, animals are often ill-treated and also sometimes forced into performing circus tricks and other activities for our entertainment. Even ‘the tiger’, one of the endangered species, is on the verge of being extinct.

    We must understand that co-existence and harmony between humans and animals is essential for our planet’s survival. We must be more responsible and protective towards animals. Ill-treatment with animals is the act of barbarism which is beyond the limit of one’s conscientiousness. We must learn to love and treat them as living creatures. Animals lack in power of expression the but they possess the feelings of pain and agony. It is time that we reform our ways towards the animals. Immediate steps should be taken by the government to ensure proper care, protection and shelter for these animals.

    Section – C

    Question 7.
    Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: [4] Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
    Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
    Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways
    Made for our searching: yes in spite of all,
    Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
    From our dark spirits.
    (a) Name the poem and the poet. [1] (b) Why are we ‘despondent’ ? [2] (c) What removes ‘the pall from our dark spirits’? [1] OR
    …………… And yet, for these
    Children, these windows, not this map, their world.
    Where all their future’s painted with a fog,
    A narrow street sealed in with a lead sky
    For far from rivers, capes, and stars of words.
    (a) Who are the ‘children’ referred to here?
    (b) Which is their world?
    (c) How is their life different from that of other children?
    (a) The lines have been taken from the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ by John Keats.

    (b) The world we live in is full of depression illness and despair as there is demisal of noble souls. These evil and dark emotions leave us despondent and despicable.

    (c) The poet says that even though the world is not a place worth living in because of the umpteen reasons which gloom and depress, the gusto to live a happy and content life can be derived from the sight of the beautiful bounties of nature around us. It is the thing of beauty which charms us and makes this world feel like heaven. These beautiful things remove the pall from our dark spirits.
    (a) The children who study in an elementary school and live in the slum are referred to here.

    (b) Their world comprises of what they see from the window of their classroom. The view is full of despair and their future seems blurred and vague. They are confined to the narrow streets of the slum, far away from the open sky and rivers.

    (c) The children in the slums spend their whole life confined in ‘cramped holes’ like rodents. They lack the basic amenities of life like proper food, clothing, shelter and health benefits. In fact, they are also deprived of the freedom to leave the shackles of this life and enjoy the ‘green fields’ as other children do. As a result, their life is left on the bereft part of unpleasant chores, which is absolutely unlike the other children.

    Question 8.
    Answer any two of the following in about 30-40 words each: [2 × 2 = 4] (a) What was the poet’s childhood fear?
    (b) What is the sadness the poet refers to in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’?
    (c) How are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers different from her?
    (a) As a child, the poet always feared losing her mother.

    (b) The poet refers to the ‘sadness’ of failing to understand oneself in the monotonous every day existence. He also finds it sad that the humanity is moving towards its own ruins, owing to its unprecedented actions. He regrets the rush of maneuvering others that has made one forget the values of humanity.

    (c) Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are proud, free, dauntless and sure of themselves. Unlike them, Aunt Jennifer is terrified and oppressed by her chauvinist husband. She lived her life under constant pressure of duties and responsibilities of a married lady. Living a life on her own terms is a far¬fetched dream for her.

    Question 9.
    Answer any six of the following in about 30-40 words each: [6 × 2 = 12] (a) Why did Sophie long for her brother’s affection?
    (b) Why did Edla plead with her father not to send the vagabond away?
    (c) What job did Saheb take up? Was he happy?
    (d) Why were the elders of the village sitting in the classroom?
    (e) Why did the Maharaja order the Diwan to double the land tax?
    (f) Why did Roger Skunk go to see the old owl?
    (g) Why was Zitkala-Sa in tears on the first day in the land of apples?
    (a) Geoff was reserved by nature and did not speak much which was envied by Sophie. She thought that he had access to a world which she had never got a chance to visit. She craved to be a part of her brother’s world and ended up longing for his affection.

    (b) Edla was a kind-hearted woman. She was disheartened by the plight of the poor peddler. She requested her father to allow him to spend one day with them in peace as a respite from the struggle that he had to endure round the year.

    (c) Saheb took up a job at a tea-stall. He was not happy because he lost his freedom and his ‘carefree look’ which he had when he scrounged the garbage for eight-hundred rupees.

    (d) The elders of the village were present in the classroom to attend the last French lesson by Mr. Hamel. They not only paid their respects and tribute to Mr. Hamel but also showed their interest towards their own language that was perhaps being taught for the last time in the village.

    (e) Having heard about the vanishing of sheeps, the Maharaja set out to find the hundredth tiger, that was the cause behind all the happenings. However, the tiger could not be found. In his rage, the Maharaja ordered the Diwan to double the land tax.

    (f) Roger Skunk, alike his name was a nasty skunk who had a foul body odour because of which, other small animals avoided playing with him. He too wanted to have friends to play with. Hence, to get rid of the foul smell, he went to the wise owl and requested him to make him smell like roses.

    (g) Zitkala-Sa was in tears because her hair was cut mercilessly. Relentlessly moaning for her mother, she kicked wildly and cried out loud, continuously shaking her head in resistance. At last, she gave up helplessly.

    Question 10.
    Answer any one of the following in 100-125 words: [5] Why is the Champaran episode considered to be the beginning of the Indian struggle for Independence?
    What was the General’s plan to get rid of the American prisoner? Was it executed? What traits of the General’s character are highlighted in the lesson ‘The Enemy’?
    The episode of Champaran was considered to be the beginning of the Indian struggle for Independence because, for the first time, the farmers and peasants rose against the Britishers. The peasants were oppressed by their British landlords, but they lacked the courage to protest. Under the leadership of Gandhiji, they became aware of their rights. A small farmer, Rajkumar Shukla, from a small district, Champaran, helped to bring about a very prominent change. He championed the cause of Champaran movement. Likewise, many other peasants from the villages fought courageously and contributed in their own way to the movement. Their combined effort eventually helped them to win the battle of Champaran and to finally free themselves from ‘Share Cropping’ arrangement. The success also proved, for the first time, the effectiveness of Gandhiji’s method of non-violence and non-cooperation. Gandhiji exulted over them and made the villagers feel self-dependant and undaunted.
    The General planned to kill the American prisoner by sending his personal assassins and then removing his body from Sadao’s house. The plan was not executed because the General forgot his promise to send the assassins.

    The old General had a long expressionless face, which seemed to reflect the cold and calculated ruthlessness of the man as a General. He had an unusual sense of humour and seemed to generate fear in the hearts of others quite effortlessly. In his interaction with Sadao, he came across as a man who puts his self-interest above everything else. As Sadao was the only person whom he trusted with his operation, he lets Sadao off the hook. His cold and calculating streak was manifested in the meticulousness with which he latched out the plan of executing the American prisoner of war whom Sadao had given refuge.

    Question 11.
    Both Derry and Lamb are physically impaired and lonely. It is the responsibility of society to understand and support people with infirmities so that they do not suffer from a sense of alienation. As a responsible citizen, write in about 100 words
    what you would do to bring about a change in the lives of such people. [5] Answer:
    In the story, both Derry and Lamb are physically impaired and lonely. Such people can only live their lives with respect and honour, if they are not ridiculed and punished with heartless pity. These people expect empathy, rather than sympathy, from others. If everyone looks down at them with a pessimistic approach, they may never be able to come out of their sorrow; consequently, they may recline to their own secluded worlds. As responsible citizens, we should understand the tremendous mental and emotional pressure these people go through. Instead of reminding them of their disabilities, we should give them the chance to live a normal life.

    CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi Set – II

    Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in previous

    Section – B

    Question 3.
    You are a member of the S.P.C.A. Draft a poster in not more than 50 words, to create awareness on the need to prevent cruelty to animals. You are Suhas/Suhasini. [5] OR
    As the principal of a reputed college, you have been invited to inaugurate a Book Exhibition in your neighborhood. Draft a reply to the invitation in not more than 50 words, expressing your inability to attend the function. You are Tarun/Tranvi.
    CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi 2
    PQ Colony,
    New Delhi.

    1st March, 20XX

    Sub: Reply to the invitation
    Dear Mr. XYZ,
    Thank you for your thoughtful invitation for the inauguration of the Book Exhibition. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to attend it due to a prior engagement. I extend my warm wishes to you and all those involved with the event.
    Best regards,
    Yours sincerely,
    Principal, PQR College

    Question 6.
    A newspaper report on a recent terrorist attack in your locality shattered you. You decided to write an article in a local daily on terrorist attacks and the need to maintain peace and harmony in society. Write the article in 125-150 words. You are Madhav/Meena.
    India is a tourists’ paradise. But we have not really exploited our tourism possibilities. Write an article in 125-150 words on ‘Tourism in India’. You are Ravi/Rani. [10] Answer:
    By Meena/Madhav
    Terrorism is one of the major threats that is faced by our country. We live under constant fear of violence and death. Common man no longer feels safe. At every nook and comer, lurks the threat of an imminent terrorist attack. It is a giant threat which the world is confronted. Activities of terrorists have created a horrendous grief in the hearts of the common masses.

    Some of the factors that have given rise to terrorism are lack of education, unemployment, poor economy and religious differences. But, it is high time that we join hands to fight and combat terrorism. India has always boasted of its unity in diversity. Keeping this in view, we need to spread the message of peace and harmony across the nation.

    Strengthening the intelligence network, proper policy formation and effective implementation of Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) are some of the steps that can be taken up to reduce terrorist attacks. It is also necessary to educate the masses and make them aware of the safety measures. It is the need of the hour to keep a constant vigil on the safety of our very own nation.
    By Ravi/Rani
    India is known for its rich flora and fauna, beautiful landscapes, glorious past and varied cultural trends. All these make India a major attraction for tourists from all over the world. Tourists from far-away places visit our motherland and are influenced by its scintillating beauty. However, tourism in India has been constantly suffering setbacks due to the various factors.

    Pot-holed and filthy roads, rickety buses, over-charged taxis and delayed trains make travelling a nightmare in India. Moreover, the absence of decent and hygienic accommodations at a reasonable cost adds to the distress of tourists visiting India. Besides, the growing menace of terrorism is a huge deterrent and hindrance for tourists.

    The Government of India needs to put concerted efforts to revamp and rejuvenate tourism in the country. Utmost emphasis should be placed on infrastructure development and increasing the security. Such effects will certainly make India the leader in the world of tourism.

    CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi Set – III

    Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in previous

    Section – B

    Question 3.
    You are a fitness trainer in a health club. Design a poster in not more than 50 words, to emphasise the importance of exercise in maintaining mental and physical fitness. You are Prem/Priya. [5] OR
    You have received an invitation to be the judge for a literary competition in St. Ann’s School. Send a reply in not more than 50 words, confirming your acceptance. You are Mohan/ Mohini.
    CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2014 Outside Delhi 3
    22/4, PQ Puri,
    New Delhi

    23rd Feburary, 20XX

    St. Ann’s School
    New Delhi

    Subject: Acceptance of the invitation
    Dear Sir,
    I acknowledge, with gratitude, ihe invitation extended to me to judge the literarv competition which is to be held in St. Ann’s School. I accept the invitation whole-heartedly and confirm my presence on that day and time. I wil * surely make it without fail.
    Mohini / Mohan

    Question 4.
    Your brother is going to Chennai to write an entrance exam. You have requested your friend to meet him at the railway station and arrange accommodation for him. As your brother has not seen your friend, give a detailed factual description of your friend in 125-150 words, so that your brother can recognise him easily. You are Parvesh/Parvati. [10] OR
    A few teachers and students from Edwin University had visited your school on an exchange programme. You welcomed them grandly. Write a report in 125-150 words on the celebration. You are Brijesh/Benu.
    Dear Karan,
    As you are leaving for Chennai to appear for your entrance examination, I have asked my friend Sunny to meet you at the railway station and he will be arranging accommodation for you. Since you have not seen Sunny, his factual description is as follows.

    Sunny is about 22 years old and he is 6 feet tall. He has a wheatish complexion and has long hair, which he usually wears in a ponytail. He tolu me that he will be wearing a yellow T-shirt and a pair of navy blue jeans while picking you up at the station. He has big eyes and there is a scar above his left cheek. He keeps a french beard and there is a small wound on the left side of his forehead. He wears stone studded rings on three of his fingers, one of which has a bright red colored ruby. Hope you will find him easily. Yours lovingly,
    By Brijesh/Benu
    A group of teachers of Edwin University along with their” students visited our school on a two- week long exchange programme. They were given a grand welcome by the students of our school. Many of the alumini were also invited to attend the programme. The grand event began with the inaugural speech by our Principal followed by the coordinator of the exchange programme. Their elaborate speeches focused on explaining the significance and characteristics of this exchange programme. This was followed by a cultural programme having one of the main attractions as the Rajasthani folk dance which was presented by the students of class sixth. Interestingly, the cultural programme started on a hilarious note and ended with a patriotic song. The music compelled the students of Edwin University to dance along with the cheerful crowd. The celebration ended with the Indian national anthem, sung by all the participants and the audience. It was a wonderful experience to be cherished.

    Question 5.
    You are Arman/Arpita of 14, MG Road, Pune. You had bought the text book. ‘Vistas’ for class XII from a neighbourhood bookstore. After skimming through the book, you realized that few of the pages were missing and the print overlapped on a few pages. Write a complaint letter in 125-150 words to the Manager, Dawn Books, Lawrence Road, Chennai requesting him for a replacement or refund. [10] OR
    You had bought an expensive wrist watch last week. Now you realize that it is not functioning properly. Write a letter in 125-150 words to the Manager, Edison Watch Works, New Delhi, complaining about it and requesting him to repair or replace it immediately. You are Gobind/Gopa of 68, Park Street, Kolkata.
    14, MG Road,

    2nd February, 20XX

    The Manager,
    Dawn Books,
    Lawrence Road,

    Subject: Replacement of the book ‘Vistas’/ Refund for the purchase.
    Dear Sir,
    I had bought the text book ‘Vistas’ from your bookstore against (bill No. 002223, dated 12/4/20XX). After going through the book, I found that few pages were missing. Moreover, on some pages, the print is overlapped which is making it difficult to read.

    I have bought many books from your book store and have never encountered such problem before. My exams are approaching, therefore, I request you to replace the book as soon as possible or refund the money at the earliest. I have attached a copy of the bill for your reference.
    Yours truly,
    Arman/ Arpita
    68, Park Street,

    16th June, 20XX,

    The Manager,
    Edison Watch Works,
    New Delhi.

    Sub: Complaint regarding defective wrist watch.
    Dear Sir,
    With reference to the bill no. 008453, dated 6-6-20XX, I apprise you that I bought a watch from your retail showroom. However, I regret to inform you that the watch has not beer functioning properly from the day of purchase. The watch does not keep correct time and stops every few hours. I have tried resetting the time, but that was of no use. I work as a security guard and having a watch is important for my work, as I have to record the time when people are visiting or leaving my work place. The watch has turned out to be a big trouble rather than being useful to me. I request you to either repair or replace the watch at the earliest. I have enclosed a copy of the bill for your reference.

    Section – C

    Question 10.
    Answer any one of the following in 100-125 words: [5] Gandhiji was not a loyalty to abstractions; it was a loyalty to living, human beings. Why did Gandhiji continue his stay in Champaran even after Indigo share cropping disappeared?
    Explain the reactions of the servants in Dr. Sadao’s house when he decided to give shelter to an enemy in the house.
    Gandhiji was not satisfied with mere political and economic solution so he wanted to bring about a change in the social and cultural conditions of Champaran. He noticed the unhealthy living conditions and poor sanitation in the village. He also realised the need for literacy. He decided to stay in Champaran even after the disappearance of Indigo Share Cropping. A small farmer, Rajkumar Shukla, from a small district of Champaran, helped in bring about a very prominent change. Gandhiji opened up schools in six different villages; and several of his disciples and family members volunteered as teachers. Being a staunch believer of passive resistance, Gandhiji championed the cause of the Champaran movement. His wife, Kasturba, worked on the personal cleanliness arid community sanitation of the place. Gandhiji also hired a doctor for the improvement of the health conditions.

    Thus, we can say that Gandhiji was not a loyalty to abstractions. It was loyalty to living, human beings. This also made him keen to eradicate social and cultural backwardness of Champaran. Gandhiji exulted over them and made the villagers feel self-dependent and undaunted.
    When Dr. Sadao decided to give shelter to the enemy, the servants at his house overtly expressed their disapproval. However, they did not disclose the secret to the world. For them, the white man was an enemy who did not deserve their help. Yumi, the nanny of the children, refused to wash the American who was bleeding profusely. The servants expressed this displeasure and they voiced their opinion loudly for Sadao and Hana to hear. The servants constantly pressurized the Hoki family to let out the secret and get the American caught by the police. Finally, their displeasure at their master’s decision made them decide to leave his household.

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